A community-supported supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents


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Paperless-ngx is a document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive so you can keep, well, less paper.

Paperless-ngx forked from paperless-ng to continue the great work and distribute responsibility of supporting and advancing the project among a team of people. Consider joining us! Discussion of this transition can be found in issues #1599 and #1632.

A demo is available at demo.paperless-ngx.com using login demo / demo. Note: demo content is reset frequently and confidential information should not be uploaded.


Dashboard Dashboard

  • Organize and index your scanned documents with tags, correspondents, types, and more.
  • Performs OCR on your documents, adds selectable text to image only documents and adds tags, correspondents and document types to your documents.
  • Supports PDF documents, images, plain text files, and Office documents (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and LibreOffice equivalents).
    • Office document support is optional and provided by Apache Tika (see configuration)
  • Paperless stores your documents plain on disk. Filenames and folders are managed by paperless and their format can be configured freely.
  • Single page application front end.
    • Includes a dashboard that shows basic statistics and has document upload.
    • Filtering by tags, correspondents, types, and more.
    • Customizable views can be saved and displayed on the dashboard.
  • Full text search helps you find what you need.
    • Auto completion suggests relevant words from your documents.
    • Results are sorted by relevance to your search query.
    • Highlighting shows you which parts of the document matched the query.
    • Searching for similar documents ("More like this")
  • Email processing: Paperless adds documents from your email accounts.
    • Configure multiple accounts and filters for each account.
    • When adding documents from mail, paperless can move these mail to a new folder, mark them as read, flag them as important or delete them.
  • Machine learning powered document matching.
    • Paperless-ngx learns from your documents and will be able to automatically assign tags, correspondents and types to documents once you've stored a few documents in paperless.
  • Optimized for multi core systems: Paperless-ngx consumes multiple documents in parallel.
  • The integrated sanity checker makes sure that your document archive is in good health.
  • More screenshots are available in the documentation.

Getting started

The easiest way to deploy paperless is docker-compose. The files in the /docker/compose directory are configured to pull the image from Github Packages.

If you'd like to jump right in, you can configure a docker-compose environment with our install script:

bash -c "$(curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx/main/install-paperless-ngx.sh)"

Alternatively, you can install the dependencies and setup apache and a database server yourself. The documentation has a step by step guide on how to do it.

Migrating from Paperless-ng is easy, just drop in the new docker image! See the documentation on migrating for more details.


The documentation for Paperless-ngx is available on ReadTheDocs.


If you feel like contributing to the project, please do! Bug fixes, enhancements, visual fixes etc. are always welcome. If you want to implement something big: Please start a discussion about that! The documentation has some basic information on how to get started.

Community Support

People interested in continuing the work on paperless-ngx are encouraged to reach out here on github and in the Matrix Room. If you would like to contribute to the project on an ongoing basis there are multiple teams (frontend, ci/cd, etc) that could use your help so please reach out!


Paperless-ngx is available in many languages that are coordinated on Crowdin. If you want to help out by translating paperless-ngx into your language, please head over to https://crwd.in/paperless-ngx, and thank you! More details can be found in CONTRIBUTING.md.

Feature Requests

Feature requests can be submitted via GitHub Discussions, you can search for existing ideas, add your own and vote for the ones you care about.


For bugs please open an issue or start a discussion if you have questions.

Affiliated Projects

Paperless has been around a while now, and people are starting to build stuff on top of it. If you're one of those people, we can add your project to this list:

  • Paperless App: An Android/iOS app for Paperless-ngx. Also works with the original Paperless and Paperless-ng.
  • Paperless Share. Share any files from your Android application with paperless. Very simple, but works with all of the mobile scanning apps out there that allow you to share scanned documents.
  • Scan to Paperless: Scan and prepare (crop, deskew, OCR, ...) your documents for Paperless.

These projects also exist, but their status and compatibility with paperless-ngx is unknown.

  • paperless-cli: A golang command line binary to interact with a Paperless instance.

This project also exists, but needs updates to be compatible with paperless-ngx.

  • Paperless Desktop: A desktop UI for your Paperless installation. Runs on Mac, Linux, and Windows. Known issues on Mac: (Could not load reminders and documents)

Important Note

Document scanners are typically used to scan sensitive documents. Things like your social insurance number, tax records, invoices, etc. Everything is stored in the clear without encryption. This means that Paperless should never be run on an untrusted host. Instead, I recommend that if you do want to use it, run it locally on a server in your own home.

  • Feature barcode splitter

    Feature barcode splitter

    As discussed in #285 here is the PR of a feature to split documents based on barcode separator pages.

    I'd greatly appreciate any feedback and code review.

    I'll update the PR accordingly.

    @paperless-ngx/backend (Python / django, database, etc.) @paperless-ngx/test (General testing for larger PRs)

    Type of change

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • [ ] Other (please explain)


    • [x] I have read & agree with the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] If applicable, I have tested my code for new features & regressions on both mobile & desktop devices, using the latest version of major browsers.
    • [x] If applicable, I have checked that all tests pass, see documentation.
    • [x] I have run all pre-commit hooks, see documentation.
    • [x] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation as needed.
    • [x] I have checked my modifications for any breaking changes.

    Copied from discussion:

    I decided to implement solution three. I added the code to tasks.py, since it is the central point for consuming. Feature now include:

    • Add an option to enable or disable the barcode splitter.
    • Make the barcode string configurable
    • If enabled, documents added through the UI, consume directory or email will be split upon the barcode pages
    • the new files will pe prefixed with a count and copied to the consumption dir
    • the original file will be deleted, once completely split
    • the new files get consumed by the default consumer, since the barcode pages have been removed

    Things I did:

    • Added the logic
    • Added the new package dependencies to the github ci and Dockerimage
    • Added unittests for the new functions
    • Added the config options
    • Added a paragraph to the settings documentation
    • Tested with sample pdfs from the web-ui using docker-compose on the local paperless-ngx instance

    Things that still need to be done:

    • Add to changelog
    • Add to documentation / feature list
    • Way more extensive testing. Including email and consumption directory
    • Due to the library used, this will only work with pdfs right now. A TIFF Implementation is planed, though.
    enhancement backend 
    opened by gador 62
  • Feature: Dynamic document storage paths

    Feature: Dynamic document storage paths

    Proposed change

    What I like about Paperless is the flexibility to provide a file-based document structure, as this allows for easy consumption of the documents with file-based replication. But, the "one size fits all" solution with PAPERLESS_FILENAME_FORMAT is not enough.

    The change is simple:

    • Added storage pathes, where each entry is a different PAPERLESS_FILENAME_FORMAT
    • Each document get's a storage path assigned via existing matching mechanisms (all, exact, regular, fuzzy, auto), but is adjustable by the user at any time
    • file_handling.py has been modified to use the per document filename format
    • The implementation is complete, also adding bulk-actions, filtering, proposals to the UI and admin interface. I hope I didn't miss anything
    Screenshot 2022-05-10 at 17 23 14


    I use specific type of storage layouts for different purposes:

    • Everything related to warranty claims is a flat directory with file names like Warranty/2022-04 Correspondent Title.pdf

    • Insurance communication go into Insurance/Correspondent/..., whereas related receipts get sorted by year Insurance/Correspondent/Year/...

    This also allows easy file-based consumption of related documents. The maintenance/assignment gets a no-brainer with auto learning enabled.


    The change is non-intrusive and fully backward compatible.

    Not using storage pathes or not having one assigned forces the system into using PAPERLESS_FILENAME_FORMAT.

    Known limitations

    • If an existing storage path get's adjusted, this can only be fixed by running document_renamer again
    • There is a breaking change implemented regarding file naming. The implementation removes empty pathes and parts of the filename that would otherwise resolve to none. This is feature-flagged with PAPERLESS_FILENAME_REMOVE_NONE, defaulting to No and such being backward compatible with the existing behaviour.

    Type of change

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [X] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • [ ] Other (please explain)


    • [X] I have read & agree with the contributing guidelines.
    • [X] If applicable, I have tested my code for new features & regressions on both mobile & desktop devices, using the latest version of major browsers.
    • [X] If applicable, I have checked that all tests pass, see documentation.
    • [X] I have run all pre-commit hooks, see documentation.
    • [x] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation as needed.
    • [X] I have checked my modifications for any breaking changes.
    non-trivial backend frontend work-in-progress 
    opened by mskg 49
  • [BUG] Login fails due to CSRF issue - (Origin checking failed - null does not match any trusted origins.)

    [BUG] Login fails due to CSRF issue - (Origin checking failed - null does not match any trusted origins.)


    This is likely related to bug #712 but slightly different. After setting up PAPERLESS_URL login is failing with "CSRF verification failed. Request aborted." Looking at the log output from paperless I see: [2022-04-27 08:37:27,580] [WARNING] [django.security.csrf] Forbidden (Origin checking failed - null does not match any trusted origins.): /paperless/accounts/login/

    Note that it is reporting 'null' as the host rather than the actual hostname (or server_name) I am running paperless-ngx from within docker but on a different docker stack than my reverse proxy so proxy is via host interface IP rather than via localhost

    == relevant section from docker-compose.yml section ==

          LANG: en_AU.UTF-8
          USERMAP_UID: 1000
          USERMAP_GID: 1000
          PAPERLESS_TIME_ZONE: Australia/Sydney
          PAPERLESS_FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME: /paperless
          PAPERLESS_REDIS: redis://broker:6379
          PAPERLESS_FILENAME_FORMAT: "{correspondent}/{created_year}/{created_year}-{created_month}-{created_day}_{correspondent}-{title}"
          PAPERLESS_SECRET_KEY: thisisnottherealsecretimnotthatsilly
          PAPERLESS_URL: https://home.xxxxxxxxx.com

    == end docker-compose.yml ==

    == relevant nginx reverse-proxy section ==

    location /paperless/ {
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name;
        proxy_redirect off;
        proxy_read_timeout 86400;
        # Websocket
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        client_max_body_size 50M;

    == end nginx config ==

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Upgrade to 1.7.0
    3. Attempt login

    Webserver logs

    [2022-04-27 08:37:27,580] [WARNING] [django.security.csrf] Forbidden (Origin checking failed - null does not match any trusted origins.): /paperless/accounts/login/


    No response

    Paperless-ngx version


    Host OS

    debian 11

    Installation method




    Configuration changes

    No response


    No response

    bug backend unconfirmed 
    opened by cjd 43
  • [BUG] Classifier training much slower in 1.8.0 on aarch64

    [BUG] Classifier training much slower in 1.8.0 on aarch64


    Version 1.7.1 is working fine. When I update to 1.8.0 everything is working fine for 5 minutes and then htop shows me that "python3 manage.py qcluster" is using more than 100% of cpu, the whole system becomes unreachable. I have to manually reboot.

    Steps to reproduce

    • Deploy paperless 1.8.0
    • Wait 5 minutes for crash

    Here's my docker-compose file:

    version: "3.4"
        image: docker.io/library/redis:6.0
        restart: unless-stopped
          - /mnt/dietpi_userdata/portainer/paperless/redis:/data
        image: docker.io/library/postgres:13
        restart: unless-stopped
          - /mnt/dietpi_userdata/portainer/paperless/pgdb:/var/lib/postgresql/data
          POSTGRES_DB: paperless
          POSTGRES_USER: paperless
          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: paperless
        image: ghcr.io/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx:1.8.0
        restart: unless-stopped
          - db
          - broker
          - 8000:8000
          test: ["CMD", "curl", "-fs", "-S", "--max-time", "2", "http://localhost:8000"]
          interval: 30s
          timeout: 10s
          retries: 5
          - /mnt/dietpi_userdata/portainer/paperless/p-data:/usr/src/paperless/data
          - /mnt/docs/Paperless/media:/usr/src/paperless/media
          - /mnt/docs/Paperless/export:/usr/src/paperless/export
          - /mnt/docs/Paperless/00.consume:/usr/src/paperless/consume
          PAPERLESS_REDIS: redis://broker:6379
          PAPERLESS_DBHOST: db
          USERMAP_UID: 1000
          USERMAP_GID: 1000
          PAPERLESS_SECRET_KEY: secret
          PAPERLESS_TIME_ZONE: Europe/Paris
          PAPERLESS_FILENAME_FORMAT: "{correspondent}/{document_type}/{created_year}{created_month}{created_day}-{title}"
          PAPERLESS_ALLOWED_HOSTS: "localhost,,https://paperless.domain.tld"
          PAPERLESS_URL: "https://paperless.domain.tld"

    Webserver logs

    Latest lines before crash : 
    [2022-08-05 16:04:27,710] [INFO] [paperless.migrations] Conversion to WebP completed, replaced 0000098.png with 0000098.webp
    [2022-08-05 16:04:27,991] [INFO] [paperless.migrations] Conversion to WebP completed, replaced 0000606.png with 0000606.webp
    [2022-08-05 16:04:28,020] [INFO] [paperless.migrations] Conversion completed in 108.198s
    [2022-08-05 16:04:52,979] [INFO] [paperless.management.consumer] Polling directory for changes: /usr/src/paperless/consume
    [2022-08-05 16:05:25,902] [INFO] [paperless.classifier] Classifier version updated, will re-train
    [2022-08-05 16:05:26,009] [DEBUG] [paperless.classifier] Gathering data from database...
    [2022-08-05 16:05:50,886] [DEBUG] [paperless.classifier] 913 documents, 27 tag(s), 59 correspondent(s), 29 document type(s). 0 storage path(es)
    [2022-08-05 16:05:56,180] [DEBUG] [paperless.classifier] Vectorizing data...
    [2022-08-05 16:06:18,812] [DEBUG] [paperless.classifier] Training tags classifier...

    Paperless-ngx version


    Host OS

    Device model : ROCK64 (aarch64), running debian (dietpi)

    Installation method

    Docker - official image


    No response

    Configuration changes

    No response


    I deploy using portainer

    bug backend dependencies 
    opened by pedrom34 42
  • Feature: Ability to consume mails and eml files

    Feature: Ability to consume mails and eml files

    Proposed change

    Add feature to consume emails (not only attachments) via paperless_mail or directly consume .eml files. This feature should integrate into paperless_mail and be configured via mail rules. A pdf is generated for previews, but the original mail is stored as .eml which can be opened by almost all mail programs. The pdf is generated using Gotenberg, which is already part of the Tika plugin

    This change is not ready yet, but I'am opening the PR to

    • find testers
    • get comments and suggestions for improvement
    • discuss

    These things need to be done before merging:

    • [ ] Get review html security (html sanitizing, gotenberg option --chromium-disable-web-security)
    • [x] remove .eml parser for Tika (this was my first approach, but I had too many Issues with encoding)
    • [x] Alpha testing
    • [x] Fix Bug: Embedded resources in html part are missing
    • [x] Resize html content to fit page width
    • [ ] apply paperless date format to generated PDFs.
    • [ ] Add ability to parse mail including all attachments (generate merged pdf?) Maybe this is something for later :)
    • [x] Check mail rule settings if they are still consistent
    • [ ] Add mail rule setting to chose if html, text or both is included in PDF
    • [x] extract text content from html using tika
    • [x] Write unit tests

    Please feel free to get in contact with me directly in matrix or here. This is still a work in progress

    Fixes #389, #656

    Type of change

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • [ ] Other (please explain)


    • [x] I have read & agree with the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] If applicable, I have tested my code for new features & regressions on both mobile & desktop devices, using the latest version of major browsers.
    • [x] If applicable, I have checked that all tests pass, see documentation.
    • [x] I have run all pre-commit hooks, see documentation.
    • [x] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation as needed.
    • [x] I have checked my modifications for any breaking changes.
    enhancement backend notable 
    opened by p-h-a-i-l 36
  • [BUG] High memory usage in 1.7.0rc1 during consumption compared to v1.6.0

    [BUG] High memory usage in 1.7.0rc1 during consumption compared to v1.6.0


    The paperless webserver container is consuming way more memory than with v1.6.0 when consuming a document. Configuration as follows:

    Proxmox VM Host, Core i5 (4C/8T), 32G Memory -> On that: VM with 4 cores, 4GB of memory / Ubuntu 20.04.04 LTS -> On that: Docker installation of paperless-ngx 1.7.0rc1

    Configured with 2 workers and 2 threads. Worked perfectly fine with 1.6.0. With 1.7.0rc1 I noticed heavy swapping. When giving it 8G of memory the swapping was resolved but barely. Still topping out at 7.8G of total memory consumption (Ubuntu included -> idle memory consumption of whole system is ~800-900M).

    After consumption it goes back to normal. As far as I understand the process it is happening in the OCRMyPDF phase of consumption. Propably during unpaper or tesseract. Setting PAPERLESS_CONVERT_MEMORY_LIMIT does not have any effect on the issue.

    Downgrade to 1.6.0 fixes it. I verified the issue on a different host with a different OS (Docker on Alpine on other VM host). Same issue. Each Thread of a worker consumes around 1.5G. See attached screenshots below for involved processes.

    I'm unqualified to look into the processes in more detail and am looking for confirmation and/or guidance how to troubleshoot. Of course I'm happy to help in any way.

