Pytorch bindings for Fortran


Pytorch Fortran bindings

The goal of this code is provide Fortran HPC codes with a simple way to use Pytorch deep learning framework. We want Fortran developers to take advantage of rich and optimized Torch ecosystem from within their existing codes. The code is very much work-in-progress right now and any feedback or bug reports are welcome.


  • Define the model convinently in Python, save it and open in Fortran
  • Pass Fortran arrays into the model, run inference and get output as a native Fortran array
  • Train the model from inside Fortran (limit support for now) and save it
  • Run the model on the CPU or the GPU with the data also coming from the CPU or GPU
  • Focus on achieving negligible performance overhead


To assist with the build, we provide the Docker and HPCCM recipe for the container with all the necessary dependancies installed, see container

You'll need to mount a folder with the cloned repository into the container, cd into this folder from the running container and execute


By default, we build the code with NVIDIA HPC SDK Fortran compiler without GPU support. To enable the GPU support, change OPENACC parameter in to 1. Changing the compiler is possible by modifying CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER cmake flag. Note that we are still working on testing different compilers, so issues are possible.


examples folder contains two samples: inference with pre-trained ResNet and end-to-end training on a simple NN predicting a polynomial. Before running the examples, you'll need to execute scripts in the corresponding example folder that would define the model and store in to the disk. With the saved models, run the following:

cd /path/to/repository/
install/bin/resnet_forward examples/resnet_forward/
install/bin/polynomial     examples/polynomial/     examples/polynomial/


We are working on documenting the API, for now please refer to the examples.

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    Hi Dmitry,

    I am a Ph.D. student at UC Santa Cruz and Los Alamos National Laboratory. I specialize in ML-based turbulence modeling within stellar explosions. This repo has been incredibly helpful for the last chapter of my thesis, which involved the integration of PyTorch models in a legacy Fortran code for 1D supernovae (pikarpov-lanl/COLLAPSO1D). We are writing a paper for Astrophysical Journal on this subject, and I would like to give you proper credit for the pytorch-fortran repo. Do you have any preferences on how to cite your work?

    In addition, I wrote an interface to integrate your ML wrapper into any legacy F90 code, which is pretty generalizable. As such, I think it would be highly beneficial for the astrophysical community if this pipeline would be published separately, e.g., in the Journal of Open Source Software. Please let me know your thoughts and whether you would want to collaborate. Feel free to send me an email ([email protected]).

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    Hi @alexeedm, I am LuChen, a postgraduate majored in Software Engineering in Tongji University, China. And my current research interests are around Climate AI. Since I can't find your contact information, I create an issue here.

    As you may think, we also encountered the lack of AI ecology issues during our research. Therefore, I have developed a tool Fortran-Torch-Adapter by myself from scratch in the past few months and used it in my research. (🀣Yes, exactly based on the same idea with pytorch-fortran, calling a TorchScript model directly from Fortran through interoperability between C++ and Fortran.) And I was also working on a paper to introduce this new tool as I found your repo yesterday. It seems that Nvidia was also working on this even earlier. What a coincidence! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Since so, I want to know what are the future plans for pytorch-fortran. For the project, Fortran-Torch-Adapter was still in its infancy and I would love to see a more powerful and well-organized tool like pytorch-fortran to take it over and maybe I could also make some small contributions to this wonderful project. For the paper, I don't know if Nvidia has any plan to apply a pattern or maybe a paper for this? Since I was preparing a paper for this currently, if you are interested, you are very welcome to join this by co-authoring or anything else.

    It's all open by now. Just want to hear your thoughts.

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  • 0.3(Nov 8, 2022)

    Pytorch Fortran bindings

    The goal of this code is to provide Fortran HPC codes with a simple way to use Pytorch deep learning framework. We want Fortran developers to take advantage of rich and optimized Torch ecosystem from within their existing codes. The code is very much work-in-progress right now and any feedback or bug reports are welcome.


    • Define the model conveniently in Python, save it and open in Fortran
    • Pass Fortran arrays into the model, run inference and get output as a native Fortran array
    • Train the model from inside Fortran and save it
    • Run the model on the CPU or the GPU with the data also coming from the CPU or GPU
    • Use OpenACC to achieve zero-copy data transfer for the GPU models
    • Focus on achieving negligible performance overhead


    To assist with the build, we provide the Docker and HPCCM recipe for the container with all the necessary dependencies installed, see container

    You'll need to mount a folder with the cloned repository into the container, cd into this folder from the running container and execute ./, ./ or ./ depending on the compiler you want to use.

