[arXiv'22] Panoptic NeRF: 3D-to-2D Label Transfer for Panoptic Urban Scene Segmentation


Panoptic NeRF

Project Page | Paper | Dataset

Panoptic NeRF: 3D-to-2D Label Transfer for Panoptic Urban Scene Segmentation
Xiao Fu*, Shangzhan zhang*, Tianrun Chen, Yichong Lu, Lanyun Zhu, Xiaowei Zhou, Andreas Geiger, Yiyi Liao
arXiv 2022



  1. Create a virtual environment via conda.
    conda create -n panopticnerf python=3.7
    conda activate panopticnerf
  2. Install torch and torchvision.
    conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
  3. Install requirements.
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preparation

  1. We evaluate our model on KITTI-360. Here we show the structure of a test dataset as follow. You can download it from here and then put it into $ROOT (RGBs should query the KITTI-360 website).

    ├── KITTI-360
      ├── 2013_05_28_drive_0000_sync
        ├── image_00
        ├── image_01
      ├── bbx_intersection
        ├── *_00.npz
        ├── *_01.npz
      ├── calibration
        ├── calib_cam_to_pose.txt
        ├── perspective.txt
      ├── data_3d_bboxes
      ├── data_poses
        ├── cam0_to_world.txt
        ├── poses.txt
      ├── pspnet
      ├── sgm
      ├── visible_id
    file Intro
    image_00/01 stereo RGB images
    pspnet 2D pseudo ground truth
    sgm weak stereo depth supervision
    visible_id per-frame bounding primitive IDs
    data_poses system poses in a global Euclidean coordinate
    calibration extrinsics and intrinsics of the perspective cameras
    bbx_intersection ray-mesh intersections, containing depths between hitting points and camera origin, semantic label IDs and bounding primitive IDs
  2. Generate ray-mesh intersections (bbx_intersection/*.npz). The red dots and blue dots indicate where the rays hit into and out of the meshes, respectively. For the given test scene, START=3353, NUM=64.

    # image_00
    python mesh_intersection.py intersection_start_frame ${START} intersection_frames ${NUM} use_stereo False
    # image_01
    python mesh_intersection.py intersection_start_frame ${START} intersection_frames ${NUM} use_stereo True

  1. Evaluate the origin of a scene (center_pose) and the distance from the origin to the furthest bounding primitive (dist_min). Then accordingly modify the .yaml file.
    python recenter_pose.py recenter_start_frame ${START} recenter_frames ${NUM}

Training and Visualization

  1. We provide the training code. Replace resume False with resume True to load the pretained model.

    python train_net.py --cfg_file configs/panopticnerf_test.yaml pretrain nerf gpus '1,' use_stereo True use_pspnet True use_depth True pseudo_filter True weight_th 0.05 resume False
  2. Render semantic map, panoptic map and depth map in a single forward pass, which takes around 10s per-frame on a single 3090 GPU. Please make sure to maximize the GPU memory utilization by increasing the size of the chunk to reduce inference time. Replace use_stereo False with use_stereo True to render the right views.

    python run.py --type visualize --cfg_file configs/panopticnerf_test.yaml use_stereo False
  3. Visualize novel view appearance & label synthesis. Before rendering, select a frame and generate corresponding ray-mesh intersections with respect to its novel spiral poses by enabling spiral poses==True in lib.datasets.kitti360.panopticnerf.py.



├── KITTI-360
  ├── gt_2d_semantics
  ├── gt_2d_panoptics
  ├── lidar_depth
  1. Download the corresponding pretrained model and put it to $ROOT/data/trained_model/panopticnerf/panopticnerf_test/latest.pth.

  2. We provide some semantic & panoptic GTs and LiDAR point clouds for evaluation. The details of evaluation metrics can be found in the paper.

  3. Eval mean intersection-over-union (mIoU)

python run.py --type eval_miou --cfg_file configs/panopticnerf_test.yaml use_stereo False
  1. Eval panoptic quality (PQ)
sh eval_pq_test.sh
  1. Eval depth with 0-100m LiDAR point clouds, where the far depth can be adjusted to evaluate the closer scene.
python run.py --type eval_depth --cfg_file configs/panopticnerf_test.yaml use_stereo False max_depth 100.
  1. Eval Multi-view Consistency (MC)
python eval_consistency.py --cfg_file configs/panopticnerf_test.yaml use_stereo False consistency_thres 0.1


  • 12/04/2022 Code released.
  • 29/03/2022 Repo created. Code will come soon.


  title={Panoptic NeRF: 3D-to-2D Label Transfer for Panoptic Urban Scene Segmentation},
  author={Fu, Xiao and Zhang, Shangzhan and Chen, Tianrun and Lu, Yichong and Zhu, Lanyun and Zhou, Xiaowei and Geiger, Andreas and Liao, Yiyi},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.15224},

Copyright © 2022, Zhejiang University. All rights reserved. We favor any positive inquiry, please contact [email protected].

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