Unified tracking framework with a single appearance model

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Deep LearningUniTrack

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Paper: Do different tracking tasks require different appearance model?

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UniTrack is a simple and Unified framework for versatile visual Tracking tasks.

As an important problem in computer vision, tracking has been fragmented into a multitude of different experimental setups. As a consequence, the literature has fragmented too, and now the novel approaches proposed by the community are usually specialized to fit only one specific setup. To understand to what extend this specialization is actually necessary, we present UniTrack, a solution to address multiple different tracking tasks within the same framework. All tasks share the same universal appearance model. UniTrack enjoys the following advantages,

Tasks & Framework



We classify existing tracking tasks along four axes: (1) Single or multiple targets; (2) Users specify targets or automatic detectors specify targets; (3) Observation formats (bounding box/mask/pose); (2) Class-agnostic or class-specific (i.e. human/vehicles). We mainly expriment on 5 tasks: SOT, VOS, MOT, MOTS, and PoseTrack. Task setups are summarized in the above figure.

Appearance model

An appearance model is the only learnable component in UniTrack. It should provide universal visual representation, and is usually pre-trained on large-scale dataset in supervised or unsupervised manners. Typical examples include ImageNet pre-trained ResNets (supervised), and recent self-supervised models such as MoCo and SimCLR (unsupervised).

Propagation and Association

Two fundamental algorithm building blocks in UniTrack. Both employ features extracted by the appearance model as input. For propagation we adopt exiting methods such as cross correlation, DCF, and mask propation. For association we employ a simple algorithm and develop a novel similarity metric to make full use of the appearance model.


Below we show results of UniTrack with a simple ImageNet Pre-trained ResNet-18 as the appearance model. More results (other tasks/datasets, more visualization) can be found in results.md.

Qualitative results

Single Object Tracking (SOT) on OTB-2015

Video Object Segmentation (VOS) on DAVIS-2017 val split

Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) on MOT-16 test set private detector track (Detections from FairMOT)

Multiple Object Tracking and Segmentation (MOTS) on MOTS challenge test set (Detections from COSTA_st)

Pose Tracking on PoseTrack-2018 val split (Detections from LightTrack)

Quantitative results

Single Object Tracking (SOT) on OTB-2015

Method SiamFC SiamRPN SiamRPN++ UDT* UDT+* LUDT* LUDT+* UniTrack_XCorr* UniTrack_DCF*
AUC 58.2 63.7 69.6 59.4 63.2 60.2 63.9 55.5 61.8

* indicates non-supervised methods

Video Object Segmentation (VOS) on DAVIS-2017 val split

Method SiamMask FeelVOS STM Colorization* TimeCycle* UVC* CRW* VFS* UniTrack*
J-mean 54.3 63.7 79.2 34.6 40.1 56.7 64.8 66.5 58.4

* indicates non-supervised methods

Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) on MOT-16 test set private detector track

Method POI DeepSORT-2 JDE CTrack TubeTK TraDes CSTrack FairMOT* UniTrack*
IDF-1 65.1 62.2 55.8 57.2 62.2 64.7 71.8 72.8 71.8
IDs 805 781 1544 1897 1236 1144 1071 1074 683
MOTA 66.1 61.4 64.4 67.6 66.9 70.1 70.7 74.9 74.7

* indicates methods using the same detections

Multiple Object Tracking and Segmentation (MOTS) on MOTS challenge test set

Method TrackRCNN SORTS PointTrack GMPHD COSTA_st* UniTrack*
IDF-1 42.7 57.3 42.9 65.6 70.3 67.2
IDs 567 577 868 566 421 622
sMOTA 40.6 55.0 62.3 69.0 70.2 68.9

* indicates methods using the same detections

Pose Tracking on PoseTrack-2018 val split

Method MDPN OpenSVAI Miracle KeyTrack LightTrack* UniTrack*
IDF-1 - - - - 52.2 73.2
IDs - - - - 3024 6760
sMOTA 50.6 62.4 64.0 66.6 64.8 63.5

* indicates methods using the same detections

Getting started


Update log

[2021.6.24]: Start writing docs, please stay tuned!


VideoWalk by Allan A. Jabri

SOT code by Zhipeng Zhang

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