Augmenting Anchors by the Detector Itself

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Augmenting Anchors by the Detector Itself


It is difficult to determine the scale and aspect ratio of anchors for anchor-based object detection methods. Current state-of-the-art object detectors either determine anchor parameters according to objects' shape and scale in a dataset, or avoid this problem by utilizing anchor-free method. In this paper, we propose a gradient-free anchor augmentation method named AADI, which means Augmenting Anchors by the Detector Itself. AADI is not an anchor-free method, but it converts the scale and aspect ratio of anchors from a continuous space to a discrete space, which greatly alleviates the problem of anchors' designation. Furthermore, AADI does not add any parameters or hyper-parameters, which is beneficial for future research and downstream tasks. Extensive experiments on COCO dataset show that AADI has obvious advantages for both two-stage and single-stage methods, specifically, AADI achieves at least 2.1 AP improvements on Faster R-CNN and 1.6 AP improvements on RetinaNet, using ResNet-50 model. We hope that this simple and cost-efficient method can be widely used in object detection.

  • For RPN

    • Baseline

      Num anchors AR100 AR1000 ARs ARm ARl
      1 45.5 55.6 31.4 52.8 60.0
      3 45.7 58.0 31.4 52.7 61.1
    • Ablation Study

      dilation Anchor Guided AR100 AR1000 ARs ARm ARl
      1 52.8 60.6 40.2 60.8 63.6
      2 54.8 64.7 39.0 63.1 70.6
      2 56.3 66.7 39.5 64.9 73.4
      3 53.7 64.0 35.4 62.1 73.9
      3 55.6 67.6 36.1 64.3 77.6
      4 52.2 60.5 30.9 61.3 76.6
      4 54.4 65.5 33.0 63.7 78.9
  • For RetinaNet

    • Ablation Study

      AADI dilation AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl
      1 38.2 58.4 41.1 24.3 42.2 48.5
      1 37.3 56.4 40.2 22.0 39.9 46.8
      2 39.8 57.5 43.5 22.1 43.5 50.6
      3 38.3 54.6 41.7 20.0 43.1 51.1
    • With IoU

      AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl
      40.2 57.7 43.8 24.1 43.1 52.2
    • With 3x schedule (RetinaNet with giou, AADI with smooth l1)

      Model AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl
      RetinaNet 39.6 59.3 42.2 24.9 43.3 50.7
      AADI-RetinaNet 41.4 59.3 45.2 24.8 44.9 54.0
  • For Faster R-CNN

    • Ablation Study

      AADI dilation AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl FPS
      1(3 anchors) 37.9 58.8 41.1 22.4 41.1 49.1 26.3
      2 40.3 59.3 44.3 24.2 43.3 52.2 22.4
      3 40.8 59.5 45.0 24.0 44.6 53.1 22.4
      4 40.5 58.7 44.6 23.2 44.8 52.7 22.3
    • 3x schedule

      Backbone AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl FPS
      R-50 FPN 42.5 61.2 46.5 25.3 46.2 55.5 22.6
      DCN-50 FPN 44.1 63.1 48.2 28.3 46.9 58.4 20.1
      R-101 FPN 44.5 63.2 48.7 26.9 48.3 57.4 17.4
  • Detectron2

Detectron2 is Facebook AI Research's next generation library that provides state-of-the-art detection and segmentation algorithms. It is the successor of Detectron and maskrcnn-benchmark. It supports a number of computer vision research projects and production applications in Facebook.


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Citing Detectron2

  author =       {Yuxin Wu and Alexander Kirillov and Francisco Massa and
                  Wan-Yen Lo and Ross Girshick},
  title =        {Detectron2},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         {2019}

      title={Augmenting Anchors by the Detector Itself}, 
      author={Xiaopei Wan and Shengjie Chen and Yujiu Yang and Zhenhua Guo and Fangbo Tao},
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