    Expected behavior

    I'd expect the memory consumption not to differ that dramatically from v1.6.0 (1.5G vs well below 1G). Or some option or mechanism to honor the physical memory limits.

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Install 1.6.0
    2. Consume document and note max memory consumption
    3. Upgrade (or reinstall) 1.7.0
    4. Consume same document and compare max memory consumption

    Webserver logs

    n/a - No errors.


    Under load: load

    Versus idle: idle

    Paperless-ngx version


    Host OS

    Ubuntu 20.04.04 LTS

    Installation method



    No response

    Configuration changes

    No response


    No response

    bug help wanted backend dependencies 
    opened by Rondal 36
  • Feature: Update checker

    Feature: Update checker

    Proposed change

    This PR implements a little tool to check the current remote version of the app. If a newer version is found a subtle link is shown in the UI. See video below.

    More detail:

    • See https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx/pull/591#issuecomment-1086680521 . Essentially this feature is disabled by default but if it has not been explicitly set by the user a small notification is shown that the feature can be enabled.
    • Adds a new API endpoint /remote_version which checks the file https://api.github.com/repos/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx/releases/latest and parses the version from that which it compares to the local version.
    • Uses https://packaging.pypa.io/en/latest/version.html#packaging.version.parse (should already be in setuptools) for semver comparison
    • Adds PAPERLESS_ENABLE_UPDATE_CHECK to enable / disable. Defaults to nothing which disables the feature (see discussion below)
    • A link is shown next to the version number in the UI, it links to our releases. Obviously this is just a heads-up for the end user.
    • It should fail gracefully when no version found (e.g. http error, no internet, etc)

    Though it is very little, this does contain some python stuff, so would appreciate a look over from @paperless-ngx/backend , hope I didnt butcher it too much 😅


    Ps. I also noticed the bootstrap icons svg was out-of-date so I updated it

    Type of change

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • [ ] Other (please explain)


    • [x] I have read & agree with the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] If applicable, I have tested my code for new features & regressions on both mobile & desktop devices, using the latest version of major browsers.
    • [x] If applicable, I have checked that all tests pass, see documentation.
    • [x] I have run all pre-commit hooks, see documentation.
    • [x] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation as needed.
    • [x] I have checked my modifications for any breaking changes.
    enhancement non-trivial backend frontend 
    opened by shamoon 36
  • Feature: document comments

    Feature: document comments

    Proposed change

    new Feature list:

    • [x] - Tab for displaying comments in the document detail view.
    • [x] - List all comments for a document in descending order (newest comments first)
    • [x] - add new comments
    • [x] - delete comments
    • [ ] - ~~full text search over comments~~
    • [x] - integration of comments into the standard import and export function of paperless
    • [x] - activate / deactivate the comment function (only the view is hidden or shown)
    • [x] - new environment variable PAPERLESS_COMMENTS_ENABLED -> [true: enabled | false: disabled]
    • [x] - new service to retrieve backend environment variables.

    By default the comment function is disabled. To enable it, the environment variable PAPERLESS_COMMENTS_ENABLED must be set to true

    A possible full text search for the comments would have to be added by an experienced programmer.

    Type of change

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • [ ] Other (please explain)


    • [x] I have read & agree with the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] If applicable, I have tested my code for new features & regressions on both mobile & desktop devices, using the latest version of major browsers.
    • [ ] If applicable, I have checked that all tests pass, see documentation.
    • [ ] I have run all pre-commit hooks, see documentation.
    • [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation as needed.
    • [x] I have checked my modifications for any breaking changes.
    enhancement non-trivial backend frontend 
    opened by tim-vogel 33
  • [BUG] Fresh install from ghcr.io doesn't build frontend

    [BUG] Fresh install from ghcr.io doesn't build frontend

    Just created a new docker-compose based install with postgres. in the docker-compose.env file I set PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGES=hun PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGE=hun Placed it to port 7777 because port 8000 is already used. Created superuser as described in the documentation. This went fine.

    The login screen appears just fine. Login successfull but after that "nothing". The page source says: "Paperless-ng is loading..."

    opened by gabrielke 32
  • Feature split dockerimage

    Feature split dockerimage

    This PR needs some work to be properly integrated into the default workflow.

    For the moment I've defined 2 new workflows:

    • Build a base image
    • Build a application image, referencing the base image

    For that I also adopted the Dockerfile and created a new one for the base image.

    During my testing I had to reallize that building the frontend also takes quite some time. My first idea has been to also create a base image for the frontend build. But that wasn't a good idea as now it would also build multiarch images ( so building 3 times, instead of only once ) and the build is a lot slower in a docker environment.

    My second idea has been to build the frontend not in docker but straight on the runner by using the action/setup-node.

    So right now the whole build uses one runner:

    • Prepare the runner for nodejs and build frontend
    • Prepare runner for docker and create image and push to registry

    Open questions:

    • How should we trigger new base image creations?
    • Do we need to create different base images for dev and other branches?
    • To be able to push to the org registry we need to use a token as the default can't be used, at least not on my fork.
    non-trivial ci-cd 
    opened by schnuffle 30
  • Restructure `README.md`

    Restructure `README.md`

    I mentioned it'd be a good idea to restructure the README for clarity.

    These are the changes this PR makes (View render on GH):

    1. Adds Paperless logo to header area (thoughts? too big?).
    2. Adds tagline (from docs) to :hook: hook those awesome-self-hosted skimmers.
    3. Clarifies the paperless-ngx fork situation.
    4. Adds table of contents.
    5. Moves Paperless-ngx vs Paperless and Migrating from Paperless to Paperless-ngx further down.
    6. Changes screenshot from dashboard to documents (more compelling IMO).
    7. Typo and sentence structures fixes.

    Of course, open to suggestions

    opened by qcasey 30
  • [BUG] Barcode splitting no longer working

    [BUG] Barcode splitting no longer working


    With Paperless 1.11.3 barcode splitting is no longer working for me. It was working with my specific setup as of 1.6.0 or 1.7.0. I can't say for sure for the versions between. I mostly worked through old files which were already splitted.

    The split is just not happening and I do not see any detection in the log. Interestingly: If I scan a document that has barcodes in it (unrelated) they are detected. Can't show these because they are payment codes with personal data in them.

    I'm aware of the work that was done for example #1953 by @stumpylog so I also tested with the most recent dev Image on docker-hub. No change.

    The pdfminer.six error visible in the log is not happening if I refeed the finished and downloaded document. The problem stays the same.

    Steps to reproduce

    • Scan the file
    • Let it process
    • See that it does not get split

    Webserver logs

    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 20:59:15,444] [INFO] [celery.apps.worker] [email protected] ready.
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:00:00,049] [INFO] [celery.beat] Scheduler: Sending due task Check all e-mail accounts (paperless_mail.tasks.process_mail_accounts)
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:00:00,071] [INFO] [celery.worker.strategy] Task paperless_mail.tasks.process_mail_accounts[cb89622b-a6cb-4a16-beaa-ca9a91229c2b] received
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:00:00,094] [INFO] [celery.app.trace] Task paperless_mail.tasks.process_mail_accounts[cb89622b-a6cb-4a16-beaa-ca9a91229c2b] succeeded in 0.02098793600453064s: 'No new documents were added.'
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:00:23,937] [INFO] [paperless.management.consumer] Adding /usr/src/paperless/consume/ads2800w_au_20230108_002067.pdf to the task queue.
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:00:23,986] [INFO] [celery.worker.strategy] Task documents.tasks.consume_file[5a9d7200-b165-4787-8ab7-7235d142ff07] received
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:00:26,655] [INFO] [paperless.consumer] Consuming ads2800w_au_20230108_002067.pdf
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:00:27,024] [WARNING] [paperless.parsing.tesseract] Error while getting text from PDF document with pdfminer.six
    webserver_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
    webserver_1  |   File "/usr/src/paperless/src/paperless_tesseract/parsers.py", line 140, in extract_text
    webserver_1  |     lang = detect(stripped)
    webserver_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/langdetect/detector_factory.py", line 130, in detect
    webserver_1  |     return detector.detect()
    webserver_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/langdetect/detector.py", line 136, in detect
    webserver_1  |     probabilities = self.get_probabilities()
    webserver_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/langdetect/detector.py", line 143, in get_probabilities
    webserver_1  |     self._detect_block()
    webserver_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/langdetect/detector.py", line 150, in _detect_block
    webserver_1  |     raise LangDetectException(ErrorCode.CantDetectError, 'No features in text.')
    webserver_1  | langdetect.lang_detect_exception.LangDetectException: No features in text.
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:00:27,273] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._sync] Start processing 2 pages concurrently
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:00:31,194] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Too few characters. Skipping this page
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:00:31,195] [ERROR] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Error during processing.
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:00:31,195] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page is facing ⇧, confidence 0.00 - no change
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:00:31,489] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page is facing ⇧, confidence 16.50 - rotation appears correct
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:00,133] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Image too small to scale!! (1x36 vs min width of 3)
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:00,133] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Line cannot be recognized!!
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:00,133] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Image too small to scale!! (1x36 vs min width of 3)
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:00,133] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Line cannot be recognized!!
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:00,133] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Image too small to scale!! (1x36 vs min width of 3)
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:00,133] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Line cannot be recognized!!
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:01,206] [WARNING] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] lots of diacritics - possibly poor OCR
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:01,207] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Image too small to scale!! (1x36 vs min width of 3)
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:01,207] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Line cannot be recognized!!
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:01,207] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Image too small to scale!! (1x36 vs min width of 3)
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:01,207] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Line cannot be recognized!!
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:04,057] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] page is facing ⇧, confidence 16.41 - rotation appears correct
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:30,932] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Image too small to scale!! (2x36 vs min width of 3)
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:30,932] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Line cannot be recognized!!
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:30,932] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Image too small to scale!! (2x36 vs min width of 3)
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:30,932] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._exec.tesseract] [tesseract] Line cannot be recognized!!
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:30,948] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._sync] Postprocessing...
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:37,320] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._pipeline] Optimize ratio: 1.41 savings: 28.9%
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:37,326] [INFO] [ocrmypdf._sync] Output file is a PDF/A-2B (as expected)
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:42,968] [INFO] [paperless.consumer] Document 2022-04-20 ads2800w_au_20230108_002067 consumption finished
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:01:42,984] [INFO] [celery.app.trace] Task documents.tasks.consume_file[5a9d7200-b165-4787-8ab7-7235d142ff07] succeeded in 78.99541163595859s: 'Success. New document id 1825 created'
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:05:00,097] [INFO] [celery.beat] Scheduler: Sending due task Train the classifier (documents.tasks.train_classifier)
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:05:00,099] [INFO] [celery.worker.strategy] Task documents.tasks.train_classifier[91ff8d02-1b68-461e-92b6-826456a299c6] received
    webserver_1  | [2023-01-08 21:05:18,581] [INFO] [celery.app.trace] Task documents.tasks.train_classifier[91ff8d02-1b68-461e-92b6-826456a299c6] succeeded in 18.479739824018907s: None

    Browser logs

    No response

    Paperless-ngx version


    Host OS

    Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS / docker

    Installation method

    Docker - official image



    Configuration changes

    No response


    No response

    bug unconfirmed 
    opened by Rondal 5
  • [BUG] The bare metal setup guide suggests to manage.py runserver, but that doesn't work unless debug mode is enabled

    [BUG] The bare metal setup guide suggests to manage.py runserver, but that doesn't work unless debug mode is enabled


    The bare metal guide at https://docs.paperless-ngx.com/setup/ suggests in step 10. to use the Django development server to see if everything works, but unless PAPERLESS_DEBUG=true, the web server serves the same content regardless of the url given (after logging in that is).

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Do the bare metal install (or use your existing installation I guess).
    2. At step 10, run the devel webserver.
    3. Log in using the super user you created.
    4. Get the page "Paperless-ngx is loading... Still here?! Hmm, something might be wrong. Here's a link to the docs." without any styling, because the css is also that very same site.
    5. Set PAPERLESS_DEBUG=true and restart the web server, it works as expected now.

    Webserver logs

    $ python3 manage.py runserver
    [2023-01-08 18:59:40,289] [INFO] [django.utils.autoreload] Watching for file changes with StatReloader
    Performing system checks...
    System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
    January 08, 2023 - 18:59:42
    Django version 4.1.4, using settings 'paperless.settings'
    Starting development server at
    Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
    [08/Jan/2023 18:59:43] "GET /dashboard HTTP/1.1" 200 8390
    [08/Jan/2023 18:59:43] "GET /static/frontend/en-US/styles.css HTTP/1.1" 200 8390
    [08/Jan/2023 18:59:43] "GET /static/frontend/en-US/runtime.js HTTP/1.1" 200 8390
    [08/Jan/2023 18:59:43] "GET /static/frontend/en-US/polyfills.js HTTP/1.1" 200 8390
    [08/Jan/2023 18:59:43] "GET /static/frontend/en-US/main.js HTTP/1.1" 200 8390

    Browser logs

    The resource from “...:8000/static/frontend/en-US/styles.css” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
    The resource from “...:8000/static/frontend/en-US/runtime.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
    Loading failed for the <script> with source “...:8000/static/frontend/en-US/runtime.js”. dashboard:83:1
    The resource from “...:8000/static/frontend/en-US/main.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
    Loading failed for the <script> with source “...:8000/static/frontend/en-US/main.js”. dashboard:85:1
    The resource from “...:8000/static/frontend/en-US/polyfills.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
    Loading failed for the <script> with source “...:8000/static/frontend/en-US/polyfills.js”.

    Paperless-ngx version


    Host OS

    Debian GNU/Linux, armv7l

    Installation method

    Bare metal


    No response

    Configuration changes

    No response


    No response

    bug unconfirmed 
    opened by teythoon 0
  • Feature: Log failed login attempts

    Feature: Log failed login attempts

    Proposed change

    I think from a security standpoint this is a good idea to work with e.g. fail2ban or crowdsec even though reverse proxies might make this a little less critical. I tested this locally / remotely with a RP, e.g.

    [2023-01-05 21:31:40,257] [INFO] [paperless.auth] Login failed for user `admin` from IP `x.x.x.x`

    Fixes #407 Fixes #1456

    Type of change

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • [ ] Other (please explain)


    • [x] I have read & agree with the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] If applicable, I have tested my code for new features & regressions on both mobile & desktop devices, using the latest version of major browsers.
    • [x] If applicable, I have checked that all tests pass, see documentation.
    • [x] I have run all pre-commit hooks, see documentation.
    • [ ] ~~I have made corresponding changes to the documentation as needed.~~
    • [x] I have checked my modifications for any breaking changes.
    enhancement non-trivial backend 
    opened by shamoon 7
  • [BUG] Redo OCR fails

    [BUG] Redo OCR fails


    Fails to re-OCR attached file. There is only one line of text in "Content" THis file was uploaded earlier and the text was in the wrong direction. After the fix in Paperless-ngx 1.11.3 wanted to check if it will fix text direction, but re-OCR fails

    2022-12-22 ksp wifi usb dongle Asus USB-AX56 AX1800.pdf

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Press on "Edit"
    2. Press on "Redo OCR"
    3. Observe errors in log

    Webserver logs

    [2023-01-05 16:38:55,447] [WARNING] [paperless.parsing.tesseract] Error while reading metadata {http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/ns/extension/}schemas: {'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'}. Error: 'http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/ns/extension/'
    [2023-01-05 16:39:00,882] [DEBUG] [paperless.parsing.tesseract] Extracted text from PDF file /usr/src/paperless/media/documents/originals/important receipts/2022/12/electronics receipt,importent receipt,ksp,receipt_ksp wifi usb dongle Asus USB-AX56 AX1800.pdf
    [2023-01-05 16:39:01,131] [DEBUG] [paperless.parsing.tesseract] Detected language he
    [2023-01-05 16:39:01,131] [WARNING] [paperless.parsing.tesseract] Error while getting text from PDF document with pdfminer.six
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/src/paperless/src/paperless_tesseract/parsers.py", line 151, in extract_text
        and pdf_file.name != "archive-fallback.pdf"
    AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'name'
    [2023-01-05 16:39:01,172] [DEBUG] [paperless.parsing.tesseract] Calling OCRmyPDF with args: {'input_file': '/usr/src/paperless/media/documents/originals/important receipts/2022/12/electronics receipt,importent receipt,ksp,receipt_ksp wifi usb dongle Asus USB-AX56 AX1800.pdf', 'output_file': PosixPath('/tmp/paperless/paperless-7h16nsea/archive.pdf'), 'use_threads': True, 'jobs': '1', 'language': 'heb+eng', 'output_type': 'pdfa', 'progress_bar': False, 'skip_text': True, 'clean_final': True, 'deskew': True, 'rotate_pages': True, 'rotate_pages_threshold': 12.0, 'sidecar': PosixPath('/tmp/paperless/paperless-7h16nsea/sidecar.txt')}
    [2023-01-05 16:39:02,722] [DEBUG] [paperless.parsing.tesseract] Incomplete sidecar file: discarding.
    [2023-01-05 16:39:03,000] [DEBUG] [paperless.parsing.tesseract] Extracted text from PDF file /tmp/paperless/paperless-7h16nsea/archive.pdf
    [2023-01-05 16:39:03,034] [DEBUG] [paperless.parsing.tesseract] Detected language he
    [2023-01-05 16:39:03,034] [WARNING] [paperless.parsing.tesseract] Detected RTL language he
    [2023-01-05 16:39:03,034] [WARNING] [paperless.parsing.tesseract] Encountered an error while running OCR: No text was found in the original document. Attempting force OCR to get the text.
    [2023-01-05 16:39:03,034] [DEBUG] [paperless.parsing.tesseract] Fallback: Calling OCRmyPDF with args: {'input_file': '/usr/src/paperless/media/documents/originals/important receipts/2022/12/electronics receipt,importent receipt,ksp,receipt_ksp wifi usb dongle Asus USB-AX56 AX1800.pdf', 'output_file': PosixPath('/tmp/paperless/paperless-7h16nsea/archive-fallback.pdf'), 'use_threads': True, 'jobs': '1', 'language': 'heb+eng', 'output_type': 'pdfa', 'progress_bar': False, 'force_ocr': True, 'clean_final': True, 'deskew': True, 'rotate_pages': True, 'rotate_pages_threshold': 12.0, 'sidecar': PosixPath('/tmp/paperless/paperless-7h16nsea/sidecar-fallback.txt')}

    Browser logs

    No response

    Paperless-ngx version


    Host OS

    Fedora 35 x86_64

    Installation method

    Docker - official image



    Configuration changes



    No response

    bug backend 
    opened by stepanov1975 3
  • Fix: display rtl content in correct direction

    Fix: display rtl content in correct direction

    Proposed change

    This PR attempts to fix the fact that now that we support RTL OCR the content tab in the UI still displays them as LTR. It adds a lang field to the metadata endpoint using langdetect, the actual frontend change is quite small. Would be helpful to know if there are any concerns about this approach but seems quick and simple and obviously this only runs when viewing 1 doc.

