Lamblayer: a minimal deployment tool for AWS Lambda layers



lamblayer is a minimal deployment tool for AWS Lambda layers.

lamblayer does,

  • Create a Layers of built pip-installable python packages.
  • Create a Layers from local directory.
  • Update function Layers.

That's all.



$ pip install git+[email protected]

Github Actions

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/[email protected]
      - uses: YU-SUKETAKAHASHI/[email protected]
          version: v0.1.0
      - run: |
          lamblayer set

Quick start

Try migrate your existing Lambda function quick_start.

$ mkdir quick_start
$ cd quick-start
$ lamblayer init --function-name quick_start
2021-12-24 10:13:41,225: [INFO]: lamblayer : v0.1.0
2021-12-24 10:13:42,132: [INFO]: starting init quick_start
2021-12-24 10:13:42,318: [INFO]: createing function.json
2021-12-24 10:13:42,319: [INFO]: completed

Now you can set layer to quick_start fuction using lamblayer set.

$ lamblayer set
2021-12-24 10:23:34,041: [INFO]: lamblayer : v0.3.0
2021-12-24 10:23:35,312: [INFO]: starting set layers to quick_start
2021-12-24 10:23:35,723: [INFO]: completed


Usage: lamblayer [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  lamblayer : v0.1.0

  lamblayer is a minimal deployment tool for AWS Lambda Layers.

  --profile TEXT                  AWS credential profile
  --region TEXT                   AWS region
                                  log level  [default: (INFO)]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  create   create a layer.
  init     initialize function.json
  list     show list of the layers.
  set      set layers to function.
  version  show lamblayer's version number.


Initialize set_layer.json by existing function.

Usage: lamblayer init [OPTIONS]

  initialize function.json

  --profile TEXT                  AWS credential profile
  --region TEXT                   AWS region
                                  log level
  --function-name TEXT            function name for initialize  [default:
  --download                      download all, or not  [default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

lamblayer init create set_layer.json as a configration file for layers of the function.

lamblayer init --function-name your_function_name

If --download is selected, download all layer zip contents at ./{layer_name}


Create a layer of built pip-installable python packages, or from local directory.

Usage: lamblayer create [OPTIONS]

  create a layer.

  --profile TEXT                  AWS credential profile
  --region TEXT                   AWS region
                                  log level
  --packages TEXT                 packages file path  [default:
  --src TEXT                      a root directory to put in the layer.
                                  [default: (.)]
  --wrap-dir1 TEXT                a wrap directory1 name
  --wrap-dir2 TEXT                a wrap directory2 name
  --layer TEXT                    layer config file  [default: layer.json]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
  1. pip-installable packages

Creating a layer of pip-installable python packages, spesify packages config file with --packages, and layer config file with --layer.

lamblayer create --packages packages.json --layer layer.json

Note: This option is currently not available. Coming soon!!

  1. from local directory

Creating a layer from local directory, spesify src directory with --src, and layer config file with --layer.

lamblayer create --src my_packages --layer.json

In layers, you have to place script files in the python directory, but lamblayer can handle the placing for you. You can wrap your package using --wrap-dir1 and --wrap-dir2.


your dir tree,

├── layer.json
└── my_package


lamblayer create --src my_package --wrap-dir1 python

now, created layer dir tree.



your dir tree,

├── layer.json
└── my_package


lamblayer create --src my_package --wrap-dir1 python --wrap-dir2 my_package

now, created layer dir tree.

└── my_package


packages.json is a difinition for LayerZip. These attributes will be used for LayerZip API call.

    "Arch": "x86_64",
    "Runtime": "py39",
    "Packages": [

Arch (string): the instruction set architecture you want for your function code. [x86_64 | arm64]

Runtime (string): the language of your lambda that uses this layer. [py37 | py38 | py39]

Packages (list, string): the pip-installable packages name. You can specify version of package in the same way as pip install.


layer.json is a definition for Lambda layers. JSON structure is based from PublishLayerVersion for Lambda API.

    "LayerName": "numpy_requests",
    "Description": "numpy==1.20.2, requests",
    "CompatibleRuntimes": [
    "LicenseInfo": ""


Set layers to the function.

Usage: lamblayer set [OPTIONS]

  set layers to function.

  --profile TEXT                  AWS credential profile
  --region TEXT                   AWS region
                                  log level
  --function TEXT                 function config file  [default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

lamblayer set changes the configration of the function for layers.

lamblayer set --set-layer set_layer.json


function.json is a definition for Lambda function. JSON structure is part of CreateFunction for Lambda API.

    "FunctionName": "lamblayer",
    "Layers": [

If the name of layer is only passed, completes it to the ARN(Amazon Resourse Name) with the latest version number.

ex) arn:aws:lambda:{your_region}:{your_accountid}:layer:lambdarider_layer:{latest_version_number}


Show List of the layers.

Usage: lamblayer list [OPTIONS]

  show list of the layers.

  --profile TEXT                  AWS credential profile
  --region TEXT                   AWS region
                                  log level
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
lamblayer list


MIT License

Copyright© 2021 Yusuke Takahashi

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