A visualization tool to show a TensorFlow's graph like TensorBoard



GitHub license

tfgraphviz is a module to visualize a TensorFlow's data flow graph like TensorBoard using Graphviz. tfgraphviz enables to provide a visualization of tensorflow graph on Jupyter Notebook without TensorBoard.



Use pip to install:

$ pip install graphviz
$ pip install tfgraphviz

The only dependency is Graphviz.


$ brew install graphviz


$ apt-get install graphviz


import tensorflow as tf
import tfgraphviz as tfg

g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default():
    a = tf.constant(1, name="a")
    b = tf.constant(2, name="b")
    c = tf.add(a, b, name="add")



This package is distributed under the MIT license.


Akimasa KIMURA

  • Add Binder support

    Add Binder support

    To get the example working in Binder the only required pip installable package is tensorflow and from apt-get is graphviz. The postBuild will install tfgraphviz from GitHub so that it always gets the master HEAD, so that if there is something broken for a bit on PyPI it won't continue to be a problem until a new release is made.

    opened by matthewfeickert 2
  • added pan and zoom support for jupyter

    added pan and zoom support for jupyter

    Added tfg.jupyter_pan_and_zoom helper to wrap generated SVG object In order to enable pan and zoom functionality in Jupyter:


    Tested in JupyterLab and Colab.

    opened by vlasenkoalexey 1
  • Extending functionality

    Extending functionality

    • Added proper tooltips
    • Fixed logic to render function names to check op type, not op name
    • Added ability to override functions to create digraph, node and edge like:
    def custom_add_digraph_node(digraph, name, op, attributes=None):
        if op is not None and 'PartitionedCall' in op.type:
            attributes.append(('fillcolor', 'blue'))
        tfg.add_digraph_node(digraph, name, op, attributes)
    tfg.board(tf_g, depth=10, name_regex=".*", add_digraph_node_func=custom_add_digraph_node)
    opened by vlasenkoalexey 1
  • For Python3.x

    For Python3.x

    Fixed to work on Python 3.x:

    • Change IMPLICIT relative imports (from graphviz_wrapper import board) to EXPLICIT relative imports (from .graphviz_wrapper import board).
    • (In addition, ) remove unnecessary imports.

    Checked to work both Python 2.7.x/3.5.x with TensorFlow 1.0.

    opened by antimon2 1
  • UnicodeDecodeError on loading the graph.

    UnicodeDecodeError on loading the graph.

    I am getting the following error. Is unicode in tf variable/scope names not supported?

    <ipython-input-2-b2099ef84663> in load(self)
        143         # sess = tf.Session(graph=tf.get_default_graph())
        144         self.sess.run(self.init)
    --> 145         g = tfg.board(tf.get_default_graph())
        146         g.view()
        147         self.saver.restore(self.sess, model_path)
    /Users/activeai/.local/share/virtualenvs/spotter-67LXOL6z/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tfgraphviz/graphviz_wrapper.pyc in board(tfgraph, depth, name, style)
        212     _node_inpt_table, _node_inpt_shape_table = node_input_table(tfgraph, depth=depth)
        213     digraph = add_nodes(_node_table, name=name, style=style)
    --> 214     digraph = add_edges(digraph, _node_inpt_table, _node_inpt_shape_table)
        215     return digraph
    /Users/activeai/.local/share/virtualenvs/spotter-67LXOL6z/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tfgraphviz/graphviz_wrapper.pyc in add_edges(digraph, node_inpt_table, node_inpt_shape_table)
        195             else:
        196                 shape = node_inpt_shape_table[ni]
    --> 197                 digraph.edge(ni, node, label=edge_label(shape))
        198     return digraph
    /Users/activeai/.local/share/virtualenvs/spotter-67LXOL6z/lib/python2.7/site-packages/graphviz/dot.pyc in edge(self, tail_name, head_name, label, _attributes, **attrs)
        145         head_name = self._quote_edge(head_name)
        146         attr_list = self._attr_list(label, attrs, _attributes)
    --> 147         line = self._edge % (tail_name, head_name, attr_list)
        148         self.body.append(line)
    UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 10: ordinal not in range(128)
    opened by malarinv 0
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