    Fixes #2301

    Type of change

    • [x] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • [ ] Other (please explain)


    • [x] I have read & agree with the contributing guidelines.
    • [x] If applicable, I have tested my code for new features & regressions on both mobile & desktop devices, using the latest version of major browsers.
    • [x] If applicable, I have checked that all tests pass, see documentation.
    • [x] I have run all pre-commit hooks, see documentation.
    • [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation as needed.
    • [x] I have checked my modifications for any breaking changes.
    bug non-trivial backend frontend 
    opened by shamoon 5
  • v1.11.3(Jan 1, 2023)

    paperless-ngx 1.11.3

    Breaking Changes

    • Bugfix: Return created task ID when posting document to API @stumpylog (#2279)

    Bug Fixes

    • Bugfix: Fix no content when processing some RTL files @stumpylog (#2295)
    • Bugfix: Handle email dates maybe being naive @stumpylog (#2293)
    • Fix: live filterable dropdowns broken in 1.11.x @shamoon (#2292)
    • Bugfix: Reading environment from files didn't work for management commands @stumpylog (#2261)
    • Bugfix: Return created task ID when posting document to API @stumpylog (#2279)


    • [Documentation] Add v1.11.2 changelog @github-actions (#2282)

    All App Changes

    • Bugfix: Fix no content when processing some RTL files @stumpylog (#2295)
    • Bugfix: Handle email dates maybe being naive @stumpylog (#2293)
    • Fix: live filterable dropdowns broken in 1.11.x @shamoon (#2292)
    • Bugfix: Return created task ID when posting document to API @stumpylog (#2279)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.11.3.tar.xz(12.88 MB)
  • v1.11.2(Dec 30, 2022)

  • v1.11.1(Dec 30, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.11.1

    Version 1.11.1 contains bug fixes from v1.11.0 that prevented use of the new email consumption feature

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix: missing frontend email attachment options @shamoon (#2272)
    • Fix: edit dialog creation in v1.11.0 @shamoon (#2273)


    • [Documentation] Add v1.11.0 changelog @github-actions (#2263)

    All App Changes

    • Fix: missing frontend email attachment options @shamoon (#2272)
    • Fix: edit dialog creation in v1.11.0 @shamoon (#2273)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.11.1.tar.xz(12.87 MB)
  • v1.11.0(Dec 30, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.11.0

    Notable Changes

    • Feature: frontend paperless mail @shamoon (#2000)
    • Feature: Ability to consume mails and eml files @p-h-a-i-l (#848)


    • Chore: Downgrade hiredis to 2.0.0 @stumpylog (#2262)
    • Add ability to provide the configuration file path using an env variable @hashworks (#2241)
    • Feature: Adds option to allow a user to export directly to a zipfile @stumpylog (#2004)
    • Feature: Adds PaperlessTask admin page interface @stumpylog (#2184)
    • Feature: speed up frontend by truncating content @shamoon (#2028)
    • Feature: Allow bulk download API to follow file name formatting @stumpylog (#2003)
    • Feature: Bake NLTK into Docker image @stumpylog (#2129)
    • Feature: frontend paperless mail @shamoon (#2000)
    • Feature: Ability to consume mails and eml files @p-h-a-i-l (#848)

    Bug Fixes

    • Bugfix: Handle RTL languages better @stumpylog (#1665)
    • Fixed typo in docs @mendelk (#2256)
    • Fix: support tags__id__none in advanced search, fix tags filter badge count for excluded @shamoon (#2205)
    • Bugfix: Don't run system checks on migrate @stumpylog (#2183)
    • Bugfix: Decoding task signals could fail on datetime type @stumpylog (#2058)


    • Fixed typo in docs @mendelk (#2256)
    • Docs: More fixes and improvements @tooomm (#2203)
    • Docs: Fix leftover issues from conversion @tooomm (#2172)
    • Docs: Fix broken internal links @tooomm (#2165)
    • Update setup.md @Weltraumschaf (#2157)
    • Chore: Cleanup of new documentation @stumpylog (#2137)
    • [Documentation] Add v1.10.2 changelog @github-actions (#2114)


    • Chore: Adds "notable" label for release drafter @stumpylog (#2200)
    • Chore: Prevent forks from having failing CI runs by default @tooomm (#2166)
    • Chore: migrate to eslint @shamoon (#2199)
    • Feature: Adds PaperlessTask admin page interface @stumpylog (#2184)
    • Chore: Changes qpdf to be cross compiled for large speed up @stumpylog (#2181)
    • Chore: Decrease time to build pikepdf @stumpylog (#2178)
    • Chore: Minor CI cleanups @stumpylog (#2175)

    All App Changes

    • Add ability to provide the configuration file path using an env variable @hashworks (#2241)
    • Fix: support tags__id__none in advanced search, fix tags filter badge count for excluded @shamoon (#2205)
    • Chore: migrate to eslint @shamoon (#2199)
    • Feature: Adds option to allow a user to export directly to a zipfile @stumpylog (#2004)
    • Feature: Adds PaperlessTask admin page interface @stumpylog (#2184)
    • Bugfix: Decoding task signals could fail on datetime type @stumpylog (#2058)
    • Feature: speed up frontend by truncating content @shamoon (#2028)
    • Feature: Allow bulk download API to follow file name formatting @stumpylog (#2003)
    • Feature: Bake NLTK into Docker image @stumpylog (#2129)
    • Chore: Apply live testing backoff logic to new mail tests @stumpylog (#2134)
    • Feature: frontend paperless mail @shamoon (#2000)
    • Feature: Ability to consume mails and eml files @p-h-a-i-l (#848)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.11.0.tar.xz(12.87 MB)
  • v1.10.2(Dec 4, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.10.2


    • Take ownership of k8s-at-home Helm chart, @alexander-bauer (#1947)

    Bug Fixes

    • Bugfix: Language code checks around two part languages @stumpylog (#2112)
    • Bugfix: Redis socket compatibility didn't handle URLs with ports @stumpylog (#2109)
    • Bugfix: Incompatible URL schemes for socket based Redis @stumpylog (#2092)
    • Fix doc links in contributing @tooomm (#2102)


    • Docs: Some more small MkDocs updates @tooomm (#2106)
    • Chore: Cleans up documentation links @stumpylog (#2104)
    • Feature: Move docs to material-mkdocs @shamoon (#2067)
    • Chore: Add v1.10.1 changelong @shamoon (#2082)


    • Take ownership of k8s-at-home Helm chart, @alexander-bauer (#1947)

    All App Changes

    • Bugfix: Language code checks around two part languages @stumpylog (#2112)
    • Bugfix: Redis socket compatibility didn't handle URLs with ports @stumpylog (#2109)
    • Bugfix: Incompatible URL schemes for socket based Redis @stumpylog (#2092)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.10.2.tar.xz(13.45 MB)
  • v1.10.1(Dec 2, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.10.1


    • Feature: Allows documents in WebP format @stumpylog (#1984)

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix: frontend tasks display in 1.10.0 @shamoon (#2073)
    • Bugfix: Custom startup commands weren't run as root @stumpylog (#2069)
    • Bugfix: Add libatomic for armv7 compatibility @stumpylog (#2066)
    • Bugfix: Don't silence an exception when trying to handle file naming @stumpylog (#2062)
    • Bugfix: Some tesseract languages aren't detected as installed. @stumpylog (#2057)


    • Chore: Use a maintained upload-release-asset @stumpylog (#2055)


    5 changes
    • Bump tslib from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#2076)
    • Bump @angular-builders/jest from 14.0.1 to 14.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#2079)
    • Bump jest-preset-angular from 12.2.2 to 12.2.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#2078)
    • Bump ngx-file-drop from 14.0.1 to 14.0.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#2080)
    • Bump @ngneat/dirty-check-forms from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#2077)

    All App Changes

    • Bump tslib from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#2076)
    • Bump @angular-builders/jest from 14.0.1 to 14.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#2079)
    • Bump jest-preset-angular from 12.2.2 to 12.2.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#2078)
    • Bump ngx-file-drop from 14.0.1 to 14.0.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#2080)
    • Bump @ngneat/dirty-check-forms from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#2077)
    • Fix: frontend tasks display in 1.10.0 @shamoon (#2073)
    • Bugfix: Don't silence an exception when trying to handle file naming @stumpylog (#2062)
    • Bugfix: Some tesseract languages aren't detected as installed. @stumpylog (#2057)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.10.1.tar.xz(21.06 MB)
  • v1.10.0(Nov 28, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.10.0


    • Feature: Capture stdout & stderr of the pre/post consume scripts @stumpylog (#1967)
    • Feature: Allow running custom container initialization scripts @stumpylog (#1838)
    • Feature: Add more file name formatting options @stumpylog (#1906)
    • Feature: 1.9.2 UI tweaks @shamoon (#1886)
    • Feature: Optional celery monitoring with Flower @stumpylog (#1810)
    • Feature: Save pending tasks for frontend @stumpylog (#1816)
    • Feature: Improved processing for automatic matching @stumpylog (#1609)
    • Feature: Transition to celery for background tasks @stumpylog (#1648)
    • Feature: UI Welcome Tour @shamoon (#1644)
    • Feature: slim sidebar @shamoon (#1641)
    • change default matching algo to auto and move to constant @NiFNi (#1754)
    • Feature: Enable end to end Tika testing in CI @stumpylog (#1757)
    • Feature: frontend update checking settings @shamoon (#1692)
    • Feature: Upgrade to qpdf 11, pikepdf 6 & ocrmypdf 14 @stumpylog (#1642)

    Bug Fixes

    • Bugfix: Fix created_date being a string @stumpylog (#2023)
    • Bugfix: Fixes an issue with mixed text and images when redoing OCR @stumpylog (#2017)
    • Bugfix: Always re-try barcodes with pdf2image @stumpylog (#1953)
    • Fix: using CONSUMER_SUBDIRS_AS_TAGS causes failure with Celery in dev @shamoon (#1942)
    • Fix mail consumption broken in dev after move to celery @shamoon (#1934)
    • Bugfix: Prevent file handling from running with stale data @stumpylog (#1905)
    • Chore: Reduce nuisance CI test failures @stumpylog (#1922)
    • Bugfix: Unintentional deletion of feature tagged Docker images @stumpylog (#1896)
    • Fix: independent control of saved views @shamoon (#1868)
    • Fix: frontend relative date searches @shamoon (#1865)
    • Chore: Fixes pipenv issues @stumpylog (#1873)
    • Bugfix: Handle password protected PDFs during barcode detection @stumpylog (#1858)
    • Fix: Allows configuring barcodes with pdf2image instead of pikepdf @stumpylog (#1857)
    • Bugfix: Reverts the change around skip_noarchive @stumpylog (#1829)
    • Fix: missing loadViewConfig breaks loading saved view @shamoon (#1792)
    • Bugfix: Fallback to pdf2image if pikepdf fails @stumpylog (#1745)
    • Fix: creating new storage path on document edit fails to update menu @shamoon (#1777)
    • Bugfix: Files containing barcodes uploaded via web are not consumed after splitting @stumpylog (#1762)
    • Bugfix: Fix email labeling for non-Gmail servers @stumpylog (#1755)
    • Fix: allow preview for .csv files @shamoon (#1744)
    • Bugfix: csv recognition by consumer @bin101 (#1726)
    • Bugfix: Include document title when a duplicate is detected @stumpylog (#1696)
    • Bugfix: Set MySql charset @stumpylog (#1687)
    • Mariadb compose files should use PAPERLESS_DBPASS @shamoon (#1683)


    • Documentation: Update MariaDB docs to note some potential issues @stumpylog (#2016)
    • Documentation: Add note re MS exchange servers @shamoon (#1780)
    • Chore: Updates Gotenberg versions @stumpylog (#1768)
    • Documentation: Tweak LinuxServer @stumpylog (#1761)
    • Documentation: Adds troubleshooting note about Kubernetes and ports @stumpylog (#1731)
    • Documentation: LinuxServer.io Migration @stumpylog (#1733)
    • [Documentation] Add v1.9.2 changelog @github-actions (#1671)


    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 32 to 34 @dependabot (#1915)
    • Chore: Fix dev trying to build Pillow or lxml @stumpylog (#1909)
    • Chore: Fixes pipenv issues @stumpylog (#1873)
    • Chore: Simplified registry cleanup @stumpylog (#1812)
    • Chore: Fixing deprecated workflow commands @stumpylog (#1786)
    • Chore: Python library update + test fixes @stumpylog (#1773)
    • Chore: Updates Gotenberg versions @stumpylog (#1768)
    • Bump leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations from 1.3.0 to 2.0.1 @dependabot (#1703)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 29.0.2 to 31.0.2 @dependabot (#1702)
    • Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 @dependabot (#1704)
    • Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#1705)


    31 changes
    • Bugfix: Downgrade cryptography for armv7 compatibility @stumpylog (#1954)
    • Chore: Bulk library updates + loosen restrictions @stumpylog (#1949)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 32 to 34 @dependabot (#1915)
    • Bump scikit-learn from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 @dependabot (#1903)
    • Bump angular packages as bundle @dependabot (#1910)
    • Bump ngx-ui-tour-ng-bootstrap from 11.0.0 to 11.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1911)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.1.2 to 29.2.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1914)
    • Bump pillow from 9.2.0 to 9.3.0 @dependabot (#1904)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.3 to 7.2.0 @dependabot (#1902)
    • Bump tox from 3.26.0 to 3.27.0 @dependabot (#1901)
    • Bump zipp from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 @dependabot (#1860)
    • Bump pytest-env from 0.6.2 to 0.8.1 @dependabot (#1859)
    • Bump sphinx from 5.2.3 to 5.3.0 @dependabot (#1817)
    • Chore: downgrade channels-redis @stumpylog (#1802)
    • Chore: Update to qpdf 11.1.1 and update backend libraries @stumpylog (#1749)
    • Bump myst-parser from 0.18.0 to 0.18.1 @dependabot (#1738)
    • Bump leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations from 1.3.0 to 2.0.1 @dependabot (#1703)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 29.0.2 to 31.0.2 @dependabot (#1702)
    • Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 @dependabot (#1704)
    • Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#1705)
    • Bump rxjs from 7.5.6 to 7.5.7 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1720)
    • Bump uuid from 8.3.2 to 9.0.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1716)
    • Bump ng2-pdf-viewer from 9.1.0 to 9.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1717)
    • Bump ngx-color from 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1715)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1719)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.7.14 to 18.7.23 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1718)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.0.1 to 29.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1714)
    • Bump @angular/cli @angular/core @dependabot (#1708)
    • Bump cypress from 10.7.0 to 10.9.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1707)
    • Bump bootstrap from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1710)
    • Bump typescript from 4.7.4 to 4.8.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1706)

