Um programa simples em python, utilizando a biblioteca gráfica Tkinter para randomizar perguntas e respostas contidas em arquivos de texto.
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network This software implements the Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN), a combination of CNN, RNN and CTC l
OCR 第一届西安交通大学人工智能实践大赛(2018AI实践大赛--图片文字识别)冠军 模型结果 该比赛计算每一个条目的f1score,取所有条目的平均,具体计算方式在这里。这里的计算方式不对一句话里的相同文字重复计算,故f1score比提交的最终结果低: - train val f1score 0
A flexible and extensible framework for gait recognition. You can focus on designing your own models and comparing with state-of-the-arts easily with the help of OpenGait.
Face Anonymizer - FaceAnonApp v1.0 Blur faces from image and video files in /data/files folder. Contents Repo of the source files for the FaceAnonApp.
GenshinAutoPlayBalladsofBreeze 原神风花节自动弹琴辅助(已适配1920*1080分辨率) 本程序基于opencv图像识别技术,不存在任何封号。 因为正确率取决于你的cpu性能,10900k都不一定全对。 由于图像识别存在误差,根本无法确定出错时间。更不用说被检测到了。
A curated list of awesome anomaly detection works in medical imaging, inspired by the other awesome-* initiatives.
NRSC5-DUI is a graphical interface for nrsc5. It makes it easy to play your favorite FM HD radio stations using an RTL-SDR dongle. It will also displa
Opencv-Face-Recognition Opencv face recognition desktop application Program developed by Gustavo Wydler Azuaga - 2021-11-19 Screenshots of the program
Deskew //Note: Skew is measured in degrees. Deskewing is a process whereby skew is removed by rotating an image by the same amount as its skew but in
TextBoxes++-TensorFlow TextBoxes++ re-implementation using tensorflow. This project is greatly inspired by slim project And many functions are modifie
building-feature-recognition In this repository, we accomplished building feature recognition using traditional/dl-assisted computer vision method. Th
👀 OpenCV 101 Introduction to image processing, most used and popular functions of OpenCV go here.
OpenCV-CameraCalibration-Example FishEyeCameraCalibration.mp4 OpenCVを用いたカメラキャリブレーションのサンプルです 2021/06/21時点でPython実装のある以下3種類について用意しています。 通常カメラ向け 魚眼レンズ向け(
⭐ Python Digit Recogniser A simple digit Recogniser made in Python Demo Run Locally Clone the project git clone https://github.com/yashraj-n/python-
Oriented RepPoints for Aerial Object Detection The code for the implementation of “Oriented RepPoints”, Under review. (arXiv preprint) Introduction Or
Description This is a PyTorch Re-Implementation of EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector. Only RBOX part is implemented. Using dice loss
In this project, we have built a driver drowsiness detection system that will detect if the eyes of the driver are close for too long and infer if the driver is sleepy or inactive.
Corner-based Region Proposal Network CRPN is a two-stage detection framework for multi-oriented scene text. It employs corners to estimate the possibl
ipysketch A Python package for handwriting and sketching in Jupyter notebooks. Usage A movie is worth a thousand pictures is worth a million words...
Responsive Doc. scanner using U^2-Net, Textcleaner and Tesseract Toolset U^2-Net is used for background removal Textcleaner is used for image cleaning