A benchmark for the task of translation suggestion


WeTS: A Benchmark for Translation Suggestion

Translation Suggestion (TS), which provides alternatives for specific words or phrases given the entire documents translated by machine translation (MT) has been proven to play a significant role in post editing (PE). WeTS is a benchmark data set for TS, which is annotated by expert translators. WeTS contains corpus(train/dev/test) for four different translation directions, i.e., English2German, German2English, Chinese2English and English2Chinese.



WeTS is a benchmark dataset for TS, where all the examples are annotated by expert translators. As far as we know, this is the first golden corpus for TS. The statistics about WeTS are listed in the following table:

Translation Direction Train Valid Test
English2German 14,957 1000 1000
German2English 11,777 1000 1000
English2Chinese 15,769 1000 1000
Chinese2English 21,213 1000 1000

For corpus in each direction, the data is organized as:
direction.split.src: the source-side sentences
direction.split.mask: the masked translation sentences, the placeholder is "<MASK>"
direction.split.tgt: the predicted suggestions, the test set for English2Chinese has three references for each example

direction: En2De, De2En, Zh2En, En2Zh
split: train, dev, test


We release the pre-trained NMT models which are used to generate the MT sentences. Additionally, the released NMT models can be used to generate synthetic corpus for TS, which can improve the final performance dramatically.Detailed description about the way of generating synthetic corpus can be found in our paper.

The released models can be downloaded at:

Download the models

and the password is "2iyk"

For inference with the released model, we can:

sh inference_*direction*.sh 

direction can be: en2de, de2en, en2zh, zh2en

Get Started

data preprocessing

sh process.sh 


Codes for the first-phase pre-training are not included in this repo, as we directly utilized the codes of XLM (https://github.com/facebookresearch/XLM) with little modiafication. And we did not achieve much gains with the first-phase pretraining.

The second-phase pre-training:

sh preptraining.sh


sh finetuning.sh

Codes in this repo is mainly forked from fairseq (https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq.git)


Please cite the following paper if you found the resources in this repository useful.

  title={WeTS: A Benchmark for Translation Suggestion},
  author={Yang, Zhen and Zhang, Yingxue and Li, Ernan and Meng, Fandong and Zhou, Jie},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.05151},



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