iOS: 14.6
Device: iphone 7
Jailbrake tool: checkrain
radare2: 5.5.4
MacBook-Pro-di-xspam:jan xspam$ r2flutch -i com.adobe.PSMobile
[+] Open Application Process com.adobe.PSMobile
resumed spawned process.
[+] Mount Application Bundle
Mounted io on /r2f at 0x0
[+] Set block size to 0x400000
[+] Loading all modules
[+] Dumping Module PS Express at 0x104b1d000 (0x1000 Bytes)
Dumped 4096 bytes from 0x104b1d000 into /var/folders/s1/t_833fyx34n_5r4xvjmd6kzr0000gn/T/r2flutch-diqkax00/dump/PS Express
File 'PS Express' created. (size: 101806432 bytes)
[+] Writing decrypted data to file /var/folders/s1/t_833fyx34n_5r4xvjmd6kzr0000gn/T/r2flutch-diqkax00/bin/PS Express at 0x21000
[+] Patching cryptid at offset 0x11b0
[+] Module /var/folders/s1/t_833fyx34n_5r4xvjmd6kzr0000gn/T/r2flutch-diqkax00/bin/PS Express successfully decrypted
[+] Copy application bundle to: /var/folders/s1/t_833fyx34n_5r4xvjmd6kzr0000gn/T/r2flutch-diqkax00/Payload/PS
[+] Copy App Bundle to disk
15%|█████████████████████▋ | 613/4069 [01:03<03:24, 16.90it/s][x] ERROR - Failed to copy file: .gitkeep
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4069/4069 [14:24<00:00, 4.71it/s]
[+] Creating IPA file at ./PS Express.ipa
[+] IPA file saved at ./PS Express.ipa
[*] SUCCESS - r2flutch Decryption Complete!