Hashcrack - A non-object oriented open source, Software for Windows/Linux made in Python 3


Multi Force

This project is a non-object oriented open source, Software for Windows/Linux made in Python 3


You will need:

  • Python 3.6+ (Make sure to add python to PATH during installation)
  • A Windows/Linux Computer
  • Can be run on terminal emulator such as termux...
  1. Download the repository via github or git eg. git clone https://github.com/XnetwolfX/MultiForce
  2. install the required modules by running python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Currently this program crack those hash:

  • md5
  • sha1
  • sha224
  • sha256
  • sha384
  • sha512
  • blake2b
  • blake2s

Quick Usage

  1. Run main.py and follow the instructions on screen
  2. You can use the provided modules made by me for other program check: `https://github.com/Xnetwolf/hashwolf
  3. Specifie hash type and also in hash input (b'{hash}') the b is for binary either way program won't work


If you need any help at all, feel free to open a "help" issue.

Error / Bugs

If you find any error, feel free to let me know



Project Created by Rad Taren am owning many nicknames(Netwolf, Radiationbolt) My old repo: https://github.com/XnetwolfX


This program is for educational purposes only! I take no responsibility or liability for own personal use.


copyright (c) Rad Taren. All rights reserved.

[license] under MIT(./license)

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