A python graphql api, which serves ECB currency rates from last 90 days.


Exchange Rate Api using GraphQL

Get Code

git pull https://github.com/alaturqua/exchangerate-graphql.git

Create .env file with following content and set your creds for postgres


PGADMIN[email protected]

To run execute command:

docker-compose up -d --build

Go to page: http://localhost:5000/graphql

Example GraphQL Query:

query fetchAllExchangeRates {
  exchangerates {

Screenshot from GUI

Example Image


  • Move backlog to proper place
  • Redesign front page
  • Implement docker, docker-compose for dev, test and production
  • Implement production level web server (nginx, wsgi, uvicorn, select proper)
  • Implement/Fix manual currency insertion into database
  • Implement logging
  • Implement automated unit, integration and end-2-end testing
  • Implement currency conversion
  • Implement historical currency data
  • Implement base currency selection / insert data with different base currencies into db.
  • Implement CI/CD
  • Implement Kubernetes
  • Implement Register/login for Web Page
  • Implement oauth / token or any authorization concept for API
  • Implement Monetization / Free / Monthly / Yearly / Developer / Pro / Enterprise? and create proper web pages.
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