Python package for agilex robotics mobile base platform


This is Python API for Agilex Robotics Mobile base

This is a python API for Can communication with Agilex Robotics Mobile base and controlling it.

Support product list


Make sure that python version >=3.6. if you have python3 and python2 ,please use python3


pip3 install pyagxrobots
Make sure that pip3 version >= 9.0.0.
pip3 -V     																				 #cheak the pip3 version
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip                          #updata pip3

Setup CAN-To-USB adapter

  1. Enable gs_usb kernel module

    $ sudo modprobe gs_usb
  2. Bringup can device

    $ sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
  3. If no error occured during the previous steps, you should be able to see the can device now by using command

    $ ifconfig -a
  4. Install and use can-utils to test the hardware

    $ sudo apt install can-utils
  5. Testing command

    # receiving data from can0
    $ candump can0
    # send data to can0
    $ cansend can0 001#1122334455667788

You can run 1-5 for the first-time setup and run 2 to bring up the device each time you unplug and re-plug the adapter.

import to your project

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
from pyagxrobots import agxrobots
robots=agxrobots.UGV(bustype='socketcan', channel='can0', bitrate=500000) 

function list:




  • Prototype: EnableCANCtrl()
  • Description:Enable Controller Area Network control.


  • Prototype: SendVersionRequest()
  • Description:Send Version Request to robots.


  • Prototype: SendErrorClearByte(id)
  • Description:Send Error Clear Byte to robots.
  • Parameters
    • id:(int) 0-4 0:all 14 :clear motro 14


  • Prototype: EnableLightCtrl()
  • Description:Enable Light control to robots.


  • Prototype: DisableLightCtrl()
  • Description:Enable Light control to robots.


  • Prototype: LightFrontMode(mode,bright)
  • Description:Send Error Clear Byte to robots.
  • Parameters
    • mode:(int)0~3 0:often shut 1:normally open 2:breathing lamp 3:custom
    • bright:(int) 0~100 Note: mode must be 3


  • Prototype: SendLinerVelocity(liner_velocity)
  • Description:Send liner_velocity to robots.
  • Parameters
    • liner_velocity:(float)-3.0~3.0 m/s


  • Prototype: SendAngularVelocity(angular_velocity)
  • Description:Send angular_velocity to robots.
  • Parameters
    • angular_velocity:(float)-2.523~2.523 rad/s


  • Prototype: GetLightMode()
  • Description:get robots light mode .
  • Return:light mode


  • Prototype: GetSysVersion()
  • Description:get robots system version .
  • Return:ControlHardwareVersion,ActuarorHardwareVersion,ControlSoftwareVersion,GetActuarorSoftwareVersion


  • Prototype: GetLeftWheelOdem()
  • Description:get robots LeftWheelOdem .
  • Return:LeftWheelOdem


  • Prototype: GetRightWheelOdem()
  • Description:get robots RightWheelOdem .
  • Return:RightWheelOdem


  • Prototype: GetLinerVelocity()
  • Description:get robots liner_velocity .
  • Return:liner_velocity


  • Prototype: GetAngularVelocity()
  • Description:get robots angular_velocity .
  • Return:angular_velocity


  • Prototype: GetErrorCode()
  • Description:get robots error_code .
  • Return:error_code



For safety, please ensure that the robot's wheels are off the ground

1.Open Front Light

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
from pyagxrobots import agxrobots
robots=agxrobots.UGV(bustype='socketcan', channel='can0', bitrate=500000) 

2.Move Robot

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
from pyagxrobots import agxrobots
robots=agxrobots.UGV(bustype='socketcan', channel='can0', bitrate=500000) 

3.get CAN message

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
from pyagxrobots import agxrobots
robots=agxrobots.UGV(bustype='socketcan', channel='can0', bitrate=500000) 
Agilex Robotics (Dongguan) CO,.ltd
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