Human POSEitioning System (HPS): 3D Human Pose Estimation and Self-localization in Large Scenes from Body-Mounted Sensors, CVPR 2021

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Human POSEitioning System (HPS): 3D Human Pose Estimation and Self-localization in Large Scenes from Body-Mounted Sensors

Human POSEitioning System (HPS): 3D Human Pose Estimation and Self-localization in Large Scenes from Body-Mounted Sensors
Vladimir Guzov*, Aymen Mir*, Torsten Sattler , Gerard Pons-Moll
Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2021

(* joint first authors with equal contribution)


HPS jointly estimates the full 3D human pose and location of a subject within large 3D scenes, using only wearable sensors. Left: subject wearing IMUs and a head mounted camera. Right: using the camera, HPS localizes the human in a pre-built map of the scene (bottom left). The top row shows the split images of the real and estimated virtual camera

Getting Started:

Download the scenes, predefined vertices, all the IMU .txt files and .MVNX files, the video files and the camera localization .json files

Change the corresponding global variables denoting locations of these files in


Create conda environment

conda env create -f hps_env.yml

Run Preprocessing code.

python preprocess/ --file_name seq_name 

Run Initialization code.

python preprocess/ --file_name seq_name 

Compute sitting frames

python preprocess/ --file_name seq_name 

Compute scene normals

python preprocess/ 



Create a config file. A sample file is found in configs folder

Run the optimization code as follows

python main --config configs/sample.txt


If you find our code useful, please consider citing our paper

    title = {Human POSEitioning System (HPS): 3D Human Pose Estimation and Self-localization in Large Scenes from Body-Mounted Sensors },
    author = {Guzov, Vladimir and Mir, Aymen and Sattler, Torsten and Pons-Moll, Gerard},
    booktitle = {{IEEE} Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month = {jun},
    organization = {{IEEE}},
    year = {2021},


This code is available for non-commercial scientific research purposes as defined in the LICENSE file. By downloading and using this code you agree to the terms in the LICENSE.


The smplpytorch code comes from Gul Varol's repository

The ChamferDistancePytorch codes from Thibault Groueix's repository

Aymen Mir
Aymen Mir
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