WebLogic T3/IIOP RCE ExternalizableHelper.class of coherence.jar
project base on and weblogic_cmd
test on and jdk 1.8.0_221
WebLogic T3/IIOP RCE ExternalizableHelper.class of coherence.jar
project base on and weblogic_cmd
test on and jdk 1.8.0_221
Signalum A Linux Package to detect and analyze existing connections from wifi and bluetooth. Also checkout the Desktop Application. Signalum Installat
Monty Hall Problem Simulation monty_hall_sim is a brute-force method of determining the optimal strategy for the Monty Hall Problem. Usage Set boolean
清单 披露时间 涉及商家/产品 漏洞描述 2021/04/08 启明星辰天清汉马USG防火墙存在逻辑缺陷漏洞(历史漏洞) CNVD-2021-17391 启明星辰 天清汉马USG防火墙 逻辑缺陷漏洞 CNVD-2021-12793 2021/04/08 禅道项目管理软件11.6 禅道 11.6 sq
Common Security Pipeline Описание проекта: Данный проект является вариантом реализации DevSecOps практик, на базе: GitLab DefectDojo OpenSouce tools g
Natural Language Processing (DIS25a/NLP) This course can be taken for the Bachelor Programm Data and Information Science (DIS25a) or the Master Progra
Backdoor This is a Backdoor, created with Python 3. Types of Commands: Downloading / Uploading files. Launching / Deleting / Reading file's content. S
shell-reverse Uma ferramenta de segurança da informação escrita em python3, capaz de dar acesso total ao computador de alguém! A cybersecurity tool wr
Crowbar - A windows post exploitation tool Status - ✔️ This project is now considered finished. Any updates from now on will most likely be new script
CVE-2021-33044 Dahua IPC/VTH/VTO devices auth bypass exploit About: The identity authentication bypass vulnerability found in some Dahua products duri
ScratchABit is an interactive incremental disassembler with data/control flow analysis capabilities. ScratchABit is dedicated to the effor
Simple OSINT script to find Instagram profiles by name and e-mail/phone
This program is an non-object oriented opensource, hidden and undetectable backdoor/reverse shell/RAT for Windows made in Python 3 which contains many features such as multi-client support and cross-
JS Deobfuscation is a Python script that deobfuscate JS code and it's time saver for you. Although it may not work with high degrees of obfuscation, it's a pretty nice tool to help you even if it's j
💳 Credit Card Checker (CC Checker) & Mass SK Checker & Generator 💳
CVE-2021-26855 Brute Force EMail Exchange Server Timeline: Monday, March 8, 2021: Update Dumping content...(I'm not done, can u guy help me done this
Hive Burp Suite Extension Description Hive extension for Burp Suite. This extension allows you to send data from Burp to Hive in one click. Create iss
Yara Manager A simple program to manage your yara ruleset in a (sqlite) database. Todos Search rules and descriptions Cluster rules in rulesets Enforc
cve-2022-23131 cve-2022-23131 zabbix-saml-bypass-exp replace [zbx_signed_session
Security-System Security System using OpenCV Files in this Repository: - This file contains python code to send an email when something
logmap - Log4j2 jndi injection fuzz tool Used for fuzzing to test whether there are log4j2 jndi injection vulnerabilities in header/body/path Use http