To check my COVID-19 vaccine appointment, I wrote an infinite loop that sends me a Whatsapp message hourly using Twilio and Selenium. It works on my Raspberry Pi computer.
Automatic Parallel Parking: Path Planning, Path Tracking & Control This repository contains a python implementation of an automatic parallel parking s
Bank_Management_system This is a Bank Management System Database Project. Abstract: The main aim of the Bank Management Mini project is to keep record
JARVIS-PC-Assistant JARVIS PC Assistant is an assisting program to make your computer easier to use Welcome to the J.A.R.V.I.S. PC Assistant help file
Keyboard Layout Change - Extension for Ulauncher
Bootstraparse is a personal project started with a specific goal in mind: creating static html pages for direct display from a markdown-like file
A Bash-like interpreted scripting language.
Kubernetes Security Webinar [in Russian] YouTube video (October 13, 2021) Authors: Artem Yushkovsky (LinkedIn, GitHub) Maxim Mosharov @
Gaspium Python framework to build apps with the GASP metaphor This project is part of the Pyrustic Open Ecosystem. Installation | Documentation | Late
qMem Datawrangler This script processes output of qMem measurement software into an Origin ® compatible *.csv files and matplotlib graphs to quickly v
Pyuxncle is a single-pass compiler for a small subset of C (albeit without the std library). This compiler targets Uxntal, the assembly language of the Uxn virtual computer. The output Uxntal is not
RadiaCode Библиотека для работы с дозиметром RadiaCode-101, находится в разработке - API не стабилен и возможны изменения. Пример использования (backe
Vaccine Availability Notifier Project Description Checks for Vaccine Availability at your district and notifies you using E-mail every 10 mins. Kindly
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 (codenamed "lavender") is a mid-range smartphone from Xiaomi announced in January 2019. Device specifications Device Xiaomi Re
Documentation for the NASA IDS change analysis Poley 10/21/2021 Required python packages: whitebox numpy rasterio rasterio.mask os glob math itertools
The MDAkit for membrane curvature analysis is part of the Google Summer of Code program and it is linked to a Code of Conduct.
Try the interactive demo here ✨ ✨ Sprites-as-a-Service is an open-source web application that allows you to generate custom 8-bit sprites using Cellul
pspsps(1): call a catgirl from the Internyet to the Linux terminyal show processes: ps show catgirls: pspsps —@ 32 Dec 19, 2022
Auto-Join-Zoom-Meeting Join a zoom meeting with out filling in meeting id's or passcodes, one button for it all! Setup See attached excel document. MA
cablet Camera track the tip of a pen to use as a drawing tablet Setup You will need: Writing utensil with a colored tip (preferably blue or green) Bac
RpkConverter This tool is used to convert rpk file to Anki apkg. 如果遇到任何问题,请发起issue,并描述情况。如果转换rpk出现问题,请将文件发到邮箱 ssqyang [AT],我会debug并修复问题。 下