A Collection Manager for the objkt.com Minting Factory


Objkt Collection Manager

A Collection Manager for the objkt.com Minting Factory.

This contract can create a collection on objkt.com and mint into it. On top of this you can build a crowdsale or a range minter and get NFTs instantly available on objkt.com 🎉

I am available to build such things. Please reach out. 👋

If you use this software, donate some XTZ 👉 tz1UZZnrre9H7KzAufFVm7ubuJh5cCfjGwam so I can afford some salt in my wounds.


source bin/activate


spy kind all tests.py output --html


spy compile compile.py compiled


spy originate-contract --code compiled/manager/step_000_cont_0_contract.tz --storage compiled/manager/step_000_cont_0_storage.json --rpc https://granadanet.smartpy.io


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