Auto-updating data to assist in investment to NEPSE

Symbol Ratios Summary Sector LTP Undervalued Bonus %
MEGA Strong Commercial Banks 368 5 10
JBBL Strong Development Banks 568 5 10
SIFC Strong Finance 620 5 7.37
GBBL Strong Development Banks 657 5 13.5
RLFL Strong Finance 690 5 10
EIC Strong Non Life Insurance 819 5 8
SLICL Strong Life Insurance 961 5 5
PLIC Strong Life Insurance 990 5 7
NICL Strong Non Life Insurance 1037 5 8
MERO Strong Microfinance 1607 5 16.9399
WOMI Strong Microfinance 1685 5 30
SADBL Medium Development Banks 522 5 5
NIB Strong Commercial Banks 460 4 13
GBIME Strong Commercial Banks 463 4 14
PCBL Strong Commercial Banks 514 4 15
NBL Strong Commercial Banks 528 4 12
ADBL Strong Commercial Banks 569 4 15
SHPC Strong Hydro Power 587 4 10
CHCL Strong Hydro Power 676 4 10
MNBBL Strong Development Banks 765 4 11.25
PRIN Strong Non Life Insurance 989 4 10
NGPL Strong Hydro Power 1039 4 20
MFIL Strong Finance 1308 4 18
NIL Strong Non Life Insurance 1548 4 15.5
DDBL Strong Microfinance 1764 4 15
FOWAD Strong Microfinance 2990 4 25
KBL Medium Commercial Banks 370 4 10.85
BOKL Medium Commercial Banks 387 4 13
TRH Medium Hotels and Tourism 406 4 0
SBL Medium Commercial Banks 539 4 12
SHINE Medium Development Banks 563 4 13
BPCL Medium Hydro Power 587 4 10
GMFIL Medium Finance 639 4 8
GFCL Medium Finance 864 4 8.4
NLG Medium Non Life Insurance 1100 4 10
SIL Medium Non Life Insurance 1135 4 12
NTC Medium Others 1199 4 0
PIC Medium Non Life Insurance 1292 4 0
SLBBL Medium Microfinance 1517 4 12.3907
CBBL Medium Microfinance 1856 4 22
SKBBL Medium Microfinance 1975 4 25
VLBS Weak Microfinance 1829 4 19
NBB Strong Commercial Banks 470 3 6
SANIMA Strong Commercial Banks 525 3 10
RRHP Strong Hydro Power 605 3 -1
LBBL Strong Development Banks 666 3 7
KPCL Strong Hydro Power 700 3 -1
AKPL Strong Hydro Power 789 3 17
SIC Strong Non Life Insurance 1490 3 11
NMBMF Strong Microfinance 1491 3 19
NUBL Strong Microfinance 1673 3 13
SDLBSL Strong Microfinance 1875 3 18
BBC Strong Tradings 6327 3 -1
CCBL Medium Commercial Banks 279 3 5.25
KKHC Medium Hydro Power 357 3 -1
SINDU Medium Development Banks 528 3 11.4851
BFC Medium Finance 549 3 20
SPDL Medium Hydro Power 559 3 10
API Medium Hydro Power 560 3 10.5
OHL Medium Hotels and Tourism 610 3 5
MLBL Medium Development Banks 672 3 8.8
MDB Medium Development Banks 735 3 15
KSBBL Medium Development Banks 745 3 4.4
PICL Medium Non Life Insurance 831 3 8
GBLBS Medium Microfinance 1283 3 -1
GUFL Medium Finance 1443 3 7
SMATA Medium Microfinance 1615 3 20
MMFDB Medium Microfinance 1839 3 20
ALBSL Medium Microfinance 1940 3 15
LLBS Medium Microfinance 2255 3 15
GILB Medium Microfinance 2530 3 27.47
SMFBS Medium Microfinance 2613 3 20
HDL Medium Microfinace 7171 3 50
LBL Weak Commercial Banks 389 3 9
NLBBL Weak Microfinance 1600 3 8
CZBIL Medium Commercial Banks 409 2 8
NMB Medium Commercial Banks 456 2 13
PPCL Medium Hydro Power 520 2 -1
UMHL Medium Hydro Power 521 2 0
PLI Medium Life Insurance 762 2 -1
UIC Medium Non Life Insurance 795 2 10
CHDC Medium Investment 1350 2 -1
RURU Medium Hydro Power 1550 2 10
ACLBSL Medium Microfinance 1650 2 8.85
BNL Medium Microfinace 1904 2 0
SABSL Medium Microfinance 2022 2 10.5
MLBBL Medium Microfinance 2169 2 12
UNL Medium Microfinace 19580 2 0
SHL Weak Hotels and Tourism 269 2 15
CBL Weak Commercial Banks 277 2 8
