Serving PyTorch 1.0 Models as a Web Server in C++


Serving PyTorch Models in C++

  • This repository contains various examples to perform inference using PyTorch C++ API.
  • Run git clone in order to clone this repository.


  1. Dockerfiles can be found at docker directory. There are two dockerfiles; one for cpu and the other for cuda10. In order to build docker image, you should go to docker/cpu or docker/cuda10 directory and run docker build -t <docker-image-name> ..
  2. After creation of the docker image, you should create a docker container via docker run -v <directory-that-this-repository-resides>:<target-directory-in-docker-container> -p 8181:8181 -it <docker-image-name> (We will use 8181 to serve our PyTorch C++ model).
  3. Inside docker container, go to the directory that this repository resides.
  4. Download libtorch from PyTorch Website (CPU : - CUDA10 :
  5. Unzip libtorch via unzip. This will create libtorch directory that contains torch shared libraries and headers.

Code Structure

  • models directory stores PyTorch models.
  • libtorch directory stores C++ torch headers and shared libraries to link the model against PyTorch.
  • utils directory stores various utility function to perform inference in C++.
  • inference-cpp directory stores codes to perform inference.

Exporting PyTorch ScriptModule

  • In order to export torch.jit.ScriptModule of ResNet18 to perform C++ inference, go to models/resnet directory and run python3 It will download pretrained ResNet18 model on ImageNet and create models/resnet_model_cpu.pth and (optionally) models/resnet_model_gpu.pth which we will use in C++ inference.

Serving the C++ Model

  • We can either serve the model as a single executable or as a web server.

Single Executable

  • In order to build a single executable for inference:
    1. Go to inference-cpp/cnn-classification directory.
    2. Run ./ in order to build executable, named as predict.
    3. Run the executable via ./predict <path-to-image> <path-to-exported-script-module> <path-to-labels-file> <gpu-flag{true/false}>.
    4. Example: ./predict image.jpeg ../../models/resnet/resnet_model_cpu.pth ../../models/resnet/labels.txt false

Web Server

  • In order to build a web server for production:
    1. Go to inference-cpp/cnn-classification/server directory.
    2. Run ./ in order to build web server, named as predict.
    3. Run the binary via ./predict <path-to-exported-script-module> <path-to-labels-file> <gpu-flag{true/false}> (It will serve the model on http://localhost:8181/predict).
    4. Example: ./predict ../../../models/resnet/resnet_model_cpu.pth ../../../models/resnet/labels.txt false
    5. In order to make a request, open a new tab and run python (It will make a request to localhost:8181/predict).


  1. pytorch
  2. crow
  3. tensorflow_cpp_object_detection_web_server
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