Performance-Efficiency Trade-offs in Unsupervised Pre-training for Speech Recognition

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Text Data & NLPsew

SEW (Squeezed and Efficient Wav2vec)

made-with-python License: MIT

The repo contains the code of the paper "Performance-Efficiency Trade-offs in Unsupervised Pre-training for Speech Recognition" by Felix Wu, Kwangyoun Kim, Jing Pan, Kyu Han, Kilian Q Weinberger, and Yoav Artzi.

Model Checkpoints

Unsupervisedly Pre-trained on LibriSpeech 960h

Model Pre-training updates Dataset Model
W2V2-tiny 100K Librispeech 960h download
W2V2-small 100K Librispeech 960h download
W2V2-mid 100K Librispeech 960h download
W2V2-base 100K Librispeech 960h download
SEW-tiny 100K Librispeech 960h download
SEW-small 100K Librispeech 960h download
SEW-mid 100K Librispeech 960h download
SEW-D-tiny 100K Librispeech 960h download
SEW-D-small 100K Librispeech 960h download
SEW-D-mid 100K Librispeech 960h download
SEW-D-mid (k127) 100K Librispeech 960h download
SEW-D-base 100K Librispeech 960h download
SEW-D-base+ 100K Librispeech 960h download
SEW-D-mid 400K Librispeech 960h download
SEW-D-mid (k127) 400K Librispeech 960h download
SEW-D-base+ 400K Librispeech 960h download

ASR model fine-tuned on LibriSpeech train-clean 100h

Model Pre-training updates Finetuning split Model
SEW-tiny 100K 100h download
SEW-D-tiny 100K 100h download
SEW-D-mid 400K 100h download
SEW-D-mid (k127) 400K 100h download
SEW-D-base+ 400K 100h download



The code is tested with fairseq commit 05255f9, deberta commit bf17ca4 and the following packages.



Please install NVIDIA's apex with

git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" \
  --global-option="--deprecated_fused_adam" --global-option="--xentropy" \
  --global-option="--fast_multihead_attn" ./

wav2letter decoder

Currently, we are decoding with wav2letter v0.2 python binding at commit 96f5f9d Please install the python binding here The newest commit d5a93f0 in v0.2 branch leads to worse WER for wav2vec 2.0 baselines.


git clone
cd sew 
pip install -e .


Pre-training SEW models

Run the following command where $model_size can be tiny, small, or mid, and $ngpu is tne number of GPUs you want to use.

bash scripts/ $model_size $ngpu

Pre-training SEW-D models

bash scripts/ $model_size $ngpu

where $model_size can be tiny, small, mid, mid-k127, base, or base+.


Run the following script to fine-tune a model with the hyperparameters from wav2vec 2.0.

bash scripts/ $pre_trained_model $split $ngpu

where $pre_trained_model can be either a W2V2, SEW, or a SEW-D model checkpoint and $split can be 10m, 1h, 10h, or 100h.

Here we also provide a set of hyperparameters which sets all dropouts the same as the pre-training stage, and we found it to be more stable.

bash scripts/ $pre_trained_model $split $ngpu

If you see out of GPU memory error, please scale down the dataset.max_tokens and scale up the optimization.update_freq in scripts/ For example modifying these lines

  dataset.max_tokens=3200000 \
  optimization.update_freq="[$((8 / $ngpu))]" \


  dataset.max_tokens=1600000 \
  optimization.update_freq="[$((16 / $ngpu))]" \

which reduces the batch size and increases the gradient accumulation steps in order to use less GPU memory.


  1. Please run this script to prepare the official LibriSpeech 4-gram language model.
bash scripts/ $kenlm_build_bin

where $kenlm_build_bin is the folder that contains the KenLM build_binary executable file (e.g. /home/user/kenlm/build/bin).

  1. Then run this script to evaluate a pre-trained ASR model
python tools/ tunelm --subsets '["dev-clean", "dev-other", "test-clean", "test-other"]' --model $asr_checkpoint
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    Hello there,

    I'm trying to train on 8000 Hz sample rate audio dataset. Is it enough to simply add task.sample_rate=8000 to the fairseq command or there are additional config changes that I should make?

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    Thank you

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