NCCB Weak Commercial Banks 354 2 10.2695
SRBL Weak Commercial Banks 364 2 5.8
HDHPC Weak Hydro Power 375 2 -1
PMHPL Weak Hydro Power 385 2 -1
GHL Weak Hydro Power 414 2 -1
MBL Weak Commercial Banks 418 2 7.03
LEC Weak Hydro Power 435 2 -1
NHPC Weak Hydro Power 441 2 -1
HIDCL Weak Investment 450 2 0
SJCL Weak Hydro Power 450 2 -1
PRVU Weak Commercial Banks 459 2 10
RHPL Weak Hydro Power 459 2 -1
PROFL Weak Finance 487 2 -1
KRBL Weak Development Banks 500 2 8
BARUN Weak Hydro Power 630 2 5
JFL Weak Finance 697 2 22
RADHI Weak Hydro Power 832 2 36.5
LGIL Weak Non Life Insurance 880 2 5
NICA Weak Commercial Banks 940 2 19
RSDC Weak Microfinance 1033 2 9
ICFC Weak Finance 1177 2 10.5
FMDBL Weak Microfinance 1192 2 9.5
NLICL Weak Life Insurance 1210 2 10
IGI Weak Non Life Insurance 1235 2 7
ALICL Weak Life Insurance 1419 2 4
CLBSL Weak Microfinance 1500 2 3.5
SLBSL Weak Microfinance 1518 2 32
KLBSL Weak Microfinance 1647 2 -1
RMDC Weak Microfinance 1692 2 15
SHIVM Weak Microfinace 1699 2 0
GMFBS Weak Microfinance 1740 2 15
SWBBL Weak Microfinance 1865 2 19.0057
NLIC Weak Life Insurance 1903 2 31
SICL Weak Non Life Insurance 1995 2 27.769
USLB Weak MICROFINANCE 2250 2 17.8104
LICN Weak Life Insurance 2400 2 10
SMB Weak Microfinance 2661 2 10
CIT Weak Investment 3880 2 9
RLI Medium Life Insurance 678 1 -1
HGI Medium Non Life Insurance 827 1 3
NRN Medium Investment 895 1 2.85
RHPC Medium Hydro Power 1034 1 5
NABIL Medium Commercial Banks 1459 1 33.5
NRIC Medium Others 1562 1 16.5
MSLB Medium Microfinance 2160 1 20
DHPL Weak Hydro Power 380 1 -1
SBI Weak Commercial Banks 392 1 6
SSHL Weak Hydro Power 436 1 -1
NIFRA Weak Investment 451 1 -1
SAPDBL Weak Development Banks 470 1 6
GRDBL Weak Development Banks 470 1 3.8
UNHPL Weak Hydro Power 476 1 -1
UPCL Weak Hydro Power 504 1 -1
HURJA Weak Hydro Power 518 1 -1
GLH Weak Hydro Power 535 1 -1
MHNL Weak Hydro Power 550 1 -1
CHL Weak Hydro Power 571 1 5
MPFL Weak Finance 590 1 12
AHPC Weak Hydro Power 655 1 5
NHDL Weak Hydro Power 690 1 15
UMRH Weak Hydro Power 695 1 -1
UPPER Weak Hydro Power 755 1 -1
JLI Weak Life Insurance 761 1 -1
CFCL Weak Finance 765 1 7
GLICL Weak Life Insurance 769 1 5.50042
PFL Weak Finance 795 1 5
NABBC Weak Development Banks 940 1 -1
EDBL Weak Development Banks 1080 1 12
KMCDB Weak Microfinance 1371 1 10
MEN Weak Hydro Power 1400 1 -1
CGH Weak Hotels and Tourism 1480 1 -1
SLBS Weak Microfinance 1806 1 15.3458
NSLB Weak Microfinance 1808 1 -1
ILBS Weak Microfinance 1878 1 14.25
NMFBS Weak Microfinance 3352 1 21
JSLBB Weak Microfinance 3505 1 49.4
MLBSL Weak Microfinance 4998 1 -1
STC Weak Tradings 9756 1 20
AKJCL Weak Hydro Power 392 0 -1
JOSHI Weak Hydro Power 396 0 -1
SCB Weak Commercial Banks 570 0 7
HPPL Weak Hydro Power 579 0 -1
SHEL Weak Hydro Power 592 0 -1
SFCL Weak Finance 625 0 -1
NFS Weak Finance 696 0 22
GIC Weak Non Life Insurance 744 0 -1
EBL Weak Commercial Banks 748 0 5
SGI Weak Non Life Insurance 748 0 -1
ULI Weak Life Insurance 777 0 -1
AIL Weak Non Life Insurance 840 0 -1
CORBL Weak Development Banks 984 0 -1
NICLBSL Weak Microfinance 1532 0 -1
SMFDB Weak Microfinance 1620 0 21.09
GLBSL Weak Microfinance 1813 0 7.61
BNT Weak Microfinace 10750 0 0
RBCL Weak Non Life Insurance 19976 0 114.27
Amit Chaudhary
Machine Learning Engineer
Amit Chaudhary
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