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A simple script that shows important photography times. written in python.
LSO - Linux Swap Operator Türkçe - LSO Nedir? LSO, diğer adıyla Linux Swap Operator Linux işletim sistemleri için Swap alanını yönetebileceğiniz hem G
GSTR 1/2A Utility by Shan.tk Open Source GSTR 1/GSTR 2A JSON to Excel utility based on Python. Useful for Auditors in Verifying GSTR 1 Return Invoices
Ping Pong Project The objective of this project was to determine the moment of impact of the ball with the ground. To do this, we used different model
Discord Storage V.3.5 (Beta) Made by BoKa Enjoy Discords free and unlimited storage... Prepare: Clone this from Github, make sure there either a folde
heyoka.py Modern Taylor's method via just-in-time compilation Explore the docs » Report bug · Request feature · Discuss The heyókȟa [...] is a kind of
NORETURN NORETURN is an esoteric programming language, based around the idea of not going back Concept Program coded in noreturn runs over one array,
python-restmapper RestMapper takes the pain out of integrating with RESTful APIs. It removes all of the complexity with writing API-specific code, and
Awesome-oss-alternatives - Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products
Use cases Monitor your data warehouse in minutes: Data anomalies monitoring as dbt tests Data lineage made simple, reliable, and automated dbt operati
fully cross-platform toolkit (and library!) for MachO+Obj-C editing/analysis. Includes a cli kit, a curses GUI, ObjC header dumping, and much more.
beatsaber Beatsaber for Python It was automatically generated with mkpylib. If you're reading this message, it m
bidict The bidirectional mapping library for Python. Status bidict: has been used for many years by several teams at Google, Venmo, CERN, Bank of Amer
hostloc_getPoints 小鸡定时获取hostloc积分 github action大规模失效,mjj平均一人10鸡,以下可以部署到自己的小鸡上
dbt-firebolt dbt adapter for Firebolt dbt-firebolt supports dbt 0.21 and newer Installation First, download the JDBC driver and place it wherever you'
Slurm Web A simple website-based resource monitor for slurm system. Screenshot Required python packages flask, colored, humanize, humanfriendly, beart
Munggoggo A modern message based async agent framework An asyncio based agent platform written in Python and based on RabbitMQ. Agents are isolated pr
Log4-hell name supposed to be Log4$hell but oh well log4shell pwner for vulnerable minecraft servers install all reqs python + a minecraft client for
ThnoolBox Have you ever wanted a collection of bodged desktop apps that are Lorax themed ? No ? Sucks to suck I guess Apps & their downsides CalculaTh
OOP Python This repository contains the code of my learning of Python OOP. All the code: is following PEP 8 ✅ has proper concept illustrations and com