    All App Changes

    • Add info that re-do OCR doesnt automatically refresh content @shamoon (#2025)
    • Bugfix: Fix created_date being a string @stumpylog (#2023)
    • Bugfix: Fixes an issue with mixed text and images when redoing OCR @stumpylog (#2017)
    • Bugfix: Don't allow exceptions during date parsing to fail consume @stumpylog (#1998)
    • Feature: Capture stdout & stderr of the pre/post consume scripts @stumpylog (#1967)
    • Bugfix: Always re-try barcodes with pdf2image @stumpylog (#1953)
    • Fix: using CONSUMER_SUBDIRS_AS_TAGS causes failure with Celery in dev @shamoon (#1942)
    • Fix mail consumption broken in dev after move to celery @shamoon (#1934)
    • Bugfix: Prevent file handling from running with stale data @stumpylog (#1905)
    • Chore: Reduce nuisance CI test failures @stumpylog (#1922)
    • Bump scikit-learn from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 @dependabot (#1903)
    • Bump angular packages as bundle @dependabot (#1910)
    • Bump ngx-ui-tour-ng-bootstrap from 11.0.0 to 11.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1911)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.1.2 to 29.2.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1914)
    • Feature: Add more file name formatting options @stumpylog (#1906)
    • Bump pillow from 9.2.0 to 9.3.0 @dependabot (#1904)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.3 to 7.2.0 @dependabot (#1902)
    • Bump tox from 3.26.0 to 3.27.0 @dependabot (#1901)
    • directly use rapidfuzz @maxbachmann (#1899)
    • Feature: 1.9.2 UI tweaks @shamoon (#1886)
    • Bump zipp from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 @dependabot (#1860)
    • Fix: independent control of saved views @shamoon (#1868)
    • Fix: frontend relative date searches @shamoon (#1865)
    • Django error W003 - MariaDB may not allow unique CharFields to have a max_length > 255. @Sblop (#1881)
    • Bump pytest-env from 0.6.2 to 0.8.1 @dependabot (#1859)
    • Fix: Allows configuring barcodes with pdf2image instead of pikepdf @stumpylog (#1857)
    • Feature: Save pending tasks for frontend @stumpylog (#1816)
    • Bugfix: Reverts the change around skip_noarchive @stumpylog (#1829)
    • Bump sphinx from 5.2.3 to 5.3.0 @dependabot (#1817)
    • Fix: missing loadViewConfig breaks loading saved view @shamoon (#1792)
    • Bugfix: Fallback to pdf2image if pikepdf fails @stumpylog (#1745)
    • Fix: creating new storage path on document edit fails to update menu @shamoon (#1777)
    • Chore: Python library update + test fixes @stumpylog (#1773)
    • Feature: Improved processing for automatic matching @stumpylog (#1609)
    • Feature: Transition to celery for background tasks @stumpylog (#1648)
    • Feature: UI Welcome Tour @shamoon (#1644)
    • Feature: slim sidebar @shamoon (#1641)
    • Bugfix: Files containing barcodes uploaded via web are not consumed after splitting @stumpylog (#1762)
    • change default matching algo to auto and move to constant @NiFNi (#1754)
    • Bugfix: Fix email labeling for non-Gmail servers @stumpylog (#1755)
    • Feature: frontend update checking settings @shamoon (#1692)
    • Fix: allow preview for .csv files @shamoon (#1744)
    • Bump myst-parser from 0.18.0 to 0.18.1 @dependabot (#1738)
    • Bugfix: csv recognition by consumer @bin101 (#1726)
    • Bugfix: Include document title when a duplicate is detected @stumpylog (#1696)
    • Bump rxjs from 7.5.6 to 7.5.7 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1720)
    • Bump uuid from 8.3.2 to 9.0.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1716)
    • Bump ng2-pdf-viewer from 9.1.0 to 9.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1717)
    • Bump ngx-color from 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1715)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1719)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.7.14 to 18.7.23 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1718)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.0.1 to 29.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1714)
    • Bump @angular/cli @angular/core @dependabot (#1708)
    • Bump cypress from 10.7.0 to 10.9.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1707)
    • Bump bootstrap from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1710)
    • Bump typescript from 4.7.4 to 4.8.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1706)
    • Bugfix: Set MySql charset @stumpylog (#1687)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.10.0.tar.xz(21.04 MB)
  • v1.10.0-beta.rc2(Nov 22, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.10.0


    • Feature: Capture stdout & stderr of the pre/post consume scripts @stumpylog (#1967)
    • Feature: Allow running custom container initialization scripts @stumpylog (#1838)
    • Feature: Add more file name formatting options @stumpylog (#1906)
    • Feature: 1.9.2 UI tweaks @shamoon (#1886)
    • Feature: Optional celery monitoring with Flower @stumpylog (#1810)
    • Feature: Save pending tasks for frontend @stumpylog (#1816)
    • Feature: Improved processing for automatic matching @stumpylog (#1609)
    • Feature: Transition to celery for background tasks @stumpylog (#1648)
    • Feature: UI Welcome Tour @shamoon (#1644)
    • Feature: slim sidebar @shamoon (#1641)
    • change default matching algo to auto and move to constant @NiFNi (#1754)
    • Feature: Enable end to end Tika testing in CI @stumpylog (#1757)
    • Feature: frontend update checking settings @shamoon (#1692)
    • Feature: Upgrade to qpdf 11, pikepdf 6 & ocrmypdf 14 @stumpylog (#1642)

    Bug Fixes

    • Bugfix: Fix created_date being a string @stumpylog (#2023)
    • Bugfix: Fixes an issue with mixed text and images when redoing OCR @stumpylog (#2017)
    • Bugfix: Always re-try barcodes with pdf2image @stumpylog (#1953)
    • Fix: using CONSUMER_SUBDIRS_AS_TAGS causes failure with Celery in dev @shamoon (#1942)
    • Fix mail consumption broken in dev after move to celery @shamoon (#1934)
    • Bugfix: Prevent file handling from running with stale data @stumpylog (#1905)
    • Chore: Reduce nuisance CI test failures @stumpylog (#1922)
    • Bugfix: Unintentional deletion of feature tagged Docker images @stumpylog (#1896)
    • Fix: independent control of saved views @shamoon (#1868)
    • Fix: frontend relative date searches @shamoon (#1865)
    • Chore: Fixes pipenv issues @stumpylog (#1873)
    • Bugfix: Handle password protected PDFs during barcode detection @stumpylog (#1858)
    • Fix: Allows configuring barcodes with pdf2image instead of pikepdf @stumpylog (#1857)
    • Bugfix: Reverts the change around skip_noarchive @stumpylog (#1829)
    • Fix: missing loadViewConfig breaks loading saved view @shamoon (#1792)
    • Bugfix: Fallback to pdf2image if pikepdf fails @stumpylog (#1745)
    • Fix: creating new storage path on document edit fails to update menu @shamoon (#1777)
    • Bugfix: Files containing barcodes uploaded via web are not consumed after splitting @stumpylog (#1762)
    • Bugfix: Fix email labeling for non-Gmail servers @stumpylog (#1755)
    • Fix: allow preview for .csv files @shamoon (#1744)
    • Bugfix: csv recognition by consumer @bin101 (#1726)
    • Bugfix: Include document title when a duplicate is detected @stumpylog (#1696)
    • Bugfix: Set MySql charset @stumpylog (#1687)
    • Mariadb compose files should use PAPERLESS_DBPASS @shamoon (#1683)


    • Documentation: Update MariaDB docs to note some potential issues @stumpylog (#2016)
    • Documentation: Add note re MS exchange servers @shamoon (#1780)
    • Chore: Updates Gotenberg versions @stumpylog (#1768)
    • Documentation: Tweak LinuxServer @stumpylog (#1761)
    • Documentation: Adds troubleshooting note about Kubernetes and ports @stumpylog (#1731)
    • Documentation: LinuxServer.io Migration @stumpylog (#1733)
    • [Documentation] Add v1.9.2 changelog @github-actions (#1671)


    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 32 to 34 @dependabot (#1915)
    • Chore: Fix dev trying to build Pillow or lxml @stumpylog (#1909)
    • Bugfix: Unintentional deletion of feature tagged Docker images @stumpylog (#1896)
    • Chore: Fixes pipenv issues @stumpylog (#1873)
    • Chore: Simplified registry cleanup @stumpylog (#1812)
    • Chore: Fixing deprecated workflow commands @stumpylog (#1786)
    • Chore: Python library update + test fixes @stumpylog (#1773)
    • Chore: Updates Gotenberg versions @stumpylog (#1768)
    • Bugfix: Fix email labeling for non-Gmail servers @stumpylog (#1755)
    • Bump leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations from 1.3.0 to 2.0.1 @dependabot (#1703)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 29.0.2 to 31.0.2 @dependabot (#1702)
    • Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 @dependabot (#1704)
    • Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#1705)


    31 changes
    • Bugfix: Downgrade cryptography for armv7 compatibility @stumpylog (#1954)
    • Chore: Bulk library updates + loosen restrictions @stumpylog (#1949)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 32 to 34 @dependabot (#1915)
    • Bump scikit-learn from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 @dependabot (#1903)
    • Bump angular packages as bundle @dependabot (#1910)
    • Bump ngx-ui-tour-ng-bootstrap from 11.0.0 to 11.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1911)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.1.2 to 29.2.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1914)
    • Bump pillow from 9.2.0 to 9.3.0 @dependabot (#1904)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.3 to 7.2.0 @dependabot (#1902)
    • Bump tox from 3.26.0 to 3.27.0 @dependabot (#1901)
    • Bump zipp from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 @dependabot (#1860)
    • Bump pytest-env from 0.6.2 to 0.8.1 @dependabot (#1859)
    • Bump sphinx from 5.2.3 to 5.3.0 @dependabot (#1817)
    • Chore: downgrade channels-redis @stumpylog (#1802)
    • Chore: Update to qpdf 11.1.1 and update backend libraries @stumpylog (#1749)
    • Bump myst-parser from 0.18.0 to 0.18.1 @dependabot (#1738)
    • Bump leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations from 1.3.0 to 2.0.1 @dependabot (#1703)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 29.0.2 to 31.0.2 @dependabot (#1702)
    • Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 @dependabot (#1704)
    • Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#1705)
    • Bump rxjs from 7.5.6 to 7.5.7 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1720)
    • Bump uuid from 8.3.2 to 9.0.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1716)
    • Bump ng2-pdf-viewer from 9.1.0 to 9.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1717)
    • Bump ngx-color from 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1715)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1719)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.7.14 to 18.7.23 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1718)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.0.1 to 29.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1714)
    • Bump @angular/cli @angular/core @dependabot (#1708)
    • Bump cypress from 10.7.0 to 10.9.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1707)
    • Bump bootstrap from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1710)
    • Bump typescript from 4.7.4 to 4.8.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1706)

    All App Changes

    • Add info that re-do OCR doesnt automatically refresh content @shamoon (#2025)
    • Bugfix: Fix created_date being a string @stumpylog (#2023)
    • Bugfix: Fixes an issue with mixed text and images when redoing OCR @stumpylog (#2017)
    • Bugfix: Don't allow exceptions during date parsing to fail consume @stumpylog (#1998)
    • Feature: Capture stdout & stderr of the pre/post consume scripts @stumpylog (#1967)
    • Bugfix: Always re-try barcodes with pdf2image @stumpylog (#1953)
    • Fix: using CONSUMER_SUBDIRS_AS_TAGS causes failure with Celery in dev @shamoon (#1942)
    • Fix mail consumption broken in dev after move to celery @shamoon (#1934)
    • Bugfix: Prevent file handling from running with stale data @stumpylog (#1905)
    • Chore: Reduce nuisance CI test failures @stumpylog (#1922)
    • Bump scikit-learn from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 @dependabot (#1903)
    • Bump angular packages as bundle @dependabot (#1910)
    • Bump ngx-ui-tour-ng-bootstrap from 11.0.0 to 11.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1911)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.1.2 to 29.2.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1914)
    • Feature: Add more file name formatting options @stumpylog (#1906)
    • Bump pillow from 9.2.0 to 9.3.0 @dependabot (#1904)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.3 to 7.2.0 @dependabot (#1902)
    • Bump tox from 3.26.0 to 3.27.0 @dependabot (#1901)
    • directly use rapidfuzz @maxbachmann (#1899)
    • Feature: 1.9.2 UI tweaks @shamoon (#1886)
    • Bump zipp from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 @dependabot (#1860)
    • Fix: independent control of saved views @shamoon (#1868)
    • Fix: frontend relative date searches @shamoon (#1865)
    • Django error W003 - MariaDB may not allow unique CharFields to have a max_length > 255. @Sblop (#1881)
    • Bump pytest-env from 0.6.2 to 0.8.1 @dependabot (#1859)
    • Fix: Allows configuring barcodes with pdf2image instead of pikepdf @stumpylog (#1857)
    • Feature: Save pending tasks for frontend @stumpylog (#1816)
    • Bugfix: Reverts the change around skip_noarchive @stumpylog (#1829)
    • Bump sphinx from 5.2.3 to 5.3.0 @dependabot (#1817)
    • Fix: missing loadViewConfig breaks loading saved view @shamoon (#1792)
    • Bugfix: Fallback to pdf2image if pikepdf fails @stumpylog (#1745)
    • Fix: creating new storage path on document edit fails to update menu @shamoon (#1777)
    • Chore: Python library update + test fixes @stumpylog (#1773)
    • Feature: Improved processing for automatic matching @stumpylog (#1609)
    • Feature: Transition to celery for background tasks @stumpylog (#1648)
    • Feature: UI Welcome Tour @shamoon (#1644)
    • Feature: slim sidebar @shamoon (#1641)
    • Bugfix: Files containing barcodes uploaded via web are not consumed after splitting @stumpylog (#1762)
    • change default matching algo to auto and move to constant @NiFNi (#1754)
    • Bugfix: Fix email labeling for non-Gmail servers @stumpylog (#1755)
    • Feature: frontend update checking settings @shamoon (#1692)
    • Fix: allow preview for .csv files @shamoon (#1744)
    • Bump myst-parser from 0.18.0 to 0.18.1 @dependabot (#1738)
    • Bugfix: csv recognition by consumer @bin101 (#1726)
    • Bugfix: Include document title when a duplicate is detected @stumpylog (#1696)
    • Bump rxjs from 7.5.6 to 7.5.7 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1720)
    • Bump uuid from 8.3.2 to 9.0.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1716)
    • Bump ng2-pdf-viewer from 9.1.0 to 9.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1717)
    • Bump ngx-color from 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1715)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1719)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.7.14 to 18.7.23 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1718)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.0.1 to 29.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1714)
    • Bump @angular/cli @angular/core @dependabot (#1708)
    • Bump cypress from 10.7.0 to 10.9.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1707)
    • Bump bootstrap from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1710)
    • Bump typescript from 4.7.4 to 4.8.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1706)
    • Bugfix: Set MySql charset @stumpylog (#1687)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.10.0-beta.rc2.tar.xz(16.65 MB)
  • v1.10.0-beta.rc1(Nov 10, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.10.0


    • Feature: Allow running custom container initialization scripts @stumpylog (#1838)
    • Chore: Fix dev trying to build Pillow or lxml @stumpylog (#1909)
    • Feature: Add more file name formatting options @stumpylog (#1906)
    • Feature: 1.9.2 UI tweaks @shamoon (#1886)
    • Feature: Optional celery monitoring with Flower @stumpylog (#1810)
    • Feature: Save pending tasks for frontend @stumpylog (#1816)
    • Feature: Improved processing for automatic matching @stumpylog (#1609)
    • Feature: Transition to celery for background tasks @stumpylog (#1648)
    • Feature: UI Welcome Tour @shamoon (#1644)
    • Feature: slim sidebar @shamoon (#1641)
    • change default matching algo to auto and move to constant @NiFNi (#1754)
    • Feature: Enable end to end Tika testing in CI @stumpylog (#1757)
    • Feature: frontend update checking settings @shamoon (#1692)
    • Feature: Upgrade to qpdf 11, pikepdf 6 & ocrmypdf 14 @stumpylog (#1642)

    Bug Fixes

    • Bugfix: Always re-try barcodes with pdf2image @stumpylog (#1953)
    • Fix: using CONSUMER_SUBDIRS_AS_TAGS causes failure with Celery in dev @shamoon (#1942)
    • Fix mail consumption broken in dev after move to celery @shamoon (#1934)
    • Bugfix: Prevent file handling from running with stale data @stumpylog (#1905)
    • Chore: Reduce nuisance CI test failures @stumpylog (#1922)
    • Bugfix: Unintentional deletion of feature tagged Docker images @stumpylog (#1896)
    • Fix: independent control of saved views @shamoon (#1868)
    • Fix: frontend relative date searches @shamoon (#1865)
    • Chore: Fixes pipenv issues @stumpylog (#1873)
    • Bugfix: Handle password protected PDFs during barcode detection @stumpylog (#1858)
    • Fix: Allows configuring barcodes with pdf2image instead of pikepdf @stumpylog (#1857)
    • Bugfix: Reverts the change around skip_noarchive @stumpylog (#1829)
    • Fix: missing loadViewConfig breaks loading saved view @shamoon (#1792)
    • Bugfix: Fallback to pdf2image if pikepdf fails @stumpylog (#1745)
    • Documentation: Add note re MS exchange servers @shamoon (#1780)
    • Fix: creating new storage path on document edit fails to update menu @shamoon (#1777)
    • Bugfix: Files containing barcodes uploaded via web are not consumed after splitting @stumpylog (#1762)
    • Bugfix: Fix email labeling for non-Gmail servers @stumpylog (#1755)
    • Fix: allow preview for .csv files @shamoon (#1744)
    • Bugfix: csv recognition by consumer @bin101 (#1726)
    • Bugfix: Include document title when a duplicate is detected @stumpylog (#1696)
    • Bugfix: Set MySql charset @stumpylog (#1687)
    • Mariadb compose files should use PAPERLESS_DBPASS @shamoon (#1683)


