This is Official implementation for "Pose-guided Feature Disentangling for Occluded Person Re-Identification Based on Transformer" in AAAI2022

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Deep LearningPFD_Net

PFD:Pose-guided Feature Disentangling for Occluded Person Re-identification based on Transformer

Python >=3.6 PyTorch >=1.6

This repo is the official implementation of "Pose-guided Feature Disentangling for Occluded Person Re-identification based on Transformer(PFD), Tao Wang, Hong Liu, Pinghao Song, Tianyu Guo& Wei Shi" in PyTorch.




  • timm==0.3.2

  • torch==1.6.0

  • numpy==1.20.2

  • yacs==0.1.8

  • opencv_python==

  • torchvision==0.7.0

  • Pillow==8.4.0


pip install -r requirements.txt

If you find some packages are missing, please install them manually.

Prepare Datasets

mkdir data

Please download the dataset, and then rename and unzip them under the data


Prepare ViT Pre-trained and HRNet Pre-trained Models

mkdir data

The ViT Pre-trained model can be found in ViT_Base, The HRNet Pre-trained model can be found in HRNet, please download it and put in the './weights' dictory.


We use One GeForce GTX 1080Ti GPU for Training Before train the model, please modify the parameters in config file, please refer to Arguments in TransReID

python --config_file {config_file path}
python --config_file 'configs/OCC_Duke/skeleton_pfd.yml'

Test the model

First download the Occluded-Duke model:Occluded-Duke

To test on pretrained model on Occ-Duke: Modify the pre-trained model path (PRETRAIN_PATH:ViT_Base, POSE_WEIGHT:HRNet, WEIGHT:Occluded-Duke) in yml, and then run:

## OccDuke for example
python --config_file 'configs/OCC_Duke/skeleton_pfd.yml'

Occluded-Duke Results

Model Image Size Rank-1 mAP
HOReID 256*128 55.1 43.8
PAT 256*128 64.5 53.6
TransReID 256*128 64.2 55.7
PFD 256*128 67.7 60.1
TransReID* 256*128 66.4 59.2
PFD* 256*128 69.5 61.8

$*$means the encoder is with a small step sliding-window setting

Occluded-REID Results

Model Image Size Rank-1 mAP
HOReID 256*128 80.3 70.2
PAT 256*128 81.6 72.1
PFD 256*128 79.8 81.3

Market-1501 Results

Model Image Size Rank-1 mAP
HOReID 256*128 80.3 70.2
PAT 256*128 95.4 88.0
TransReID 256*128 95.4 88.0
PFD 256*128 95.5 89.6


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing this paper! (preprint version will be available soon)

  Title= {Pose-guided Feature Disentangling for Occluded Person Re-identification based on Transformer},
  Author= {Tao Wang, Hong Liu, Pinhao Song, Tianyu Guo and Wei Shi},
  Booktitle= {AAAI},
  Year= {2022}


Our code is extended from the following repositories. We thank the authors for releasing the codes.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

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  • 精度达不到论文里面的数据


    作者您好,我在1501上测试了一下 就改了 /home/zqx_3090/PersonReID/PersonReID2/PFD_Net-master/configs/Market1501/skeleton_pfd.yml 这个文件,里面的参数并没有改动 改了权重的路径,和文件夹的路径 其他都没变,如何训练300轮次后 我选择最高300轮的 /home/zqx_3090/PersonReID/PersonReID2/PFD_Net-master/logs/Market/pfd_net/skeleton_transformer_300.pth 去测试 结果是 : 2021-12-28 18:23:39,417 PFDreid.test INFO: Validation Results 2021-12-28 18:23:39,417 PFDreid.test INFO: mAP: 88.2% 2021-12-28 18:23:39,418 PFDreid.test INFO: CMC curve, Rank-1 :94.8% 2021-12-28 18:23:39,418 PFDreid.test INFO: CMC curve, Rank-5 :98.3% 2021-12-28 18:23:39,418 PFDreid.test INFO: CMC curve, Rank-10 :99.0% 达不到论文的95.5 甚至不如TransReID的精度 ??? 您能看看是为什么嘛?

    MODEL: PRETRAIN_CHOICE: 'imagenet' PRETRAIN_PATH: '/home/zqx_3090/PersonReID/PersonReID2/PFD_Net-master/weights/jx_vit_base_p16_224-80ecf9dd.pth' METRIC_LOSS_TYPE: 'triplet' IF_LABELSMOOTH: 'on' IF_WITH_CENTER: 'no' NAME: 'skeleton_transformer' NO_MARGIN: True DEVICE_ID: ('2') TRANSFORMER_TYPE: 'vit_base_patch16_224_TransReID' STRIDE_SIZE: [16, 16]

    SIE_CAMERA: True SIE_COE: 3.0 JPM: True RE_ARRANGE: True NUM_HEAD: 8 DECODER_DROP_RATE: 0.1 DROP_FIRST: False NUM_DECODER_LAYER: 6 QUERY_NUM: 17 POSE_WEIGHT: '/home/zqx_3090/PersonReID/PersonReID2/PFD_Net-master/weights/pose_hrnet_w48_384x288.pth' SKT_THRES: 0.2

    INPUT: SIZE_TRAIN: [256, 128] SIZE_TEST: [256, 128] PROB: 0.5 # random horizontal flip RE_PROB: 0.5 # random erasing PADDING: 10 PIXEL_MEAN: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] PIXEL_STD: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]

    DATASETS: NAMES: ('market1501') ROOT_DIR: ('/home/zqx_3090/PersonReID/PersonReID2/PFD_Net-master/data/')



    TEST: EVAL: True IMS_PER_BATCH: 256 RE_RANKING: False WEIGHT: "/home/zqx_3090/PersonReID/PersonReID2/PFD_Net-master/logs/Market/pfd_net/skeleton_transformer_300.pth" #put your own pth NECK_FEAT: 'before' FEAT_NORM: 'yes'

    OUTPUT_DIR: 'logs/Market/pfd_net'

    opened by zqx951102 3
  • 使用您的Occluded-Duke的预训练模型达不到文中的结果


    作者您好: 感谢你做出如此优秀的工作,我按照reademe的要求在使用您的Occluded-Duke的预训练模型时,发现达不到文中所说的结果,下图是我测试的结果: image 跟论文中的结果大约相差2%,我使用的时pytorch1.7.1, cuda10.2, python3.7.13;所以我想知道这是什么原因造成的呢? 期待您的回复。

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  • There is no Occlude-REID data loader

    There is no Occlude-REID data loader

    Good work! I respect your contributions!

    I want to testing Occluded-REID dataset in your code, but there is no loader. In your code,, line 14 "from .occ_reid import Occluded_REID"

    Would you share this code?

    thank you

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