A Red Team tool for exfiltrating sensitive data from Jira tickets.




This Module will connect to Jira's API using an access token, export to a word .doc, and download the Jira issues that the target has access to. It allows you to use a dictionary/keyword search file to search all files in the target Jira for potentially sensitive data. It will output exfiltrated DOCs to the ./loot directory


pip install requests


Using the provided keyword list will produce a MASS of results, take a LONG time to search and download, and will send a LOT of API requests. You might consider starting with a smaller list.


python3 jir_thief.py [-h] -j <TARGET URL> -u <Target Username> -p <API ACCESS TOKEN> -d <DICTIONARY FILE PATH> [-a] "<UA STRING>"

		The URL of target Jira account
		The username of target Jira account
		The API Access Token of target Jira account
		Path to the dictionary file.
		You can use the provided dictionary, per example: "-d ./dictionaries/secrets-keywords.txt"

optional arguments:
	-a "<DESIRED UA STRING>", --user-agent "<DESIRED UA STRING>"
		The User-Agent string you wish to send in the http request.
		You can use the latest chrome for MacOS for example: -a "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
		Default is "python-requests/2.25.1"

	-h, --help
		show this help message and exit


  • Threading
  • Logging
  • Map keyword searches to downloaded files
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