    • Fix: Allows configuring barcodes with pdf2image instead of pikepdf @stumpylog (#1857)
    • Documentation: Add note re MS exchange servers @shamoon (#1780)
    • Chore: Updates Gotenberg versions @stumpylog (#1768)
    • Documentation: Tweak LinuxServer @stumpylog (#1761)
    • Documentation: Adds troubleshooting note about Kubernetes and ports @stumpylog (#1731)
    • Feature: frontend update checking settings @shamoon (#1692)
    • Documentation: LinuxServer.io Migration @stumpylog (#1733)
    • [Documentation] Add v1.9.2 changelog @github-actions (#1671)


    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 32 to 34 @dependabot (#1915)
    • Chore: Fix dev trying to build Pillow or lxml @stumpylog (#1909)
    • Bugfix: Unintentional deletion of feature tagged Docker images @stumpylog (#1896)
    • Chore: Fixes pipenv issues @stumpylog (#1873)
    • Chore: Simplified registry cleanup @stumpylog (#1812)
    • Chore: Fixing deprecated workflow commands @stumpylog (#1786)
    • Chore: Python library update + test fixes @stumpylog (#1773)
    • Feature: Transition to celery for background tasks @stumpylog (#1648)
    • Chore: Updates Gotenberg versions @stumpylog (#1768)
    • Bugfix: Fix email labeling for non-Gmail servers @stumpylog (#1755)
    • Bump leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations from 1.3.0 to 2.0.1 @dependabot (#1703)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 29.0.2 to 31.0.2 @dependabot (#1702)
    • Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 @dependabot (#1704)
    • Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#1705)


    31 changes
    • Bugfix: Downgrade cryptography for armv7 compatibility @stumpylog (#1954)
    • Chore: Bulk library updates + loosen restrictions @stumpylog (#1949)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 32 to 34 @dependabot (#1915)
    • Bump scikit-learn from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 @dependabot (#1903)
    • Bump angular packages as bundle @dependabot (#1910)
    • Bump ngx-ui-tour-ng-bootstrap from 11.0.0 to 11.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1911)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.1.2 to 29.2.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1914)
    • Bump pillow from 9.2.0 to 9.3.0 @dependabot (#1904)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.3 to 7.2.0 @dependabot (#1902)
    • Bump tox from 3.26.0 to 3.27.0 @dependabot (#1901)
    • Bump zipp from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 @dependabot (#1860)
    • Bump pytest-env from 0.6.2 to 0.8.1 @dependabot (#1859)
    • Bump sphinx from 5.2.3 to 5.3.0 @dependabot (#1817)
    • Chore: downgrade channels-redis @stumpylog (#1802)
    • Chore: Update to qpdf 11.1.1 and update backend libraries @stumpylog (#1749)
    • Bump myst-parser from 0.18.0 to 0.18.1 @dependabot (#1738)
    • Bump leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations from 1.3.0 to 2.0.1 @dependabot (#1703)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 29.0.2 to 31.0.2 @dependabot (#1702)
    • Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 @dependabot (#1704)
    • Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#1705)
    • Bump rxjs from 7.5.6 to 7.5.7 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1720)
    • Bump uuid from 8.3.2 to 9.0.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1716)
    • Bump ng2-pdf-viewer from 9.1.0 to 9.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1717)
    • Bump ngx-color from 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1715)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1719)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.7.14 to 18.7.23 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1718)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.0.1 to 29.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1714)
    • Bump @angular/cli @angular/core @dependabot (#1708)
    • Bump cypress from 10.7.0 to 10.9.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1707)
    • Bump bootstrap from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1710)
    • Bump typescript from 4.7.4 to 4.8.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1706)

    All App Changes

    • Bugfix: Always re-try barcodes with pdf2image @stumpylog (#1953)
    • Fix: using CONSUMER_SUBDIRS_AS_TAGS causes failure with Celery in dev @shamoon (#1942)
    • Fix mail consumption broken in dev after move to celery @shamoon (#1934)
    • Bugfix: Prevent file handling from running with stale data @stumpylog (#1905)
    • Chore: Reduce nuisance CI test failures @stumpylog (#1922)
    • Bump scikit-learn from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 @dependabot (#1903)
    • Bump angular packages as bundle @dependabot (#1910)
    • Bump ngx-ui-tour-ng-bootstrap from 11.0.0 to 11.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1911)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.1.2 to 29.2.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1914)
    • Feature: Add more file name formatting options @stumpylog (#1906)
    • Bump pillow from 9.2.0 to 9.3.0 @dependabot (#1904)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.3 to 7.2.0 @dependabot (#1902)
    • Bump tox from 3.26.0 to 3.27.0 @dependabot (#1901)
    • directly use rapidfuzz @maxbachmann (#1899)
    • Feature: 1.9.2 UI tweaks @shamoon (#1886)
    • Bump zipp from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 @dependabot (#1860)
    • Fix: independent control of saved views @shamoon (#1868)
    • Fix: frontend relative date searches @shamoon (#1865)
    • Django error W003 - MariaDB may not allow unique CharFields to have a max_length > 255. @Sblop (#1881)
    • Bump pytest-env from 0.6.2 to 0.8.1 @dependabot (#1859)
    • Fix: Allows configuring barcodes with pdf2image instead of pikepdf @stumpylog (#1857)
    • Feature: Save pending tasks for frontend @stumpylog (#1816)
    • Bugfix: Reverts the change around skip_noarchive @stumpylog (#1829)
    • Bump sphinx from 5.2.3 to 5.3.0 @dependabot (#1817)
    • Fix: missing loadViewConfig breaks loading saved view @shamoon (#1792)
    • Bugfix: Fallback to pdf2image if pikepdf fails @stumpylog (#1745)
    • Fix: creating new storage path on document edit fails to update menu @shamoon (#1777)
    • Chore: Python library update + test fixes @stumpylog (#1773)
    • Feature: Improved processing for automatic matching @stumpylog (#1609)
    • Feature: Transition to celery for background tasks @stumpylog (#1648)
    • Feature: UI Welcome Tour @shamoon (#1644)
    • Feature: slim sidebar @shamoon (#1641)
    • Bugfix: Files containing barcodes uploaded via web are not consumed after splitting @stumpylog (#1762)
    • change default matching algo to auto and move to constant @NiFNi (#1754)
    • Bugfix: Fix email labeling for non-Gmail servers @stumpylog (#1755)
    • Feature: frontend update checking settings @shamoon (#1692)
    • Fix: allow preview for .csv files @shamoon (#1744)
    • Bump myst-parser from 0.18.0 to 0.18.1 @dependabot (#1738)
    • Bugfix: csv recognition by consumer @bin101 (#1726)
    • Bugfix: Include document title when a duplicate is detected @stumpylog (#1696)
    • Bump rxjs from 7.5.6 to 7.5.7 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1720)
    • Bump uuid from 8.3.2 to 9.0.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1716)
    • Bump ng2-pdf-viewer from 9.1.0 to 9.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1717)
    • Bump ngx-color from 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1715)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1719)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.7.14 to 18.7.23 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1718)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 29.0.1 to 29.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1714)
    • Bump @angular/cli @angular/core @dependabot (#1708)
    • Bump cypress from 10.7.0 to 10.9.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1707)
    • Bump bootstrap from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1710)
    • Bump typescript from 4.7.4 to 4.8.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1706)
    • Bugfix: Set MySql charset @stumpylog (#1687)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.10.0-beta.rc1.tar.xz(16.63 MB)
  • v1.9.2(Sep 27, 2022)

  • v1.9.1(Sep 26, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.9.1


    • Version 1.9.1 incorrectly displays the version string as 1.9.0

    Bug Fixes

    • Bugfix: Fixes missing OCR mode skip_noarchive @stumpylog (#1645)
    • Fix reset button padding on small screens @shamoon (#1646)


    • Improve docs re PAPERLESS_FILENAME_FORMAT @janis-ax (#1625)
    • [Documentation] Add v1.9.0 changelog @github-actions (#1639)

    All App Changes

    • Bugfix: Fixes missing OCR mode skip_noarchive @stumpylog (#1645)
    • Fix reset button padding on small screens @shamoon (#1646)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.9.1.tar.xz(17.77 MB)
  • v1.9.0(Sep 26, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.9.0


    • Feature: Faster, less memory barcode handling @stumpylog (#1594)
    • Feature: Display django-q process names @stumpylog (#1567)
    • Feature: Add MariaDB support @bckelly1 (#543)
    • Feature: Simplify IMAP login for UTF-8 @stumpylog (#1492)
    • Feature: Even better re-do of OCR @stumpylog (#1451)
    • Feature: document comments @tim-vogel (#1375)
    • Adding date suggestions to the documents details view @Eckii24 (#1367)
    • Feature: Event driven consumer @stumpylog (#1421)
    • Feature: Adds storage paths to re-tagger command @stumpylog (#1446)
    • Feature: Preserve original filename in metadata @GwynHannay (#1440)
    • Handle tags for gmail email accounts @sisao (#1433)
    • Update redis image @tribut (#1436)
    • PAPERLESS_REDIS may be set via docker secrets @DennisGaida (#1405)

    Bug Fixes

    • paperless_cmd.sh: use exec to run supervisord @lemmi (#1617)
    • Fix: Double barcode separation creates empty file @stumpylog (#1596)
    • Fix: Resolve issue with slow classifier @stumpylog (#1576)
    • Fix document comments not updating on document navigation @shamoon (#1566)
    • Fix: Include storage paths in document exporter @shamoon (#1557)
    • Chore: Cleanup and validate settings @stumpylog (#1551)
    • Bugfix: Better gunicorn settings for workers @stumpylog (#1500)
    • Fix actions button in tasks table @shamoon (#1488)
    • Fix: Add missing filter rule types to SavedViewFilterRule model & fix migrations @shamoon (#1463)
    • Fix paperless.conf.example typo @qcasey (#1460)
    • Bugfix: Fixes the creation of an archive file, even if noarchive was specified @stumpylog (#1442)
    • Fix: created_date should not be required @shamoon (#1412)
    • Fix: dev backend testing @stumpylog (#1420)
    • Bugfix: Catch all exceptions during the task signals @stumpylog (#1387)
    • Fix: saved view page parameter @shamoon (#1376)
    • Fix: Correct browser unsaved changes warning @shamoon (#1369)
    • Fix: correct date pasting with other formats @shamoon (#1370)
    • Bugfix: Allow webserver bind address to be configured @stumpylog (#1358)
    • Bugfix: Chain exceptions during exception handling @stumpylog (#1354)
    • Fix: missing tooltip translation & filter editor wrapping @shamoon (#1305)
    • Bugfix: Interaction between barcode and directories as tags @stumpylog (#1303)


    • [Beta] Paperless-ngx v1.9.0 Release Candidate @stumpylog (#1560)
    • docs/configuration: Fix binary variable defaults @erikarvstedt (#1528)
    • Info about installing on subpath @viktor-c (#1350)
    • Docs: move scanner & software recs to GH wiki @shamoon (#1482)
    • Docs: Update mobile scanner section @tooomm (#1467)
    • Adding date suggestions to the documents details view @Eckii24 (#1367)
    • docs: scanners: add Brother ads4700w @ocelotsloth (#1450)
    • Feature: Adds storage paths to re-tagger command @stumpylog (#1446)
    • Changes to Redis documentation @Zerteax (#1441)
    • Update scanners.rst @glassbox-sco (#1430)
    • Update scanners.rst @derlucas (#1415)
    • Bugfix: Allow webserver bind address to be configured @stumpylog (#1358)
    • docs: fix small typo @tooomm (#1352)
    • [Documentation] Add v1.8.0 changelog @github-actions (#1298)


    • [Beta] Paperless-ngx v1.9.0 Release Candidate @stumpylog (#1560)
    • paperless_cmd.sh: use exec to run supervisord @lemmi (#1617)
    • Chore: Extended container image cleanup @stumpylog (#1556)
    • Chore: Smaller library images @stumpylog (#1546)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 24 to 29.0.2 @dependabot (#1493)
    • Bugfix: Better gunicorn settings for workers @stumpylog (#1500)
    • [CI] Fix release drafter issues @qcasey (#1301)
    • Fix: dev backend testing @stumpylog (#1420)
    • Chore: Exclude dependabot PRs from Project, set status to "Needs Review" @qcasey (#1397)
    • Chore: Add autolabeler to label PRs based on ref and title @qcasey (#1396)
    • Chore: use pre-commit in the Ci workflow @stumpylog (#1362)
    • Chore: Fixes permissions for image tag cleanup @stumpylog (#1315)
    • Bump leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 @dependabot (#1328)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 23.1 to 24 @dependabot (#1329)
    • Feature: Remove requirements.txt and use pipenv everywhere @stumpylog (#1316)


    34 changes
    • Bump pikepdf from 5.5.0 to 5.6.1 @dependabot (#1537)
    • Bump black from 22.6.0 to 22.8.0 @dependabot (#1539)
    • Bump tqdm from 4.64.0 to 4.64.1 @dependabot (#1540)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 @dependabot (#1538)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 24 to 29.0.2 @dependabot (#1493)
    • Bump angular packages, jest-preset-angular in src-ui @dependabot (#1502)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.3 to 29.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1507)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.6.3 to 18.7.14 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1506)
    • Bump @angular-builders/jest from 14.0.0 to 14.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1505)
    • Bump zone.js from 0.11.7 to 0.11.8 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1504)
    • Bump ngx-color from 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1494)
    • Bump cypress from 10.3.1 to 10.7.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1496)
    • Bump @cypress/schematic from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1495)
    • Bump @popperjs/core from 2.11.5 to 2.11.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1498)
    • Bump sphinx from 5.0.2 to 5.1.1 @dependabot (#1297)
    • Chore: Bump Python dependencies @stumpylog (#1445)
    • Chore: Update Python deps @stumpylog (#1391)
    • Bump watchfiles from 0.15.0 to 0.16.1 @dependabot (#1285)
    • Bump leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 @dependabot (#1328)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 23.1 to 24 @dependabot (#1329)
    • Bump cypress from 10.3.0 to 10.3.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1342)
    • Bump ngx-color from 7.3.3 to 8.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1343)
    • Bump @angular/cli from 14.0.4 to 14.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1330)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.0.0 to 18.6.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1341)
    • Bump jest-preset-angular from 12.1.0 to 12.2.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1340)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.2.2 to 7.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1326)
    • Bump ng2-pdf-viewer from 9.0.0 to 9.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1337)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.2 to 28.1.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1336)
    • Bump ngx-file-drop from 13.0.0 to 14.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1331)
    • Bump jest and @types/jest in /src-ui @dependabot (#1333)
    • Bump bootstrap from 5.1.3 to 5.2.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1327)
    • Bump typescript from 4.6.4 to 4.7.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1324)
    • Bump ts-node from 10.8.1 to 10.9.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1325)
    • Bump rxjs from 7.5.5 to 7.5.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1323)

