Explaining neural decisions contrastively to alternative decisions.


Contrastive Explanations for Model Interpretability

This is the repository for the paper "Contrastive Explanations for Model Interpretability", about explaining neural model decisions against alternative decisions.

Authors: Alon Jacovi, Swabha Swayamdipta, Shauli Ravfogel, Yanai Elazar, Yejin Choi, Yoav Goldberg

Getting Started


conda create -n contrastive python=3.8
conda activate contrastive
pip install allennlp==1.2.0rc1
pip install allennlp-models==1.2.0rc1.dev20201014
pip install jupyterlab
pip install pandas
bash scripts/download_data.sh

Contrastive projection

If you're here just to know how we implemented contrastive projection, here it is:

u = classifier_w[fact_idx] - classifier_w[foil_idx]
contrastive_projection = np.outer(u, u) / np.dot(u, u)

Very simple :)

contrastive_projection is a projection matrix that projects the model's latent representation of some example h into the direction of h that separates the logits of the fact and foil.

Training MNLI/BIOS models

bash scripts/train_sequence_classification.sh 

Highlight ranking (Sections 4.3, 5.3)

Run the notebooks/mnli-highlight-featurerank.ipynb or notebooks/bios-highlight-featurerank.ipynb jupyter notebooks.

These notebooks load the respective models, and then run the highlight ranking procedure.

Foil ranking (Section 4.1)

First, cache the model's encodings of the dev set examples:

bash scripts/cache_encodings_bios.sh

Then run the notebooks/bios-highlight-foilrank.ipynb notebook.

Contrastive decision making (Section 4.4)

First, cache the model's encodings of the dev set examples (skip if already executed):

bash scripts/cache_encodings_bios.sh

Then run the notebooks/bios-foilpower.ipynb notebook.

Foil ranking for BIOS concepts (Section 4.2)

First, generate concept labels as a numpy matrix from the BIOS dataset:

python scripts/bios_concepts.py --data-path data/bios/train.jsonl --concept-path experiments/models/bios/roberta-large/concepts/gender-male/train
python scripts/bios_concepts.py --data-path data/bios/dev.jsonl --concept-path experiments/models/bios/roberta-large/concepts/gender-male/dev
python scripts/bios_concepts.py --data-path data/bios/test.jsonl --concept-path experiments/models/bios/roberta-large/concepts/gender-male/test

Then, run Amnesic Probing:

Foil ranking for MNLI concepts (Section 5.2)

Overlap concept:

First, generate concept labels as a numpy matrix from the BIOS dataset:

python scripts/mnli_concepts.py --data-path data/mnli/train.jsonl --concept-path experiments/models/mnli/roberta-large/concepts/overlap/train
python scripts/mnli_concepts.py --data-path data/mnli/dev.jsonl --concept-path experiments/models/mnli/roberta-large/concepts/overlap/dev
python scripts/mnli_concepts.py --data-path data/mnli/test.jsonl --concept-path experiments/models/mnli/roberta-large/concepts/overlap/test

Then, run Amnesic Probing:

Negation concept:

The examples we used for the negation concept analysis are:

data/nli_negation_concept/entailment.jsonl  # entailment instances
data/nli_negation_concept/entailment_with_negation.jsonl  # the above entailment instances, paraphrased with negation words
data/nli_negation_concept/neutral.jsonl  # neutral instances
data/nli_negation_concept/neutral_with_negation.jsonl  # the above neutral instances, paraphrased with negation words

To analyze them with respect to the trained MultiNLI model, run the notebook notebooks/mnli-negation-foilrank.ipynb.

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