One Stop Anomaly Shop: Anomaly detection using two-phase approach: (a) pre-labeling using statistics, Natural Language Processing and static rules; (b) anomaly scoring using supervised and unsupervised machine learning.

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Text Data & NLPOSAS

One Stop Anomaly Shop (OSAS)

Quick start guide

Step 1: Get/build the docker image

Option 1: Use precompiled image (might not reflect latest changes):

docker pull tiberiu44/osas:latest
docker image tag tiberiu44/osas:latest osas:latest

Option 2: Build the image locally

git clone
docker build . -f docker/osas-elastic/Dockerfile -t osas:latest

Step 2: After building the docker image you can start OSAS by typing:

docker run -p 8888:8888/tcp -p 5601:5601/tcp -v <ABSOLUTE PATH TO DATA FOLDER>:/app osas

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please modify the above command by adding the absolute path to your datafolder in the appropiate location

After OSAS has started (it might take 1-2 minutes) you can use your browser to access some standard endpoints:

For Debug (in case you need to):

docker run -p 8888:8888/tcp -p 5601:5601/tcp -v <ABSOLUTE PATH TO DATA FOLDER>:/app -ti osas /bin/bash

Building the test pipeline

This guide will take you through all the necessary steps to configure, train and run your own pipeline on your own dataset.

Prerequisite: Add you own CSV dataset into your data-folder (the one provided in the docker run command)

Once you started your docker image, use the OSAS console to gain CLI access to all the tools.

In what follows, we assume that your dataset is called dataset.csv. Please update the commands as necessary in case you use a different name/location.

Be sure you are running scripts in the root folder of OSAS:

cd /osas

Step 1: Build a custom pipeline configuration file - this can be done fully manually on by bootstraping using our conf autogenerator script:

python3 osas/main/ --input-file=/app/dataset.csv --output-file=/app/dataset.conf

The above command will generate a custom configuration file for your dataset. It will try guess field types and optimal combinations between fields. You can edit the generated file (which should be available in the shared data-folder), using your favourite editor.

Standard templates for label generator types are:

generator_type = MultinomialField
field_name = <FIELD_NAME>
absolute_threshold = 10
relative_threshold = 0.1

generator_type = TextField
field_name = <FIELD_NAME>
lm_mode = char
ngram_range = (3, 5)

generator_type = NumericField
field_name = <FIELD_NAME>

generator_type = MultinomialFieldCombiner
field_names = ['<FIELD_1>', '<FIELD_2>', ...]
absolute_threshold = 10
relative_threshold = 0.1

generator_type = KeywordBased
field_name = <FIELD_NAME>
keyword_list = ['<KEYWORD_1>', '<KEYWORD_2>', '<KEYWORD_3>', ...]

generator_type = KnowledgeBased
field_name = <FIELD_NAME>
rules_and_labels_tuple_list = [('<REGEX_1>','<LABEL_1>'), ('<REGEX_2>','<LABEL_2>'), ...]

You can use the above templates to add as many label generators you want. Just make sure that the header IDs are unique in the configuration file.

Step 2: Train the pipeline

python3 osas/main/train_pipeline --conf-file=/app/dataset.conf --input-file=/app/dataset.csv --model-file=/app/dataset.json

The above command will generate a pretrained pipeline using the previously created configuration file and the dataset

Step 3: Run the pipeline on a dataset

python3 osas/main/run_pipeline --conf-file=/app/dataset.conf --model-file=/app/dataset.json --input-file=/app/dataset.csv --output-file=/app/dataset-out.csv

The above command will run the pretrained pipeline on any compatible dataset. In the example we run the pipeline on the training data, but you can use previously unseen data. It will generate an output file with labels and anomaly scores and it will also import your data into Elasticsearch/Kibana. To view the result just use the the web interface.

Pipeline explained

The pipeline sequentially applies all label generators on the raw data, collects the labels and uses an anomaly scoring algorithm to generate anomaly scores. There are two main component classes: LabelGenerator and ScoringAlgorithm.

Label generators


  • This type of LabelGenerator handles numerical fields. It computes the mean and standard deviation and generates labels according to the distance between the current value and the mean value (value<=sigma NORMAL, sigma<value<=2sigma BORDERLINE, 2sigma<value OUTLIER)


  • field_name: what field to look for in the data object


  • This type of LabelGenerator handles text fields. It builds a n-gram based language model and computes the perplexity of newly observed data. It also holds statistics over the training data (mean and stdev). (perplexity<=sigma NORMAL, sigma<preplexity<=2sigma BORDERLINE, 2perplexity<value OUTLIER)


  • field_name: What field to look for
  • lm_mode: Type of LM to build: char or token
  • ngram_range: N-gram range to use for computation


  • This type of LabelGenerator handles fields with discreet value sets. It computes the probability of seeing a specific value and alerts based on relative and absolute thresholds.


  • field_name: What field to use
  • absolute_threshold: Minimum absolute value for occurrences to trigger alert for
  • relative_threshold: Minimum relative value for occurrences to trigger alert for


  • This type of LabelGenerator handles fields with discreet value sets and build advanced features by combining values across the same dataset entry. It computes the probability of seeing a specific value and alerts based on relative and absolute thresholds.


  • field_names: What fields to combine
  • absolute_threshold: Minimum absolute value for occurrences to trigger alert for
  • relative_threshold: Minimum relative value for occurrences to trigger alert for


  • This is a rule-based label generators. It applies a simple tokenization procedure on input text, by dropping special characters and numbers and splitting on white-space. It then looks for a specific set of keywords and generates labels accordingly


  • field_name: What field to use
  • keyword_list: The list of keywords to look for

OSAS has four unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms:

  • IFAnomaly: n-hot encoding, singular value decomposition, isolation forest (IF)

  • LOFAnomaly: n-hot encoding, singular value decomposition, local outlier factor (LOF)

  • SVDAnomaly: n-hot encoding, singular value decomposition, inverted transform, input reconstruction error

  • StatisticalNGramAnomaly: compute label n-gram probabilities, compute anomaly score as a sum of negative log likelihood

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