This is Unofficial Repo. Lips Don't Lie: A Generalisable and Robust Approach to Face Forgery Detection (CVPR 2021)


Lips Don't Lie: A Generalisable and Robust Approach to Face Forgery Detection

This is a PyTorch implementation of the LipForensics paper.

This is an Unofficially implemented codes with some Official code. I made this repo to use more conveniently.

If you want to see the Original code, You can cite this link

You should try the preprocessing, which steps are firstly getting landmarks and then cropping mouth.


Install packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: we used Python version 3.8 to test this code.

Prepare data

  1. Follow the links below to download the datasets (you will be asked to fill out some forms before downloading):

  2. Extract the frames (e.g. using code in the FaceForensics++ repo.) The filenames of the frames should be as follows: 0000.png, 0001.png, ....

  3. Detect the faces and compute 68 face landmarks. For example, you can use RetinaFace and FAN for good results.

  4. Place face frames and corresponding landmarks into the appropriate directories:

    • For FaceForensics++, FaceShifter, and DeeperForensics, frames for a given video should be placed in data/datasets/Forensics/{dataset_name}/{compression}/images/{video}, where dataset_name is RealFF (real frames from FF++), Deepfakes, FaceSwap, Face2Face, NeuralTextures, FaceShifter, or DeeperForensics. dataset_name is c0, c23, or c40, corresponding to no compression, low compression, and high compression, respectively. video is the video name and should be numbered as follows: 000, 001, .... For example, the frame 0102 of real video 067 at c23 compression is found in data/datasets/Forensics/RealFF/c23/images/067/0102.png
    • For CelebDF-v2, frames for a given video should be placed in data/datasets/CelebDF/{dataset_name}/images/{video} where dataset_name is RealCelebDF, which should include all real videos from the test set, or FakeCelebDF, which should include all fake videos from the test set.
    • For DFDC, frames for a given video should be placed in data/datasets/DFDC/images (both real and fake). The video names from the test set we used in our experiments are given in data/datasets/DFDC/dfdc_all_vids.txt.

    The corresponding computed landmarks for each frame should be placed in .npy format in the directories defined by replacing images with landmarks above (e.g. for video "000", the .npy files for each frame should be placed in data/datasets/Forensics/RealFF/c23/landmarks/000).

  5. To crop the mouth region from each frame for all datasets, run

    python preprocessing/ --dataset all

    This will write the mouth images into the corresponding cropped_mouths directory.


  • Cross-dataset generalisation (Table 2 in paper):
    1. Download the pretrained model and place into models/weights. This model has been trained on FaceForensics++ (Deepfakes, FaceSwap, Face2Face, and NeuralTextures) and is the one used to get the LipForensics video-level AUC results in Table 2 of the paper, reproduced below:

      CelebDF-v2 DFDC FaceShifter DeeperForensics
      82.4% 73.5% 97.1% 97.6%
    2. To evaluate on e.g. FaceShifter, run

      python --dataset FaceShifter --weights_forgery ./models/weights/lipforensics_ff.pth


If you find this repo useful for your research, please consider citing the following:

  title={Lips Don't Lie: A Generalisable and Robust Approach To Face Forgery Detection},
  author={Haliassos, Alexandros and Vougioukas, Konstantinos and Petridis, Stavros and Pantic, Maja},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
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