    All App Changes

    • [Beta] Paperless-ngx v1.9.0 Release Candidate @stumpylog (#1560)
    • Feature: Faster, less memory barcode handling @stumpylog (#1594)
    • Fix: Consume directory permissions were not updated @stumpylog (#1605)
    • Fix: Double barcode separation creates empty file @stumpylog (#1596)
    • Fix: Parsing Tika documents fails with AttributeError @stumpylog (#1591)
    • Fix: Resolve issue with slow classifier @stumpylog (#1576)
    • Feature: Display django-q process names @stumpylog (#1567)
    • Fix document comments not updating on document navigation @shamoon (#1566)
    • Feature: Add MariaDB support @bckelly1 (#543)
    • Fix: Include storage paths in document exporter @shamoon (#1557)
    • Chore: Cleanup and validate settings @stumpylog (#1551)
    • Bump pikepdf from 5.5.0 to 5.6.1 @dependabot (#1537)
    • Bump black from 22.6.0 to 22.8.0 @dependabot (#1539)
    • Bump tqdm from 4.64.0 to 4.64.1 @dependabot (#1540)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 @dependabot (#1538)
    • Bump angular packages, jest-preset-angular in src-ui @dependabot (#1502)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.3 to 29.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1507)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.6.3 to 18.7.14 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1506)
    • Bump @angular-builders/jest from 14.0.0 to 14.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1505)
    • Bump zone.js from 0.11.7 to 0.11.8 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1504)
    • Bump ngx-color from 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1494)
    • Bump cypress from 10.3.1 to 10.7.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1496)
    • Bump @cypress/schematic from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1495)
    • Bump @popperjs/core from 2.11.5 to 2.11.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1498)
    • Feature: Simplify IMAP login for UTF-8 @stumpylog (#1492)
    • Fix actions button in tasks table @shamoon (#1488)
    • Fix: Add missing filter rule types to SavedViewFilterRule model & fix migrations @shamoon (#1463)
    • Feature: Even better re-do of OCR @stumpylog (#1451)
    • Feature: document comments @tim-vogel (#1375)
    • Adding date suggestions to the documents details view @Eckii24 (#1367)
    • Bump sphinx from 5.0.2 to 5.1.1 @dependabot (#1297)
    • Feature: Event driven consumer @stumpylog (#1421)
    • Bugfix: Fixes the creation of an archive file, even if noarchive was specified @stumpylog (#1442)
    • Feature: Adds storage paths to re-tagger command @stumpylog (#1446)
    • Feature: Preserve original filename in metadata @GwynHannay (#1440)
    • Handle tags for gmail email accounts @sisao (#1433)
    • Fix: created_date should not be required @shamoon (#1412)
    • Bugfix: Catch all exceptions during the task signals @stumpylog (#1387)
    • Fix: saved view page parameter @shamoon (#1376)
    • Fix: Correct browser unsaved changes warning @shamoon (#1369)
    • Fix: correct date pasting with other formats @shamoon (#1370)
    • Chore: use pre-commit in the Ci workflow @stumpylog (#1362)
    • Bugfix: Chain exceptions during exception handling @stumpylog (#1354)
    • Bump watchfiles from 0.15.0 to 0.16.1 @dependabot (#1285)
    • Bump cypress from 10.3.0 to 10.3.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1342)
    • Bump ngx-color from 7.3.3 to 8.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1343)
    • Bump @angular/cli from 14.0.4 to 14.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1330)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.0.0 to 18.6.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1341)
    • Bump jest-preset-angular from 12.1.0 to 12.2.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1340)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.2.2 to 7.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1326)
    • Bump ng2-pdf-viewer from 9.0.0 to 9.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1337)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.2 to 28.1.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1336)
    • Bump ngx-file-drop from 13.0.0 to 14.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1331)
    • Bump jest and @types/jest in /src-ui @dependabot (#1333)
    • Bump bootstrap from 5.1.3 to 5.2.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1327)
    • Bump typescript from 4.6.4 to 4.7.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1324)
    • Bump ts-node from 10.8.1 to 10.9.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1325)
    • Bump rxjs from 7.5.5 to 7.5.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1323)
    • Fix: missing tooltip translation & filter editor wrapping @shamoon (#1305)
    • Feature: Remove requirements.txt and use pipenv everywhere @stumpylog (#1316)
    • Bugfix: Interaction between barcode and directories as tags @stumpylog (#1303)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.9.0.tar.xz(17.76 MB)
  • v1.9.0-beta.rc3(Sep 21, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.9.0


    • Feature: Faster, less memory barcode handling @stumpylog (#1594)
    • Feature: Display django-q process names @stumpylog (#1567)
    • Feature: Add MariaDB support @bckelly1 (#543)
    • Feature: Simplify IMAP login for UTF-8 @stumpylog (#1492)
    • Feature: Even better re-do of OCR @stumpylog (#1451)
    • Feature: document comments @tim-vogel (#1375)
    • Adding date suggestions to the documents details view @Eckii24 (#1367)
    • Feature: Event driven consumer @stumpylog (#1421)
    • Feature: Adds storage paths to re-tagger command @stumpylog (#1446)
    • Feature: Preserve original filename in metadata @GwynHannay (#1440)
    • Handle tags for gmail email accounts @sisao (#1433)
    • Update redis image @tribut (#1436)
    • PAPERLESS_REDIS may be set via docker secrets @DennisGaida (#1405)

    Bug Fixes

    • paperless_cmd.sh: use exec to run supervisord @lemmi (#1617)
    • Fix: Double barcode separation creates empty file @stumpylog (#1596)
    • Fix: Resolve issue with slow classifier @stumpylog (#1576)
    • Fix document comments not updating on document navigation @shamoon (#1566)
    • Fix: Include storage paths in document exporter @shamoon (#1557)
    • Chore: Cleanup and validate settings @stumpylog (#1551)
    • Bugfix: Better gunicorn settings for workers @stumpylog (#1500)
    • Fix actions button in tasks table @shamoon (#1488)
    • Fix: Add missing filter rule types to SavedViewFilterRule model & fix migrations @shamoon (#1463)
    • Fix paperless.conf.example typo @qcasey (#1460)
    • Bugfix: Fixes the creation of an archive file, even if noarchive was specified @stumpylog (#1442)
    • Fix: created_date should not be required @shamoon (#1412)
    • Fix: dev backend testing @stumpylog (#1420)
    • Bugfix: Catch all exceptions during the task signals @stumpylog (#1387)
    • Fix: saved view page parameter @shamoon (#1376)
    • Fix: Correct browser unsaved changes warning @shamoon (#1369)
    • Fix: correct date pasting with other formats @shamoon (#1370)
    • Bugfix: Allow webserver bind address to be configured @stumpylog (#1358)
    • Bugfix: Chain exceptions during exception handling @stumpylog (#1354)
    • Fix: missing tooltip translation & filter editor wrapping @shamoon (#1305)
    • Bugfix: Interaction between barcode and directories as tags @stumpylog (#1303)


    • docs/configuration: Fix binary variable defaults @erikarvstedt (#1528)
    • Info about installing on subpath @viktor-c (#1350)
    • Docs: move scanner & software recs to GH wiki @shamoon (#1482)
    • Docs: Update mobile scanner section @tooomm (#1467)
    • Adding date suggestions to the documents details view @Eckii24 (#1367)
    • docs: scanners: add Brother ads4700w @ocelotsloth (#1450)
    • Feature: Adds storage paths to re-tagger command @stumpylog (#1446)
    • Changes to Redis documentation @Zerteax (#1441)
    • Update scanners.rst @glassbox-sco (#1430)
    • Update scanners.rst @derlucas (#1415)
    • Bugfix: Allow webserver bind address to be configured @stumpylog (#1358)
    • docs: fix small typo @tooomm (#1352)
    • [Documentation] Add v1.8.0 changelog @github-actions (#1298)


    • paperless_cmd.sh: use exec to run supervisord @lemmi (#1617)
    • Chore: Extended container image cleanup @stumpylog (#1556)
    • Chore: Smaller library images @stumpylog (#1546)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 24 to 29.0.2 @dependabot (#1493)
    • Bugfix: Better gunicorn settings for workers @stumpylog (#1500)
    • [CI] Fix release drafter issues @qcasey (#1301)
    • Fix: dev backend testing @stumpylog (#1420)
    • Chore: Exclude dependabot PRs from Project, set status to "Needs Review" @qcasey (#1397)
    • Chore: Add autolabeler to label PRs based on ref and title @qcasey (#1396)
    • Chore: use pre-commit in the Ci workflow @stumpylog (#1362)
    • Chore: Fixes permissions for image tag cleanup @stumpylog (#1315)
    • Bump leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 @dependabot (#1328)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 23.1 to 24 @dependabot (#1329)
    • Feature: Remove requirements.txt and use pipenv everywhere @stumpylog (#1316)


    34 changes
    • Bump pikepdf from 5.5.0 to 5.6.1 @dependabot (#1537)
    • Bump black from 22.6.0 to 22.8.0 @dependabot (#1539)
    • Bump tqdm from 4.64.0 to 4.64.1 @dependabot (#1540)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 @dependabot (#1538)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 24 to 29.0.2 @dependabot (#1493)
    • Bump angular packages, jest-preset-angular in src-ui @dependabot (#1502)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.3 to 29.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1507)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.6.3 to 18.7.14 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1506)
    • Bump @angular-builders/jest from 14.0.0 to 14.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1505)
    • Bump zone.js from 0.11.7 to 0.11.8 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1504)
    • Bump ngx-color from 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1494)
    • Bump cypress from 10.3.1 to 10.7.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1496)
    • Bump @cypress/schematic from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1495)
    • Bump @popperjs/core from 2.11.5 to 2.11.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1498)
    • Bump sphinx from 5.0.2 to 5.1.1 @dependabot (#1297)
    • Chore: Bump Python dependencies @stumpylog (#1445)
    • Chore: Update Python deps @stumpylog (#1391)
    • Bump watchfiles from 0.15.0 to 0.16.1 @dependabot (#1285)
    • Bump leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 @dependabot (#1328)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 23.1 to 24 @dependabot (#1329)
    • Bump cypress from 10.3.0 to 10.3.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1342)
    • Bump ngx-color from 7.3.3 to 8.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1343)
    • Bump @angular/cli from 14.0.4 to 14.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1330)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.0.0 to 18.6.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1341)
    • Bump jest-preset-angular from 12.1.0 to 12.2.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1340)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.2.2 to 7.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1326)
    • Bump ng2-pdf-viewer from 9.0.0 to 9.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1337)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.2 to 28.1.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1336)
    • Bump ngx-file-drop from 13.0.0 to 14.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1331)
    • Bump jest and @types/jest in /src-ui @dependabot (#1333)
    • Bump bootstrap from 5.1.3 to 5.2.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1327)
    • Bump typescript from 4.6.4 to 4.7.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1324)
    • Bump ts-node from 10.8.1 to 10.9.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1325)
    • Bump rxjs from 7.5.5 to 7.5.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1323)

    All App Changes

    • Feature: Faster, less memory barcode handling @stumpylog (#1594)
    • Fix: Consume directory permissions were not updated @stumpylog (#1605)
    • Fix: Double barcode separation creates empty file @stumpylog (#1596)
    • Fix: Parsing Tika documents fails with AttributeError @stumpylog (#1591)
    • Fix: Resolve issue with slow classifier @stumpylog (#1576)
    • Feature: Display django-q process names @stumpylog (#1567)
    • Fix document comments not updating on document navigation @shamoon (#1566)
    • Feature: Add MariaDB support @bckelly1 (#543)
    • Fix: Include storage paths in document exporter @shamoon (#1557)
    • Chore: Cleanup and validate settings @stumpylog (#1551)
    • Bump pikepdf from 5.5.0 to 5.6.1 @dependabot (#1537)
    • Bump black from 22.6.0 to 22.8.0 @dependabot (#1539)
    • Bump tqdm from 4.64.0 to 4.64.1 @dependabot (#1540)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 @dependabot (#1538)
    • Bump angular packages, jest-preset-angular in src-ui @dependabot (#1502)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.3 to 29.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1507)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.6.3 to 18.7.14 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1506)
    • Bump @angular-builders/jest from 14.0.0 to 14.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1505)
    • Bump zone.js from 0.11.7 to 0.11.8 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1504)
    • Bump ngx-color from 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1494)
    • Bump cypress from 10.3.1 to 10.7.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1496)
    • Bump @cypress/schematic from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1495)
    • Bump @popperjs/core from 2.11.5 to 2.11.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1498)
    • Feature: Simplify IMAP login for UTF-8 @stumpylog (#1492)
    • Fix actions button in tasks table @shamoon (#1488)
    • Fix: Add missing filter rule types to SavedViewFilterRule model & fix migrations @shamoon (#1463)
    • Feature: Even better re-do of OCR @stumpylog (#1451)
    • Feature: document comments @tim-vogel (#1375)
    • Adding date suggestions to the documents details view @Eckii24 (#1367)
    • Bump sphinx from 5.0.2 to 5.1.1 @dependabot (#1297)
    • Feature: Event driven consumer @stumpylog (#1421)
    • Bugfix: Fixes the creation of an archive file, even if noarchive was specified @stumpylog (#1442)
    • Feature: Adds storage paths to re-tagger command @stumpylog (#1446)
    • Feature: Preserve original filename in metadata @GwynHannay (#1440)
    • Handle tags for gmail email accounts @sisao (#1433)
    • Fix: created_date should not be required @shamoon (#1412)
    • Bugfix: Catch all exceptions during the task signals @stumpylog (#1387)
    • Fix: saved view page parameter @shamoon (#1376)
    • Fix: Correct browser unsaved changes warning @shamoon (#1369)
    • Fix: correct date pasting with other formats @shamoon (#1370)
    • Chore: use pre-commit in the Ci workflow @stumpylog (#1362)
    • Bugfix: Chain exceptions during exception handling @stumpylog (#1354)
    • Bump watchfiles from 0.15.0 to 0.16.1 @dependabot (#1285)
    • Bump cypress from 10.3.0 to 10.3.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1342)
    • Bump ngx-color from 7.3.3 to 8.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1343)
    • Bump @angular/cli from 14.0.4 to 14.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1330)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.0.0 to 18.6.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1341)
    • Bump jest-preset-angular from 12.1.0 to 12.2.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1340)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.2.2 to 7.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1326)
    • Bump ng2-pdf-viewer from 9.0.0 to 9.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1337)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.2 to 28.1.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1336)
    • Bump ngx-file-drop from 13.0.0 to 14.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1331)
    • Bump jest and @types/jest in /src-ui @dependabot (#1333)
    • Bump bootstrap from 5.1.3 to 5.2.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1327)
    • Bump typescript from 4.6.4 to 4.7.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1324)
    • Bump ts-node from 10.8.1 to 10.9.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1325)
    • Bump rxjs from 7.5.5 to 7.5.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1323)
    • Fix: missing tooltip translation & filter editor wrapping @shamoon (#1305)
    • Feature: Remove requirements.txt and use pipenv everywhere @stumpylog (#1316)
    • Bugfix: Interaction between barcode and directories as tags @stumpylog (#1303)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.9.0-beta.rc3.tar.xz(18.02 MB)
  • v1.9.0-beta.rc1(Sep 11, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.9.0


    • Feature: Simplify IMAP login for UTF-8 @stumpylog (#1492)
    • Feature: Even better re-do of OCR @stumpylog (#1451)
    • Adding date suggestions to the documents details view @Eckii24 (#1367)
    • Feature: Event driven consumer @stumpylog (#1421)
    • Feature: Adds storage paths to re-tagger command @stumpylog (#1446)
    • Feature: Preserve original filename in metadata @GwynHannay (#1440)
    • Handle tags for gmail email accounts @sisao (#1433)
    • Update redis image @tribut (#1436)
    • PAPERLESS_REDIS may be set via docker secrets @DennisGaida (#1405)

    Bug Fixes

    • Bugfix: Better gunicorn settings for workers @stumpylog (#1500)
    • Fix actions button in tasks table @shamoon (#1488)
    • Fix: Add missing filter rule types to SavedViewFilterRule model & fix migrations @shamoon (#1463)
    • Fix paperless.conf.example typo @qcasey (#1460)
    • Bugfix: Fixes the creation of an archive file, even if noarchive was specified @stumpylog (#1442)
    • Fix: created_date should not be required @shamoon (#1412)
    • Fix: dev backend testing @stumpylog (#1420)
    • Bugfix: Catch all exceptions during the task signals @stumpylog (#1387)
    • Fix: saved view page parameter @shamoon (#1376)
    • Fix: Correct browser unsaved changes warning @shamoon (#1369)
    • Fix: correct date pasting with other formats @shamoon (#1370)
    • Bugfix: Allow webserver bind address to be configured @stumpylog (#1358)
    • Bugfix: Chain exceptions during exception handling @stumpylog (#1354)
    • Fix: missing tooltip translation & filter editor wrapping @shamoon (#1305)
    • Bugfix: Interaction between barcode and directories as tags @stumpylog (#1303)


    • Feature: Add MariaDB support @bckelly1 (#543)
    • docs/configuration: Fix binary variable defaults @erikarvstedt (#1528)
    • Info about installing on subpath @viktor-c (#1350)
    • Docs: move scanner & software recs to GH wiki @shamoon (#1482)
    • Docs: Update mobile scanner section @tooomm (#1467)
    • Adding date suggestions to the documents details view @Eckii24 (#1367)
    • docs: scanners: add Brother ads4700w @ocelotsloth (#1450)
    • Feature: Adds storage paths to re-tagger command @stumpylog (#1446)
    • Changes to Redis documentation @Zerteax (#1441)
    • Update scanners.rst @glassbox-sco (#1430)
    • Update scanners.rst @derlucas (#1415)
    • Bugfix: Allow webserver bind address to be configured @stumpylog (#1358)
    • docs: fix small typo @tooomm (#1352)
    • [Documentation] Add v1.8.0 changelog @github-actions (#1298)


    • Chore: Smaller library images @stumpylog (#1546)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 24 to 29.0.2 @dependabot (#1493)
    • Bugfix: Better gunicorn settings for workers @stumpylog (#1500)
    • [CI] Fix release drafter issues @qcasey (#1301)
    • Fix: dev backend testing @stumpylog (#1420)
    • Chore: Exclude dependabot PRs from Project, set status to "Needs Review" @qcasey (#1397)
    • Chore: Add autolabeler to label PRs based on ref and title @qcasey (#1396)
    • Chore: use pre-commit in the Ci workflow @stumpylog (#1362)
    • Chore: Fixes permissions for image tag cleanup @stumpylog (#1315)
    • Bump leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 @dependabot (#1328)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 23.1 to 24 @dependabot (#1329)
    • Feature: Remove requirements.txt and use pipenv everywhere @stumpylog (#1316)


