Deep Probabilistic Programming Course @ DIKU



Part I - Introduction to Deep Probabilistic Programming

Week Topic Exercise Links
1 Introduction to Bayesian Inference Read Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (PRML), Sections 1.1-1.3, 1.5-1.6 & 2-2.3.4 (inclusive ranges), Intro to Bayesian updating paper, and Pyro paper.

Form up groups and ask a question for each chapter/paper you have read.
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Bayesian Updating Paper

Pyro Paper
2 Variational Inference Read the Variational Inference paper and Pyro tutorials on Stochastic Variational Inference (SVI). Ask three questions about them.

Use Pyro’s Variational Inference support to implement the kidney cancer model. See worksheet and Bayesian Data Analysis 3rd Edition (BDA3) Section 2.7.
Variational Inference Paper


Bayesian Data Analysis

Pyro SVI tutorial: Part I and Part II

Pyro Website
3 Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Read paper on Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and blog post on gradient-based Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Look at the source code for Mini-MC.

Ask a question each for HMC, the Mini-MC implementation and discrete variable marginalization.

Implement Bayesian Change-point model in Pyro using NUTS.
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Paper

Gradient-based MCMC

Mini-MC implementation

Change-point model

Pyro NUTS Example
4 Hidden Markov Models and Discrete Variables. Read Paper on Hidden Markov Models and ask three questions about it.

Read Pyro tutorials on Discrete Variables and Gaussian Mixture Models.

Read Pyro Hidden Markov Model code example and describe in your own words what the different models do.

Add amino acid prediction output to the TorusDBN HMM and show that the posterior predictive distribution of the amino acids matches the one found in data.
Hidden Markov Models

Pyro Discrete Variables Tutorial

Pyro Gaussian Mixture Model Tutorial

Pyro Hidden Markov Model Example


Optional: Epidemological Inference via HMC
5 Bayesian Regression Models Read PRML Chapter 3 on Linear Models.

Ask 3 questions about the chapter.

Read the Pyro tutorials on Bayesian Regression.

Solve the weather check exercise in the worksheet.
Pyro Bayesian Regression: Part I, Part II

6 Variational Auto-Encoders Read Variational Auto Encoders (VAE) foundations Chapters 1 & 2, and Pyro tutorial on VAE. Ask three questions about the paper and tutorial.

Implement Frey Faces model from VAE paper in Pyro. Rely on the existing VAE implementation (see tutorial link).
Variational Auto Encoders Foundations

Pyro Tutorial on VAE
7 Deep Generative Models Read one of these papers: Interpretable Representation VAE, Causal Effect VAE, Deep Markov Model or DRAW (one paper per group).

Try out the relevant Pyro or PyTorch implementation on your choice of relevant dataset which was not used in the paper.

Make a small (10 minute) presentation about the paper and your experiences with the implementation.
Deep Markov Model

Interpretable Representation VAE

Causal Effect VAE


Part II - Deep Probabilistic Programming Project

The second part of the course concerns applying the techniques learned in the first part, as a project solving a practical problem. We have several types of projects depending on the interests of the student.

For those interested in boosting their CV and potentially getting a student job, we warmly recommend working with one of our industrial partners on a suitable probabilistic programming project. For those interested in working with a more academic-oriented project, we have different interesting problems in Computer Science and Biology.

Industrial Projects

Company Area Ideas
 Relion Shift-planning AI Shift planning based on worker availability, historical sales data, weather and holidays.

Employee satisfaction quantification based on previously assigned shifts.

Employee shift assignment based on wishes and need
Paperflow Invoice Recognition AI Talk to us
Hypefactors Media and Reputation Tracking AI Talk to us
‹Your Company› ‹Your Area› Interested in collaboration with our group? contact Ahmad Salim to hear more!

Academic Projects

Type Description Notes/Links
Computer Science Implement a predictive scoring model for your favourite sports game, inspired by FiveThirtyEight. FiveThirtyEight Methodology and Models
Computer Science  Implement a ranking system for your favourite video or board game, inspired by Microsoft TrueSkill. Microsoft TrueSkill Model

Can be implemented in Infer.NET using Expectation Propagation
Computer Science Use Inference Compilation in PyProb to implement a CAPTCHA breaker or a Spaceship Generator Inference Compilation and PyProb. You can use the experimental PyProb bindings for Java.

CAPTCHA breaking with Oxford CAPTCHA Generator.

Spaceship Generator
Computer Science Implement asterisk corrector suggested by XKCD XKCD #2337: Asterisk Correction
Computer Science Implement an inference compilation based program-testing tool like QuickCheck or SmallCheck Inference Compilation


Computer Science Magic: The Gathering, Automated Deck Construction. Design a model that finds a good deck automatically based on correlations in existing deck design. Ideas like card substitution models could be integrated too. Magic: The Gathering - Meta Site
Computer Science Use probabilistic programming to explore ideas for solving Eternity II (No $2 million prize anymore, but still interesting from a math point of view) Eternity II
Biology Auto-Encoders or Deep Markov Models for Protein Folding Deep Markov Model

Pyro Deep Markov Model
Biology Inference Compilation for Ancestral Reconstruction Inference Compilation and PyProb. Talk to us for details.
Biology Recurrent Causal Effect VAE for modelling mutations in proteins Talk to us for details.


  • Sometimes sampling can be slow on the CPU for complex models, so try using Google Colab and GPUs and see if that provides an improvement.


This course has been developed by Thomas Hamelryck and Ahmad Salim Al-Sibahi. Thanks to Ola Rønning for suggesting the Variational Auto Encoders Foundations paper instead of Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes which we originally proposed to read on week 3. Thanks to Richard Michael for testing out the course and provide us with valuable feedback on the content!

