A web scraper for nomadlist.com, made to avoid website restrictions.

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Web Crawlinggypsylist


gypsylist.py is a web scraper for nomadlist.com, made to avoid website restrictions.

nomadlist.com is a website with a lot of information for digital nomad people, to find the best places to live and work remotely as a location independent remote worker. Unfortunately most of these contents are restricted if you are not member of this website.

This script doesn't cover all of the information retrievable from the website, but it's just an entry point to evaluate this without to sign up.


Before to use gypsylist you have to install some requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Additionally, having selenium as dependency, you have also to setup the browser driver. To install this, please, take a look here: https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/webdriver/getting_started/install_drivers/.

Now you should be ready to run the script.


To use gypsylist, at first, browse the nomadlist.com website and apply the filters you need to do your research. Now, get the url path from the address bar of your browser (as shown below):

And use this to scrape with gypsylist:

./gypsylist.py --path "safe-places-for-remote-workers-to-live?sort=cost_for_nomad_in_usd&order=asc" --emoji

This is going to be the expected result:

🏙️  city: Lisbon
🌎 country: Portugal
⭐️ overall: 4/5
💵 cost: 4/5
📡 internet: 5/5
😀 fun: 5/5
👮 safety: 4/5


🏙️  city: Zurich
🌎 country: Switzerland
⭐️ overall: 3/5
💵 cost: 1/5
📡 internet: 5/5
😀 fun: 4/5
👮 safety: 4/5

🏙️  city: Leiden
🌎 country: Netherlands
⭐️ overall: 3/5
💵 cost: 1/5
📡 internet: 5/5
😀 fun: 4/5
👮 safety: 4/5

🏙️  city: Honolulu, Hawaii
🌎 country: United States
⭐️ overall: 4/5
💵 cost: 1/5
📡 internet: 5/5
😀 fun: 5/5
👮 safety: 4/5

🏙️  city: Lake Tahoe, CA
🌎 country: United States
⭐️ overall: 3/5
💵 cost: 1/5
📡 internet: 5/5
😀 fun: 4/5
👮 safety: 4/5

(Always remember --emoji). Have fun!

Known Issues

This is not what you can call "a well written code" (sorry Gods of programming for this). For this reason there are several code smell or bugs that are not under review (due to the short time I dedicated to write the script).

  • Using --headless / -H parameter to set the browser in headless mode, you will retrieve just the first page contents from the website.
Alessio Greggi
Computer Scientist graduated at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata. Currently working as Linux Engineer. CTF Player during free time.
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