Two predictive attributes (Speed and Angle) and one attribute target (Power)


Container Crane Controller Prediction

Two predictive attributes (Speed and Angle) and one attribute target (Power). A container crane has the function of transporting containers from one point to another point. The difficulty of this task lies in the fact that the container is connected to the bridge crane by cables causing an opening angle while the container is being transported, interfering with the operation at high speeds due to oscillation that occurs at the end point, which could cause accidents.

Abstract: A container crane has the function of transporting containers from one point to another point.

Speed of moving Container Crane: low, medium and high (low: 1, 2, 3; medium: 5, 6, 7, 8; high: 9, 10).

Angle: large negative angle, small negative angle, angle zero, small positive angle and large positive angle.

Power: low, medium and high (low: 0.3; medium: 0.5; high: 0.7).

Astitva Veer Garg
CSE Undergraduate W/S Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning From SRM Institute Of Science and Technology
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