You Only Look One-level Feature (YOLOF), CVPR2021, Detectron2

You Only Look One-level Feature (YOLOF), CVPR2021 A simple, fast, and efficient object detector without FPN. This repo provides a neat implementation

qiang chen 273 Jan 03, 2023
Official PyTorch Implementation of Learning Self-Similarity in Space and Time as Generalized Motion for Video Action Recognition, ICCV 2021

Official PyTorch Implementation of Learning Self-Similarity in Space and Time as Generalized Motion for Video Action Recognition, ICCV 2021

26 Dec 07, 2022
Code for paper " AdderNet: Do We Really Need Multiplications in Deep Learning?"

AdderNet: Do We Really Need Multiplications in Deep Learning? This code is a demo of CVPR 2020 paper AdderNet: Do We Really Need Multiplications in De

HUAWEI Noah's Ark Lab 915 Jan 01, 2023
Use Python, OpenCV, and MediaPipe to control a keyboard with facial gestures

CheekyKeys A Face-Computer Interface CheekyKeys lets you control your keyboard using your face. View a fuller demo and more background on the project

69 Nov 09, 2022
This repo contains the implementation of YOLOv2 in Keras with Tensorflow backend.

Easy training on custom dataset. Various backends (MobileNet and SqueezeNet) supported. A YOLO demo to detect raccoon run entirely in brower is accessible at (not on Windows).

Huynh Ngoc Anh 1.7k Dec 24, 2022
NeRViS: Neural Re-rendering for Full-frame Video Stabilization

Neural Re-rendering for Full-frame Video Stabilization

Yu-Lun Liu 9 Jun 17, 2022
MetaShift: A Dataset of Datasets for Evaluating Contextual Distribution Shifts and Training Conflicts (ICLR 2022)

MetaShift: A Dataset of Datasets for Evaluating Distribution Shifts and Training Conflicts This repo provides the PyTorch source code of our paper: Me

88 Jan 04, 2023
QilingLab challenge writeup

qiling lab writeup shielder 在 2021/7/21 發布了 QilingLab 來幫助學習 qiling framwork 的用法,剛好最近有用到,順手解了一下並寫了一下 writeup。 前情提要 Qiling 是一款功能強大的模擬框架,和 qemu user mode

Yuan 17 Nov 17, 2022
for taichi voxel-challange event

Taichi Voxel Challenge Figure: result of python3 Please replace the image above (demo.jpg) with yours, so that other people can immediate

Liming Xu 20 Nov 26, 2022
Official code of our work, AVATAR: A Parallel Corpus for Java-Python Program Translation.

AVATAR Official code of our work, AVATAR: A Parallel Corpus for Java-Python Program Translation. AVATAR stands for jAVA-pyThon progrAm tRanslation. AV

Wasi Ahmad 26 Dec 03, 2022
Simple ray intersection library similar to coldet - succedeed by libacc

Ray Intersection This project offers a header only acceleration structure library including implementations for a BVH- and KD-Tree. Applications may i

Nils Moehrle 29 Jun 23, 2022
Chinese Advertisement Board Identification(Pytorch)

Chinese-Advertisement-Board-Identification. We use YoloV5 to extract the ROI of the location of the chinese word. Next, we sort the bounding box and recognize every chinese words which we extracted.

Li-Wei Hsiao 12 Jul 21, 2022
Pytorch library for fast transformer implementations

Transformers are very successful models that achieve state of the art performance in many natural language tasks

Idiap Research Institute 1.3k Dec 30, 2022
A JAX implementation of Broaden Your Views for Self-Supervised Video Learning, or BraVe for short.

BraVe This is a JAX implementation of Broaden Your Views for Self-Supervised Video Learning, or BraVe for short. The model provided in this package wa

DeepMind 44 Nov 20, 2022
This repository contains code to run experiments in the paper "Signal Strength and Noise Drive Feature Preference in CNN Image Classifiers."

Signal Strength and Noise Drive Feature Preference in CNN Image Classifiers This repository contains code to run experiments in the paper "Signal Stre

0 Jan 19, 2022
Pytorch Implementation of Interaction Networks for Learning about Objects, Relations and Physics

Interaction-Network-Pytorch Pytorch Implementraion of Interaction Networks for Learning about Objects, Relations and Physics. Interaction Network is a

117 Nov 05, 2022
A Simple Framwork for CV Pre-training Model (SOCO, VirTex, BEiT)

A Simple Framwork for CV Pre-training Model (SOCO, VirTex, BEiT)

Sense-GVT 14 Jul 07, 2022
This is the repository for CVPR2021 Dynamic Metric Learning: Towards a Scalable Metric Space to Accommodate Multiple Semantic Scales

Intro This is the repository for CVPR2021 Dynamic Metric Learning: Towards a Scalable Metric Space to Accommodate Multiple Semantic Scales Vehicle Sam

39 Jul 21, 2022
Unofficial PyTorch Implementation of Multi-Singer

Multi-Singer Unofficial PyTorch Implementation of Multi-Singer: Fast Multi-Singer Singing Voice Vocoder With A Large-Scale Corpus. Requirements See re

SunMail-hub 123 Dec 28, 2022
Official PyTorch implementation of "Contrastive Learning from Extremely Augmented Skeleton Sequences for Self-supervised Action Recognition" in AAAI2022.

AimCLR This is an official PyTorch implementation of "Contrastive Learning from Extremely Augmented Skeleton Sequences for Self-supervised Action Reco

Gty 44 Dec 17, 2022