Implementation of our paper 'RESA: Recurrent Feature-Shift Aggregator for Lane Detection' in AAAI2021.

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PyTorch implementation of the paper "RESA: Recurrent Feature-Shift Aggregator for Lane Detection".

Our paper has been accepted by AAAI2021.



  • RESA shifts sliced feature map recurrently in vertical and horizontal directions and enables each pixel to gather global information.
  • RESA achieves SOTA results on CULane and Tusimple Dataset.

Get started

  1. Clone the RESA repository

    git clone

    We call this directory as $RESA_ROOT

  2. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it (conda is optional)

    conda create -n resa python=3.8 -y
    conda activate resa
  3. Install dependencies

    # Install pytorch firstly, the cudatoolkit version should be same in your system. (you can also use pip to install pytorch and torchvision)
    conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
    # Or you can install via pip
    pip install torch torchvision
    # Install python packages
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Data preparation

    Download CULane and Tusimple. Then extract them to $CULANEROOT and $TUSIMPLEROOT. Create link to data directory.

    cd $RESA_ROOT
    mkdir -p data
    ln -s $CULANEROOT data/CULane
    ln -s $TUSIMPLEROOT data/tusimple

    For CULane, you should have structure like this:

    $CULANEROOT/driver_xx_xxframe    # data folders x6
    $CULANEROOT/laneseg_label_w16    # lane segmentation labels
    $CULANEROOT/list                 # data lists

    For Tusimple, you should have structure like this:

    $TUSIMPLEROOT/clips # data folders
    $TUSIMPLEROOT/lable_data_xxxx.json # label json file x4
    $TUSIMPLEROOT/test_tasks_0627.json # test tasks json file
    $TUSIMPLEROOT/test_label.json # test label json file

    For Tusimple, the segmentation annotation is not provided, hence we need to generate segmentation from the json annotation.

    python scripts/ --root $TUSIMPLEROOT
    # this will generate seg_label directory
  5. Install CULane evaluation tools.

    This tools requires OpenCV C++. Please follow here to install OpenCV C++. Or just install opencv with command sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev

    Then compile the evaluation tool of CULane.

    cd $RESA_ROOT/runner/evaluator/culane/lane_evaluation
    cd -

    Note that, the default opencv version is 3. If you use opencv2, please modify the OPENCV_VERSION := 3 to OPENCV_VERSION := 2 in the Makefile.


For training, run

python [configs/path_to_your_config] --gpus [gpu_ids]

For example, run

python configs/ --gpus 0 1 2 3


For testing, run

python c[configs/path_to_your_config] --validate --load_from [path_to_your_model] [gpu_num]

For example, run

python configs/ --validate --load_from culane_resnet50.pth --gpus 0 1 2 3

python configs/ --validate --load_from tusimple_resnet34.pth --gpus 0 1 2 3

We provide two trained ResNet models on CULane and Tusimple, downloading our best performed model (Tusimple: GoogleDrive/BaiduDrive(code:s5ii), CULane: GoogleDrive/BaiduDrive(code:rlwj) )


      title={RESA: Recurrent Feature-Shift Aggregator for Lane Detection}, 
      author={Tu Zheng and Hao Fang and Yi Zhang and Wenjian Tang and Zheng Yang and Haifeng Liu and Deng Cai},
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