Pose estimation with MoveNet Lightning


Pose Estimation With MoveNet Lightning

MoveNet is the TensorFlow pre-trained model that identifies 17 different key points of the human body. It is the fastest model that detects the key points at a speed >50fps.

For more information just visit the following link:
Click Here


Animation Showing Pose Estimation

Animation Showing Pose Estimation With My Web Camera

Download MoveNet Lighting Model(Single-Pose)

Click on this link to download the model from Tensorflow Hub: Download Model


Create a Virtual Environment & Install all the following required dependencies.

pip install tensorflow
pip install tensorflow-gpu
pip install opencv-python
pip install argparse

Note: It is not mandatory to install tensorflow-gpu but if you have GPU on your machine you can install it.


Just execute the requirements.txt file by running the following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt


Just clone this repository to get the code by using the following command.

git clone https://github.com/Yash-Vora/Pose-Estimation-With-MoveNet-Lightining.git


There are three arguments that you can pass from the cmd/terminal:
--path - Path of video
--threshold_value - Pass threshold value between 0 to 1
--output - Path to store the output of video/webcam

Go to cmd/terminal/powershell and write the following commands to run this script.

  1. It will detect key points from the video with a threshold value and output path.
python detect.py --path 'Input_Video/video.mp4' --threshold_value 0.4 --output 'Output_Video/output_video.avi'
  1. It will detect key points from the video without threshold value(default value is 0.4) and output path.
python detect.py --path 'Input_Video/video.mp4'
  1. It will detect key points from the video with output path and without threshold value(default value is 0.4).
python detect.py --path 'Input_Video/video.mp4' --output 'Output_Video/output_video.avi'
  1. It will detect key points from the webcam with a threshold value and output path.
python detect.py --threshold_value 0.4 --output 'Output_Video/output_webcam.avi'
  1. It will detect key points from the webcam without threshold value(default value is 0.4) and output path.
python detect.py
  1. It will detect key points from webcam with output path and without threshold value(default value is 0.4).
python detect.py --output 'Output_Video/output_webcam.avi'
Yash Vora
I am data science and machine learning enthusiast.
Yash Vora
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