    To enable the GPU support, you'll need the NVIDIA HPC SDK build. GNU compiler is ramping up its OpenACC implementation, and soon may also be supported. Changing the compiler is possible by modifying CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER cmake flag. Note that we are still working on testing different compilers, so issues are possible.


    examples folder contains three samples:

    • inference with the pre-trained ResNet;
    • end-to-end training on a simple NN predicting a polynomial;
    • training and inference through directly running Python (as opposed to pre-compiled Torch scripts), this example is work-in-progress. The polynomial case will run on the GPU if both the bindings and the example are compiled with the OpenACC support. Before running the examples, you'll need to execute scripts in the corresponding example folder that would define the model and store in on the disk. With the models saved and ready, run the following:
    cd /path/to/repository/
    install/bin/resnet_forward ../examples/resnet_forward/
    install/bin/polynomial ../examples/polynomial/ ../examples/polynomial/
    install/bin/python_training  ../examples/python_training/


    We are working on documenting the full API. Please refer to the examples for more details. The bindings are provided through the following Fortran classes:

    Class torch_tensor

    This class represents a light-weight Pytorch representation of a Fortran array. It does not own the data and only keeps the respective pointer. Supported arrays of ranks up to 7 and datatypes real32, real64, int32, int64. Members:

    • from_array(Fortran array or pointer :: array) : create the tensor representation of a Fortran array.
    • to_array(pointer :: array) : create a Fortran pointer from the tensor. This API should be used to convert the returning data of a Pytorch model to the Fortran array.

    Class torch_tensor_wrap

    This class wraps a few tensors or scalars that can be passed as input into Pytorch models. Arrays and scalars must be of types real32, real64, int32 or int64. Members:

    • add_scalar(scalar) : add the scalar value into the wrapper.
    • add_tensor(torch_tensor :: tensor) : add the tensor into the wrapper.
    • add_array(Fortran array or pointe :: array) : create the tensor representation of a Fortran array and add it into the wrapper.

    Class torch_module

    This class represents the traced Pytorch model, typically a result of torch.jit.trace or torch.jit.script call from your Python script. This class in not thread-safe. For multi-threaded inference either create a threaded Pytorch model, or use a torch_module instance per thread (the latter could be less efficient). Members:

    • load( character(*) :: filename, integer :: flags) : load the module from a file. Flag can be set to module_use_device to enable the GPU processing.
    • forward(torch_tensor_wrap :: inputs, torch_tensor :: output, integer :: flags) : run the inference with Pytorch. The tensors and scalars from the inputs will be passed into Pytorch and the output will contain the result. flags is unused now
    • create_optimizer_sgd(real :: learning_rate) : create an SGD optimizer to use in the following training
    • train(torch_tensor_wrap :: inputs, torch_tensor :: target, real :: loss) : perform a single training step where target is the target result and loss is the L2 squared loss returned by the optimizer
    • save(character(*) :: filename) : save the trained model

    Class torch_pymodule

    This class represents the Pytorch Python script and required the interpreter to be called. Only one torch_pymodule can be opened at a time due to the Python interpreter limitation. Overheads calling this class are higher than with torch_module, but contrary to the torch_module%train one can now train their Pytorch model with any optimizer, dropouts, etc. The intended usage of this class is to run online training with a complex pipeline that cannot be expressed as TorchScript. Members:

    • load( character(*) :: filename) : load the module from a Python script
    • forward(torch_tensor_wrap :: inputs, torch_tensor :: output) : execute ftn_pytorch_forward function from the Python script. The function is expected to accept tensors and scalars and returns one tensor. The tensors and scalars from the inputs will be passed as argument and the output will contain the result.
    • train(torch_tensor_wrap :: inputs, torch_tensor :: target, real :: loss) : execute ftn_pytorch_train function from the Python script. The function is expected to accept tensors and scalars (with the last argument required to be the target tensor) and returns a tuple of bool is_completed and float loss. is_completed is returned as a result of the train function, and loss is set accordingly to the Python output. is_completed is meant to signify that the training is completed due to any stopping criterion
    • save(character(*) :: filename) : save the trained model



    • Changed interface: forward and train routines now accept torch_tensor_wrap instead of just torch_tensor. This allows a user to add multiple inputs consisting of tensors of different size and scalar values
    • Fixed possible small memory leaks due to tensor handles
    • Fixed build targets in the scripts, they now properly build Release versions by default
    • Added a short API help
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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