    34 changes
    • Bump pikepdf from 5.5.0 to 5.6.1 @dependabot (#1537)
    • Bump black from 22.6.0 to 22.8.0 @dependabot (#1539)
    • Bump tqdm from 4.64.0 to 4.64.1 @dependabot (#1540)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 @dependabot (#1538)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 24 to 29.0.2 @dependabot (#1493)
    • Bump angular packages, jest-preset-angular in src-ui @dependabot (#1502)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.3 to 29.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1507)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.6.3 to 18.7.14 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1506)
    • Bump @angular-builders/jest from 14.0.0 to 14.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1505)
    • Bump zone.js from 0.11.7 to 0.11.8 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1504)
    • Bump ngx-color from 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1494)
    • Bump cypress from 10.3.1 to 10.7.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1496)
    • Bump @cypress/schematic from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1495)
    • Bump @popperjs/core from 2.11.5 to 2.11.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1498)
    • Bump sphinx from 5.0.2 to 5.1.1 @dependabot (#1297)
    • Chore: Bump Python dependencies @stumpylog (#1445)
    • Chore: Update Python deps @stumpylog (#1391)
    • Bump watchfiles from 0.15.0 to 0.16.1 @dependabot (#1285)
    • Bump leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 @dependabot (#1328)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 23.1 to 24 @dependabot (#1329)
    • Bump cypress from 10.3.0 to 10.3.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1342)
    • Bump ngx-color from 7.3.3 to 8.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1343)
    • Bump @angular/cli from 14.0.4 to 14.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1330)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.0.0 to 18.6.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1341)
    • Bump jest-preset-angular from 12.1.0 to 12.2.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1340)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.2.2 to 7.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1326)
    • Bump ng2-pdf-viewer from 9.0.0 to 9.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1337)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.2 to 28.1.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1336)
    • Bump ngx-file-drop from 13.0.0 to 14.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1331)
    • Bump jest and @types/jest in /src-ui @dependabot (#1333)
    • Bump bootstrap from 5.1.3 to 5.2.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1327)
    • Bump typescript from 4.6.4 to 4.7.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1324)
    • Bump ts-node from 10.8.1 to 10.9.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1325)
    • Bump rxjs from 7.5.5 to 7.5.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1323)

    All App Changes

    • Feature: Add MariaDB support @bckelly1 (#543)
    • Fix: Include storage paths in document exporter @shamoon (#1557)
    • Chore: Cleanup and validate settings @stumpylog (#1551)
    • Bump pikepdf from 5.5.0 to 5.6.1 @dependabot (#1537)
    • Bump black from 22.6.0 to 22.8.0 @dependabot (#1539)
    • Bump tqdm from 4.64.0 to 4.64.1 @dependabot (#1540)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 @dependabot (#1538)
    • Bump angular packages, jest-preset-angular in src-ui @dependabot (#1502)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.3 to 29.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1507)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.6.3 to 18.7.14 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1506)
    • Bump @angular-builders/jest from 14.0.0 to 14.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1505)
    • Bump zone.js from 0.11.7 to 0.11.8 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1504)
    • Bump ngx-color from 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1494)
    • Bump cypress from 10.3.1 to 10.7.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1496)
    • Bump @cypress/schematic from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1495)
    • Bump @popperjs/core from 2.11.5 to 2.11.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1498)
    • Feature: Simplify IMAP login for UTF-8 @stumpylog (#1492)
    • Fix actions button in tasks table @shamoon (#1488)
    • Fix: Add missing filter rule types to SavedViewFilterRule model & fix migrations @shamoon (#1463)
    • Feature: Even better re-do of OCR @stumpylog (#1451)
    • Feature: document comments @tim-vogel (#1375)
    • Adding date suggestions to the documents details view @Eckii24 (#1367)
    • Bump sphinx from 5.0.2 to 5.1.1 @dependabot (#1297)
    • Feature: Event driven consumer @stumpylog (#1421)
    • Bugfix: Fixes the creation of an archive file, even if noarchive was specified @stumpylog (#1442)
    • Feature: Adds storage paths to re-tagger command @stumpylog (#1446)
    • Feature: Preserve original filename in metadata @GwynHannay (#1440)
    • Handle tags for gmail email accounts @sisao (#1433)
    • Fix: created_date should not be required @shamoon (#1412)
    • Bugfix: Catch all exceptions during the task signals @stumpylog (#1387)
    • Fix: saved view page parameter @shamoon (#1376)
    • Fix: Correct browser unsaved changes warning @shamoon (#1369)
    • Fix: correct date pasting with other formats @shamoon (#1370)
    • Chore: use pre-commit in the Ci workflow @stumpylog (#1362)
    • Bugfix: Chain exceptions during exception handling @stumpylog (#1354)
    • Bump watchfiles from 0.15.0 to 0.16.1 @dependabot (#1285)
    • Bump cypress from 10.3.0 to 10.3.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1342)
    • Bump ngx-color from 7.3.3 to 8.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1343)
    • Bump @angular/cli from 14.0.4 to 14.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1330)
    • Bump @types/node from 18.0.0 to 18.6.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1341)
    • Bump jest-preset-angular from 12.1.0 to 12.2.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1340)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.2.2 to 7.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1326)
    • Bump ng2-pdf-viewer from 9.0.0 to 9.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1337)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.2 to 28.1.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1336)
    • Bump ngx-file-drop from 13.0.0 to 14.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1331)
    • Bump jest and @types/jest in /src-ui @dependabot (#1333)
    • Bump bootstrap from 5.1.3 to 5.2.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1327)
    • Bump typescript from 4.6.4 to 4.7.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1324)
    • Bump ts-node from 10.8.1 to 10.9.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1325)
    • Bump rxjs from 7.5.5 to 7.5.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1323)
    • Fix: missing tooltip translation & filter editor wrapping @shamoon (#1305)
    • Feature: Remove requirements.txt and use pipenv everywhere @stumpylog (#1316)
    • Bugfix: Interaction between barcode and directories as tags @stumpylog (#1303)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.9.0-beta.rc1.tar.xz(18.02 MB)
  • v1.8.0(Jul 28, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.8.0


    • Feature use env vars in pre post scripts @ziprandom (#1154)
    • frontend task queue @shamoon (#1020)
    • Fearless scikit-learn updates @stumpylog (#1082)
    • Adds support for Docker secrets @stumpylog (#1034)
    • make frontend timezone un-aware @shamoon (#957)
    • Change document thumbnails to WebP @stumpylog (#1127)
    • Fork django-q to update dependencies @stumpylog (#1014)
    • Fix: Rework query params logic @shamoon (#1000)
    • Enhancement: show note on language change and offer reload @shamoon (#1030)
    • Include error information when Redis connection fails @stumpylog (#1016)
    • frontend settings saved to database @shamoon (#919)
    • Add "Created" as additional (optional) parameter for post_documents @eingemaischt (#965)
    • Convert Changelog to markdown, auto-commit future changelogs @qcasey (#935)
    • allow all ASN filtering functions @shamoon (#920)
    • gunicorn: Allow IPv6 sockets @vlcty (#924)
    • initial app loading indicators @shamoon (#899)

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix: dropdown selected items not visible again @shamoon (#1261)
    • [CI] Fix automatic changelog generation on release @qcasey (#1249)
    • Fix: Prevent duplicate api calls on text filtering @shamoon (#1133)
    • make frontend timezone un-aware @shamoon (#957)
    • Feature / fix quick toggleable filters @shamoon (#1122)
    • Chore: Manually downgrade reportlab (and update everything else) @stumpylog (#1116)
    • Bugfix: Don't assume default Docker folders @stumpylog (#1088)
    • Bugfix: Better sanity check messages @stumpylog (#1049)
    • Fix vertical margins between pages of pdf viewer @shamoon (#1081)
    • Bugfix: Pass debug setting on to django-q @stumpylog (#1058)
    • Bugfix: Don't assume the document has a title set @stumpylog (#1057)
    • Bugfix: Corrects the setting of max pixel size for OCR @stumpylog (#1008)
    • better date pasting @shamoon (#1007)
    • Enhancement: Alphabetize tags by default @shamoon (#1017)
    • Fix: Rework query params logic @shamoon (#1000)
    • Fix: add translation for some un-translated tooltips @shamoon (#995)
    • Change npm --no-optional to --omit=optional @shamoon (#986)
    • Add myst-parser to fix readthedocs @qcasey (#982)
    • Fix: Title is changed after switching doc quickly @shamoon (#979)
    • Fix: warn when closing a document with unsaved changes due to max open docs @shamoon (#956)
    • Bugfix: Adds configurable intoify debounce time @stumpylog (#953)
    • Bugfix: Fixes document filename date off by 1 issue @stumpylog (#942)
    • fixes #949: change to MIME detection for files @gador (#962)
    • docs: fix some typos @Berjou (#948)
    • [Docs] Fix 2 small typos @tooomm (#946)
    • [Readme] Fix typo @tooomm (#941)
    • Fix: management pages plurals incorrect in other languages @shamoon (#939)
    • Fix: v1.7.1 frontend visual fixes @shamoon (#933)
    • Fix: unassigned query params ignored @shamoon (#930)
    • Fix: allow commas in non-multi rules query params @shamoon (#923)
    • Fix: Include version in export for better error messages @stumpylog (#883)
    • Bugfix: Superuser Management Won't Reset Password @stumpylog (#903)
    • Fix Ignore Date Parsing @stumpylog (#721)


    • Feature use env vars in pre post scripts @ziprandom (#1154)
    • Feature mail action custom tag @pheerai (#1032)
    • Add myst-parser to fix readthedocs @qcasey (#982)
    • Add "Created" as additional (optional) parameter for post_documents @eingemaischt (#965)
    • Bugfix: Adds configurable intoify debounce time @stumpylog (#953)
    • docs: fix some typos @Berjou (#948)
    • [Docs] Fix 2 small typos @tooomm (#946)
    • Convert Changelog to markdown, auto-commit future changelogs @qcasey (#935)
    • [Readme] Fix typo @tooomm (#941)


    • Adds support for Docker secrets @stumpylog (#1034)
    • Bugfix: Don't assume default Docker folders @stumpylog (#1088)
    • Include error information when Redis connection fails @stumpylog (#1016)
    • Fix: add translation for some un-translated tooltips @shamoon (#995)
    • gunicorn: Allow IPv6 sockets @vlcty (#924)


    34 changes
    • Fearless scikit-learn updates @stumpylog (#1082)
    • Bump pillow from 9.1.1 to 9.2.0 @dependabot (#1193)
    • Bump watchdog from 2.1.8 to 2.1.9 @dependabot (#1132)
    • Bump scikit-learn from 1.0.2 to 1.1.1 @dependabot (#992)
    • Bump setuptools from 62.3.3 to 62.6.0 @dependabot (#1150)
    • Bump django-filter from 21.1 to 22.1 @dependabot (#1191)
    • Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#1176)
    • Bump sphinx from 4.5.0 to 5.0.2 @dependabot (#1151)
    • Bump docker/metadata-action from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#1178)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 22.1 to 23.1 @dependabot (#1179)
    • Bump @angular/cli from 13.3.7 to 14.0.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1177)
    • Bump cypress from 10.0.1 to 10.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1187)
    • Bump zone.js from 0.11.5 to 0.11.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1185)
    • Bump ts-node from 10.8.0 to 10.8.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1184)
    • Bump jest-environment-jsdom from 28.1.0 to 28.1.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1175)
    • Bump @types/node from 17.0.38 to 18.0.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1183)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.2.1 to 7.2.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1181)
    • Bump jest-preset-angular from 12.0.1 to 12.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1182)
    • Bump jest and @types/jest in /src-ui @dependabot (#1180)
    • Bump whitenoise from 6.1.0 to 6.2.0 @dependabot (#1103)
    • Bump cypress from 9.6.1 to 10.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1083)
    • Bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 1 to 2 @dependabot (#1065)
    • Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 1 to 2 @dependabot (#1064)
    • Bump docker/build-push-action from 2 to 3 @dependabot (#1063)
    • Bump @cypress/schematic from 1.7.0 to 2.0.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1075)
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 19 to 22.1 @dependabot (#1062)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.1.0 to 7.2.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1073)
    • Bump @types/jest from 27.4.1 to 27.5.2 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1074)
    • Bump ts-node from 10.7.0 to 10.8.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1070)
    • Bump jest from 28.0.3 to 28.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#1071)
    • Chore: npm package updates 22-06-01 @shamoon (#1069)
    • Bump docker/login-action from 1 to 2 @dependabot (#1061)
    • Chore: Manually update dependencies @stumpylog (#1013)
    • Chore: Manually update all Python dependencies @stumpylog (#973)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.8.0.tar.xz(21.44 MB)
  • v1.8.0-beta.rc1(Jul 17, 2022)

    paperless-ngx 1.8.0


    Bug Fixes




    34 changes
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.8.0-beta.rc1.tar.xz(22.04 MB)
  • v1.7.1(May 10, 2022)



    • (chore) Runs pyupgrade to Python 3.8+ @stumpylog (#890)
    • Dockerfile Organization & Enhancements @stumpylog (#888)
    • mobile friendlier manage pages @shamoon (#873)
    • Use semver for release process @stumpylog (#851)
    • Enable Docker Hub push @stumpylog (#828)
    • Feature barcode tiff support @gador (#766)
    • Updates GHA workflow to rebuild intermediate images on changes @stumpylog (#820)
    • Adds simple Python to wait for Redis broker to be ready @stumpylog (#788)
    • Update GHA workflow to build all Docker images @stumpylog (#761)

    Bug Fixes

    • Feature / fix saved view & sort field query params @shamoon (#881)
    • mobile friendlier manage pages @shamoon (#873)
    • Add timeout to healthcheck @shamoon (#880)
    • Always accept yyyy-mm-dd date inputs @shamoon (#864)
    • Fix local Docker image building @stumpylog (#849)
    • Fix: show errors on invalid date input @shamoon (#862)
    • Fix: Older dates do not display on frontend @shamoon (#852)
    • Fixes IMAP UTF8 Authenication @stumpylog (#725)
    • Fix password field remains visible @shamoon (#840)
    • Fixes Pillow build for armv7 @stumpylog (#815)
    • Update frontend localization source file @shamoon (#814)
    • Fix install script extra OCR languages format @stumpylog (#777)


    • Use semver for release process @stumpylog (#851)
    • Deployment: Consolidate tika compose files @qcasey (#866)
    • Fix local Docker image building @stumpylog (#849)


    • Dockerfile Organization & Enhancements @stumpylog (#888)
    • Add timeout to healthcheck @shamoon (#880)
    • Use semver for release process @stumpylog (#851)
    • Deployment: Consolidate tika compose files @qcasey (#866)
    • Fixes Pillow build for armv7 @stumpylog (#815)
    • Update frontend localization source file @shamoon (#814)
    • Fix install script extra OCR languages format @stumpylog (#777)
    • Adds simple Python to wait for Redis broker to be ready @stumpylog (#788)


    15 changes
    • Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 18.7 to 19 @dependabot (#830)
    • Bump asgiref from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 @dependabot (#867)
    • Bump jest from 27.5.1 to 28.0.3 in /src-ui @dependabot (#860)
    • Bump @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap from 12.1.0 to 12.1.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#861)
    • Bump @types/node from 17.0.27 to 17.0.29 in /src-ui @dependabot (#833)
    • Bump @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap from 12.0.2 to 12.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#834)
    • Bump pytest from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2 @dependabot (#806)
    • Bump github/codeql-action from 1 to 2 @dependabot (#792)
    • Bump imap-tools from 0.53.0 to 0.54.0 @dependabot (#758)
    • Bump ocrmypdf from 13.4.2 to 13.4.3 @dependabot (#757)
    • Bump importlib-resources from 5.6.0 to 5.7.1 @dependabot (#756)
    • Bump tox from 3.24.5 to 3.25.0 @dependabot (#692)
    • Bump cypress from 9.5.3 to 9.6.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#800)
    • Bump angular & tools to 13.3.4 or 13.3.3 @shamoon (#799)
    • Bump concurrently from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#797)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-v1.7.1.tar.xz(17.23 MB)
  • ngx-1.7.0(Apr 25, 2022)


    Breaking Changes

    • PAPERLESS_URL is now required when using a reverse proxy. See #674.


