A Python Package To Generate Strong Passwords For You in Your Projects.



Version 1.0.6

Ready To Use

Developed by Shervin Badanara (shervinbdndev) on Github

Language and technologies used in This Project


Update Your Interpreter

Windows / CMD

py -m pip install --upgrade pip

Linux / Terminal

python -m pip install --upgrade pip


Windows / CMD , Linux / Terminal

pip install shPassGenerator


py -m pip install shPassGenerator

Update Library

Windows / CMD , Linux / Terminal

pip install -U shPassGenerator


py -m pip install --upgrade shPassGenerator


Args Type Efficiency
length Integer Set The Length of your Password (Max Length is Unlimited)
chars Boolean Use Lowercase & Uppercase Characters in Your Password
lowercase Boolean Use Lowercase Characters in Your Password
uppercase Boolean Use Uppercase Characters in Your Password
numbers Boolean Use Numbers in Your Password
symbols Boolean Use Symbols in Your Password
octal Boolean Use Octal Characters in Your Password
hexa Boolean Use Hexa Characters in Your Password

Generate Strong Passwords

from shPassGenerator import GeneratePass

print(f"This Password is Strong : {GeneratePass(length=16 , lowercase=True)}")
print(f"This Password is Strong too : {GeneratePass(length=50 , chars=True , symbols=True)}")


This Password is Strong : umvgfarzfirmuesc
This Password is Strong too : aU;/[email protected]/=zdr)n#[email protected]%e[D'`I>$vpHNzT

Enjoy :)

Package Uploaded in PYPI :Here

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