Bot Maker For Discord - Python Edition
BMFD-PE is a new version of BMFD write in Python
The Version of BMFD-PE is : alpha0.1
Longer support : Yes
BMFD-PE is a new version of BMFD write in Python
The Version of BMFD-PE is : alpha0.1
Longer support : Yes
Spotify-Wrapped This is a project about Spotify Wrapped (which is an extra option for premium accounts, but you don't need to be premium here) This pr
Heraldtron A heraldry-related bot, designed for the Heraldry Community. Requirements Python 3.9+ aiohttp (comes installed with
mai bot 使用指南 此 README 提供了最低程度的 mai bot 教程与支持。 Step 1. 安装 Python 请自行前往 下载 Python 3 版本( 3.7)并将其添加到环境变量(在安装过程中勾选 Add to system P
AquaDLBot ➠ I Can Download And Upload files To Telegram DEMO Copyright (C) 2020-2026 by [ema
Staff Bot para Discord O que é? É um bot que modera o seu servidor no Discord, apagando mensagens indesejadas que os usuários mandem! Como usar Primei
Telegram Bot to Connect Strangers How to Run Set your telegram bot token as environment variable TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=your_t
#Hoover A python wrapper used to hit the Loggly. API For more information on Hoover see ##Install With this git rep
AutoBan A discord bot that autobans blacklisted users by ID and Names Getting Started Dependencies disnake @ git+
VoteBot Discord voting bot capable of standard polls, as found in many other bots; anonymous polls, where votes are hidden and totals are only display
itunespy itunespy is a simple library to fetch data from the iTunes Store API made for Python 3.5 and beyond. Important: Since version 1.6 itunespy no
KTUN_Obis KTUN Öğrenci Bilgi Sistemi KTUN Öğrenci Bilgi Sistemine selenium kullanarak girip dosyasında verdiğiniz bilgeri doldurup ardınd
SpotPlay2YouPlay - Converts new additions to a Spotify playlist to a matching Youtube playlist, can also be configured to converting whole playlists with the refresh fun
VCBOT Fully working VC (user)Bot, based on py-tgcalls and py-tgcalls-wrapper with minimal features. Deploying To heroku: Local machine/VPS: git clone
custom-discord-bot-maker Sorry for using Translator. Each description may be inaccurate. how to use 1. Make new application at
udeline discord bot made in, which's main features include: general use server moderation fun commands other cool commands dependencies dis
Unirest for Python Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple languages, built and maintained by Mashape, who also maintain
spotify-lyrics-to-lrc Converts between Spotify's new lyrics (and their proprietary format) to an LRC file for local playback. How to use: Open Spotify
XUN_Langskip XUN 是一个基于 NoneBot 和 酷Q 的功能型QQ机器人,目前提供了音乐点播、音乐推荐、天气查询、RSSHub订阅、使用帮助、识图、识番、搜番、上车、磁力搜索、地震速报、计算、日语词典、翻译、自我检查,权限等级功能,由于是为了完成自己在群里的承诺,一时兴起才做的,所
DongTai-SDK-Python Quick start You need a config file config.json { "DongTai":{ "token":"your token", "url":""
python-intercom Not officially supported Please note that this is NOT an official Intercom SDK. The third party that maintained it reached out to us t