A cross-platform Python module that displays **** for password input. Works on Windows, unlike getpass. Formerly called stdiomask.



A cross-platform Python module that displays **** for password input. Works on Windows, unlike getpass. Formerly called stdiomask.


To install with pip, run:

pip install pwinput

Quickstart Guide

The getpass.getpass() function in the Python Standard Library won't display "mask" characters as you type; it only displays nothing as you type. If you want mask characters to appear, you can use the pwinput.pwinput() function instead.

Typical usage:

>>> import pwinput
>>> pwinput.pwinput()  # Show * for each typed character.
Password: *********
>>> pwinput.pwinput(prompt='PW: ')  # Show a custom prompt.
PW: *********
>>> pwinput.pwinput(mask='X')  # Show a different character when user types.
>>> pwinput.pwinput(mask='') # Don't show anything when user types (falls back and calls getpass.getpass()).


If you'd like to contribute to pwinput, check out https://github.com/asweigart/pwinput


If you find this project helpful and would like to support its development, consider donating to its creator on Patreon.

Al Sweigart
Not currently looking for employment.
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