A fire and forget command-line tool to allow for easy transitions of VPN connections between a pool of AWS machines.

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VPN Swapper

A fire and forget command-line tool to allow for easy transitions of VPN connections between a pool of AWS machines.


  • poetry - Recommended installation via pip
  • wireguard-tools - Recommended installation via brew
  • awscli - Recommended installation via brew
  • terraform - Recommended installation via brew


  1. Make sure to setup an AWS profile in awscli that has the following security policy attached: AmazonEC2FullAccess

  2. Setup a config.json file in ~/.vpn-swapper. An example can be found in config.json.example.

  3. Run the following commands to set up terraform:

cd infra
terraform init
terraform plan -out theplan
terraform apply theplan

NOTE: When running terraform plan -out theplan the variable for ingress ips need to be entered as an array of CIDR block strings. Ex: ["xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/32"]


Install dependencies:

poetry install

To connect to a VPN (or switch to a new VPN):

poetry run python3 -m vpn_swapper

Shutting Down

To disconnect from all VPN's:

poetry run python3 -m vpn_swapper --terminate

To teardown AWS infrastructure:

terraform destroy


The VPN built here is designed for IPv4 only. Make sure to disable IPv6 on any machine you use this on or it will leak


The build tools can be downloaded with

poetry install --dev

The code is linted with flake8, which can be run with

poetry run flake8

The code is tested with pytest, which can be run with

poetry run pytest -v
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