    • global drag'n'drop @shamoon (#283)
    • Fix: download buttons should disable while waiting @shamoon (#630)
    • Update checker @shamoon (#591)
    • Show prompt on password-protected pdfs @shamoon (#564)
    • Filtering query params aka browser navigation for filtering @shamoon (#540)
    • Clickable tags in dashboard widgets @shamoon (#515)
    • Add bottom pagination @shamoon (#372)
    • Feature barcode splitter @gador (#532)
    • App loading screen @shamoon (#298)
    • Use progress bar for delayed buttons @shamoon (#415)
    • Add minimum length for documents text filter @shamoon (#401)
    • Added nav buttons in the document detail view @GruberViktor (#273)
    • Improve date keyboard input @shamoon (#253)
    • Color theming @shamoon (#243)
    • Parse dates when entered without separators @GruberViktor (#250)
    • Adds workflow level concurrency group @stumpylog (#751)
    • Fix custom theme color contrast @shamoon (#717)
    • Allow setting more than one tag in mail rules @jonasc (#270)

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix: scanners table @qcasey (#690)
    • Adds wait for file before consuming @stumpylog (#483)
    • Fix: frontend document editing erases time data @shamoon (#654)
    • Increase length of SavedViewFilterRule @stumpylog (#612)
    • [bug] - Fixes attachment filename matching during mail fetching @stumpylog (#680)
    • Add PAPERLESS_URL env variable & CSRF var @shamoon (#674)
    • Fix: download buttons should disable while waiting @shamoon (#630)
    • Fixes downloaded filename, add more consumer ignore settings @stumpylog (#599)
    • FIX BUG: case-sensitive matching was not possible @danielBreitlauch (#594)
    • uses shutil.move instead of rename @gador (#617)
    • Fix npm deps 01.02.22 2 @shamoon (#610)
    • Fix npm dependencies 01.02.22 @shamoon (#600)
    • fix issue 416: implement PAPERLESS_OCR_MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS @hacker-h (#441)
    • fix: exclude cypress from build in Dockerfile @FrankStrieter (#526)
    • Corrections to pass pre-commit hooks @schnuffle (#454)
    • Fix #311 unable to click checkboxes in document list @shamoon (#313)
    • Fix imap tools bug @stumpylog (#393)
    • Fix filterable dropdown buttons arent translated @shamoon (#366)
    • Fix #224: "Auto-detected date is day before receipt date" @a17t (#246)
    • Fix minor sphinx errors @shamoon (#322)
    • Fix page links hidden @shamoon (#314)
    • Fix: Include excluded items in dropdown count @shamoon (#263)
    • Fix dark mode delay button progress bar not visible @shamoon (#772)
    • Beta 1.7.0 rc1 CSS Fixes #1 @shamoon (#745)
    • Fix: use correct gotenberg image for sqlite-tika.arm.yml @qcasey (#722)
    • Fix docker/metadata-action creation of latest tag @stumpylog (#723)
    • bugfix for imap using starttls @gador (#705)
    • Fix: v1.7.0-rc1 Tags input should use body color @shamoon (#713)


    • @miku323 contributed to Slovenian translation
    • @FaintGhost contributed to Chinese Simplified translation
    • @DarkoBG79 contributed to Serbian translation
    • Kemal Secer contributed to Turkish translation
    • @Prominence contributed to Belarusian translation


    • Fix: use correct gotenberg image for sqlite-tika.arm.yml @qcasey (#722)
    • Add PAPERLESS_URL env variable & CSRF var @shamoon (#674)
    • Chore: Implement release-drafter action for Changelogs @qcasey (#669)
    • Chore: Add CODEOWNERS @qcasey (#667)
    • Support docker-compose v2 in install @stumpylog (#611)
    • Add Belarusian localization @shamoon (#588)
    • Add Turkish localization @shamoon (#536)
    • Add Serbian localization @shamoon (#504)
    • Create PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md @shamoon (#304)
    • Add Chinese localization @shamoon (#247)
    • Add Slovenian language for frontend @shamoon (#315)


    39 changes
    • Bump django from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4 @dependabot (#691)
    • Bump pre-commit from 2.17.0 to 2.18.1 @dependabot (#641)
    • Bump zipp from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0 @dependabot (#649)
    • Bump tqdm from 4.63.1 to 4.64.0 @dependabot (#653)
    • Bump ocrmypdf from 13.4.1 to 13.4.2 @dependabot (#642)
    • Bump pillow from 9.0.1 to 9.1.0 @dependabot (#619)
    • Bump pikepdf from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 @dependabot (#618)
    • Bump sphinx from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0 @dependabot (#557)
    • Bump black from 22.1.0 to 22.3.0 @dependabot (#554)
    • Fix npm dependencies 01.02.22 @shamoon (#600)
    • Bump pdfminer-six from 20211012 to 20220319 @dependabot (#474)
    • Bump @angular/core from 13.2.5 to 13.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#488)
    • Bump @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap from 12.0.0 to 12.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#486)
    • Bump @angular/compiler from 13.2.5 to 13.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#487)
    • Bump @types/jasmine from 3.10.3 to 4.0.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#485)
    • Change dependabot to check npm monthly @shamoon (#477)
    • Bump @types/node from 17.0.21 to 17.0.22 in /src-ui @dependabot (#472)
    • Bump @angular-devkit/build-angular from 13.2.6 to 13.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#471)
    • Bump @angular/platform-browser-dynamic from 13.2.5 to 13.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#470)
    • Bump @angular/platform-browser from 13.2.5 to 13.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#468)
    • Bump @angular/cli from 13.2.6 to 13.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#469)
    • Bump scikit-learn from 0.24.0 to 1.0.2 @dependabot (#186)
    • Update @ngneat/dirty-check-forms to 2.0.0 @shamoon (#388)
    • Bump sphinx from 3.4.3 to 4.4.0 @dependabot (#330)
    • Bump rxjs from 6.6.7 to 7.5.5 in /src-ui @dependabot (#355)
    • Bump @angular/cli from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#353)
    • Bump @angular/animations from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#354)
    • Bump @angular/common from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#352)
    • Bump @popperjs/core from 2.11.2 to 2.11.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#356)
    • Bump imap-tools from 0.52.0 to 0.53.0 @dependabot (#359)
    • Bump pytest from 7.0.1 to 7.1.0 @dependabot (#331)
    • Bump ocrmypdf from 13.4.0 to 13.4.1 @dependabot (#332)
    • Fix dependabot tests under Python 3.8 @stumpylog (#348)
    • Bump @angular-devkit/build-angular from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#329)
    • Bump karma-chrome-launcher from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#328)
    • Bump @angular/localize from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#327)
    • Bump @angular/router from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#326)
    • Bump @angular/forms from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#325)
    • Bump sphinx from 3.4.3 to 4.4.0 @dependabot (#183)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-1.7.0.tar.xz(20.38 MB)
  • ngx-1.7.0-rc1(Apr 12, 2022)


    Breaking Changes

    • PAPERLESS_URL is now required when using a reverse proxy. See #674.


    • global drag'n'drop @shamoon (#283)
    • Fix: download buttons should disable while waiting @shamoon (#630)
    • Update checker @shamoon (#591)
    • Show prompt on password-protected pdfs @shamoon (#564)
    • Filtering query params aka browser navigation for filtering @shamoon (#540)
    • Clickable tags in dashboard widgets @shamoon (#515)
    • Add bottom pagination @shamoon (#372)
    • Feature barcode splitter @gador (#532)
    • App loading screen @shamoon (#298)
    • Use progress bar for delayed buttons @shamoon (#415)
    • Add minimum length for documents text filter @shamoon (#401)
    • Added nav buttons in the document detail view @GruberViktor (#273)
    • Improve date keyboard input @shamoon (#253)
    • Color theming @shamoon (#243)
    • Parse dates when entered without separators @GruberViktor (#250)

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix: scanners table @qcasey (#690)
    • Adds wait for file before consuming @stumpylog (#483)
    • Fix: frontend document editing erases time data @shamoon (#654)
    • Increase length of SavedViewFilterRule @stumpylog (#612)
    • [bug] - Fixes attachment filename matching during mail fetching @stumpylog (#680)
    • Add PAPERLESS_URL env variable & CSRF var @shamoon (#674)
    • Fix: download buttons should disable while waiting @shamoon (#630)
    • Fixes downloaded filename, add more consumer ignore settings @stumpylog (#599)
    • FIX BUG: case-sensitive matching was not possible @danielBreitlauch (#594)
    • uses shutil.move instead of rename @gador (#617)
    • Fix npm deps 01.02.22 2 @shamoon (#610)
    • Fix npm dependencies 01.02.22 @shamoon (#600)
    • fix issue 416: implement PAPERLESS_OCR_MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS @hacker-h (#441)
    • fix: exclude cypress from build in Dockerfile @FrankStrieter (#526)
    • Corrections to pass pre-commit hooks @schnuffle (#454)
    • Fix #311 unable to click checkboxes in document list @shamoon (#313)
    • Fix imap tools bug @stumpylog (#393)
    • Fix filterable dropdown buttons arent translated @shamoon (#366)
    • Fix #224: "Auto-detected date is day before receipt date" @a17t (#246)
    • Fix minor sphinx errors @shamoon (#322)
    • Fix page links hidden @shamoon (#314)
    • Fix: Include excluded items in dropdown count @shamoon (#263)


    • @miku323 contributed to Slovenian translation
    • @FaintGhost contributed to Chinese Simplified translation
    • @DarkoBG79 contributed to Serbian translation
    • Kemal Secer contributed to Turkish translation
    • @Prominence contributed to Belarusian translation


    • Fix: scanners table @qcasey (#690)
    • Add PAPERLESS_URL env variable & CSRF var @shamoon (#674)
    • Fixes downloaded filename, add more consumer ignore settings @stumpylog (#599)
    • fix issue 416: implement PAPERLESS_OCR_MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS @hacker-h (#441)
    • Fix minor sphinx errors @shamoon (#322)


    • Add PAPERLESS_URL env variable & CSRF var @shamoon (#674)
    • Chore: Implement release-drafter action for Changelogs @qcasey (#669)
    • Chore: Add CODEOWNERS @qcasey (#667)
    • Support docker-compose v2 in install @stumpylog (#611)
    • Add Belarusian localization @shamoon (#588)
    • Add Turkish localization @shamoon (#536)
    • Add Serbian localization @shamoon (#504)
    • Create PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md @shamoon (#304)
    • Add Chinese localization @shamoon (#247)
    • Add Slovenian language for frontend @shamoon (#315)


    39 changes
    • Bump django from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4 @dependabot (#691)
    • Bump pre-commit from 2.17.0 to 2.18.1 @dependabot (#641)
    • Bump zipp from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0 @dependabot (#649)
    • Bump tqdm from 4.63.1 to 4.64.0 @dependabot (#653)
    • Bump ocrmypdf from 13.4.1 to 13.4.2 @dependabot (#642)
    • Bump pillow from 9.0.1 to 9.1.0 @dependabot (#619)
    • Bump pikepdf from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 @dependabot (#618)
    • Bump sphinx from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0 @dependabot (#557)
    • Bump black from 22.1.0 to 22.3.0 @dependabot (#554)
    • Fix npm dependencies 01.02.22 @shamoon (#600)
    • Bump pdfminer-six from 20211012 to 20220319 @dependabot (#474)
    • Bump @angular/core from 13.2.5 to 13.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#488)
    • Bump @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap from 12.0.0 to 12.0.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#486)
    • Bump @angular/compiler from 13.2.5 to 13.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#487)
    • Bump @types/jasmine from 3.10.3 to 4.0.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#485)
    • Change dependabot to check npm monthly @shamoon (#477)
    • Bump @types/node from 17.0.21 to 17.0.22 in /src-ui @dependabot (#472)
    • Bump @angular-devkit/build-angular from 13.2.6 to 13.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#471)
    • Bump @angular/platform-browser-dynamic from 13.2.5 to 13.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#470)
    • Bump @angular/platform-browser from 13.2.5 to 13.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#468)
    • Bump @angular/cli from 13.2.6 to 13.3.0 in /src-ui @dependabot (#469)
    • Bump scikit-learn from 0.24.0 to 1.0.2 @dependabot (#186)
    • Update @ngneat/dirty-check-forms to 2.0.0 @shamoon (#388)
    • Bump sphinx from 3.4.3 to 4.4.0 @dependabot (#330)
    • Bump rxjs from 6.6.7 to 7.5.5 in /src-ui @dependabot (#355)
    • Bump @angular/cli from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#353)
    • Bump @angular/animations from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#354)
    • Bump @angular/common from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#352)
    • Bump @popperjs/core from 2.11.2 to 2.11.4 in /src-ui @dependabot (#356)
    • Bump imap-tools from 0.52.0 to 0.53.0 @dependabot (#359)
    • Bump pytest from 7.0.1 to 7.1.0 @dependabot (#331)
    • Bump ocrmypdf from 13.4.0 to 13.4.1 @dependabot (#332)
    • Fix dependabot tests under Python 3.8 @stumpylog (#348)
    • Bump @angular-devkit/build-angular from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#329)
    • Bump karma-chrome-launcher from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 in /src-ui @dependabot (#328)
    • Bump @angular/localize from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#327)
    • Bump @angular/router from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#326)
    • Bump @angular/forms from 13.2.5 to 13.2.6 in /src-ui @dependabot (#325)
    • Bump sphinx from 3.4.3 to 4.4.0 @dependabot (#183)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    paperless-ngx-1.7.0-rc1.tar.xz(11.07 MB)
  • ngx-1.6.0(Mar 10, 2022)

  • ngx-1.6.0-rc1(Mar 4, 2022)

An easy to use an (hopefully useful) captcha solution for pyTelegramBotAPI

pyTelegramBotCAPTCHA An easy to use and (hopefully useful) image CAPTCHA soltion for pyTelegramBotAPI. Installation: pip install pyTelegramBotCAPTCHA

29 Dec 26, 2022
A collection of resources (including the papers and datasets) of OCR (Optical Character Recognition).

OCR Resources This repository contains a collection of resources (including the papers and datasets) of OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Contents

Zuming Huang 363 Jan 03, 2023
Image augmentation for machine learning experiments.

imgaug This python library helps you with augmenting images for your machine learning projects. It converts a set of input images into a new, much lar

Alexander Jung 13.2k Jan 02, 2023
Image Smoothing and Blurring Using OpenCV

Image-Smoothing-and-Blurring-Using-OpenCV This repository contains codes for performing image smoothing and blurring using OpenCV. There are different

Happy N. Monday 3 Feb 15, 2022
pyntcloud is a Python library for working with 3D point clouds.

pyntcloud is a Python library for working with 3D point clouds.

David de la Iglesia Castro 1.2k Jan 07, 2023

SimpleRPA 基于图像识别的开源RPA工具,理论上可以支持所有windows软件和网页的自动化 简介 SimpleRPA是一款python语言编写的开源RPA工具(桌面自动控制工具),用户可以通过配置yaml格式的文件,来实现桌面软件的自动化控制,简化繁杂重复的工作,比如运营人员给用户发消息,

Song Hui 7 Jun 26, 2022
Repository for playing the computer vision apps: People analytics on Raspberry Pi.

play-with-torch Repository for playing the computer vision apps: People analytics on Raspberry Pi. Tools Tested Hardware RasberryPi 4 Model B here, RA

eMHa 1 Sep 23, 2021
This Repository contain Opencv Projects in python

Python-Opencv OpenCV OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was

Yash Sakre 2 Nov 06, 2021


郭赟 4 Nov 02, 2022
The Open Source Framework for Machine Vision

SimpleCV Quick Links: About Installation [Docker] (#docker) Ubuntu Virtual Environment Arch Linux Fedora MacOS Windows Raspberry Pi SimpleCV Shell Vid

Sight Machine 2.6k Dec 31, 2022
Kornia is a open source differentiable computer vision library for PyTorch.

Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library

kornia 7.6k Jan 06, 2023
Official code for ROCA: Robust CAD Model Retrieval and Alignment from a Single Image (CVPR 2022)

ROCA: Robust CAD Model Alignment and Retrieval from a Single Image (CVPR 2022) Code release of our paper ROCA. Check out our video, paper, and website

123 Dec 25, 2022
An OCR evaluation tool

dinglehopper dinglehopper is an OCR evaluation tool and reads ALTO, PAGE and text files. It compares a ground truth (GT) document page with a OCR resu

QURATOR-SPK 40 Dec 20, 2022
Detect textlines in document images

Textline Detection Detect textlines in document images Introduction This tool performs border, region and textline detection from document image data

QURATOR-SPK 70 Jun 30, 2022
Read-only mirror of https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/ocrfeeder

================================= OCRFeeder - A Complete OCR Suite ================================= OCRFeeder is a complete Optical Character Recogn

GNOME Github Mirror 81 Dec 23, 2022
Repository collecting all the submodules for the new PyTorch-based OCR System.

OCRopus3 is being replaced by OCRopus4, which is a rewrite using PyTorch 1.7; release should be soonish. Please check github.com/tmbdev/ocropus for up

NVIDIA Research Projects 138 Dec 09, 2022
A curated list of resources for text detection/recognition (optical character recognition ) with deep learning methods.

awesome-deep-text-detection-recognition A curated list of awesome deep learning based papers on text detection and recognition. Text Detection Papers

2.4k Jan 08, 2023
A simple python program to record security cam footage by detecting a face and body of a person in the frame.

SecurityCam A simple python program to record security cam footage by detecting a face and body of a person in the frame. This code was created by me,

1 Nov 08, 2021
A post-processing tool for scanned sheets of paper.

unpaper Originally written by Jens Gulden — see AUTHORS for more information. Licensed under GNU GPL v2 — see COPYING for more information. Overview u

27 Dec 07, 2022
pulse2percept: A Python-based simulation framework for bionic vision

pulse2percept: A Python-based simulation framework for bionic vision Retinal degenerative diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and macular degenerati

67 Dec 29, 2022