Python parser for DTED data.

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Deep Learningdted

DTED Parser

This is a package written in pure python (with help from numpy) to parse and investigate Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) files. This package is tested to work on Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DTED files (as far as I can tell these are the only publicly available DTED files). This can be used as a library to parse these files into numpy arrays and additionally exposes a CLI that can be used to investigate individual DTED files.

For more information and resources about the DTED file format see the end of the README.

How to install

You can install this as a normal python package using pip

pip install dted

How to use

The following example code will parse DTED file checked into this repository for testing.

As a library

Parsing a DTED file into a numpy array is as simple as:

import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from dted import Tile

dted_file = Path("test/data/n41_w071_1arc_v3.dt2")
tile = Tile(dted_file)
assert isinstance(, np.ndarray)

Additionally you can access the metadata of the DTED file (the User Header Label, Data Set Identification, and Accuracy Description records) easily.

from pathlib import Path
from dted import Tile

dted_file = Path("test/data/n41_w071_1arc_v3.dt2")
tile = Tile(dted_file)

Parsing entire DTED files has been heavily optimized, but does still take a little bit of time. On my machine (2014 MacbookPro) parsing the 25MB example file take about 120 ms. However, if you only need to look up specific terrain elevations within a DTED file you do not need to parse the entire file. Doing the following takes <1ms on my machine:

from pathlib import Path
from dted import LatLon, Tile

dted_file = Path("test/data/n41_w071_1arc_v3.dt2")
tile = Tile(dted_file, in_memory=False)
print(tile.get_elevation(LatLon(latitude=41.5, longitude=-70.5)))

If for some reason you really need to eek out every bit of performance and you thoroughly trust your DTED data, you speed up the data parsing by skipping the checksum verification. Doing the following takes about 75 ms on my machine:

import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from dted import Tile

dted_file = Path("test/data/n41_w071_1arc_v3.dt2")
tile = Tile(dted_file, in_memory=False)

assert isinstance(, np.ndarray)

The final functionality the dted.Tile class offers is to easily check if a coordinate location is contained within the DTED file. This also does not require that the DTED data is fully loaded into memory:

from pathlib import Path
from dted import LatLon, Tile

dted_file = Path("test/data/n41_w071_1arc_v3.dt2")
tile = Tile(dted_file, in_memory=False)

assert LatLon(latitude=41.5, longitude=-70.25) in tile

As a CLI

Installing this package into an activated virtual environment also exposes the dted terminal command. This provides three pieces of functionality:

  1. See report of the metadata of the DTED file.
  2. Lookup terrain elevation at a specific point within the DTED file.
  3. Display and ASCII representation of the DTED file in your terminal.

To get a report of the file metadata:

(.venv) [email protected]$ dted test/data/n41_w071_1arc_v3.dt2 
File Path:          test/data/n41_w071_1arc_v3.dt2 (24 MB)
Product Level:      DTED2
Security Code:      U
Compilation Date:   02/2000
Maintenance Date:   
Datums (V/H):       E96/WGS84

    (42.0N,71.0W)      (42.0N,70.0W)
          NW --------------- NE     
          |                   |     
          |                   |     
          |                   |     
          |                   |     
          |                   |     
          |                   |     
          SW --------------- SE     
    (41.0N,71.0W)      (41.0N,70.0W)

Origin:                 (41.0N,71.0W)
Resolution (lat/lon):   1.0"/1.0"
Accuracy (V/H):         6m/13m

To lookup terrain elevation at a specific point:

(.venv) [email protected]$ dted test/data/n41_w071_1arc_v3.dt2 --location 41.7 -70.4
51.0 meters

To display the DTED file in your terminal:

(.venv) [email protected]$ dted test/data/n41_w071_1arc_v3.dt2 --display

This will attempt to create an ASCII representation of the DTED file within your terminal at the best resolution possible. Increasing the size of your terminal window or zooming out your terminal window will increase the resolution of the chart:

Normal Resolution Image

High Resolution Image

Why did I add this feature? Why not?

If you want to plot this data like a sane person, you can use the following example code with the matplotlib package (not included)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
from dted import Tile

dted_file = Path("test/data/n41_w071_1arc_v3.dt2")
tile = Tile(dted_file)
plt.imshow([::-1], cmap="hot")

The DTED file format

This parser was created using the specification provided here:

Some things to be aware of with the DTED file format:

  1. Some DTED files contain "void" values for data points where elevation data is not known (such as over bodies of water). An example of such a file can be found at test/data/n00_e006_3arc_v2.dt1. This package will emit a warning if void data is found, and the definition of the void value can be found in dted.definitions.VOID_DATA_VALUE.
  2. The DTED data is structured along longitudinal lines. Therefore, when accessing the data within the numpy array the rows correspond to longitude and the columns correspond to latitude. This may seem backwards to your intuition, i.e. you would access the elevation at a coordinate point with[longitude_index, latitude_index].
  3. Elevation within the DTED file is encoded using "signed magnitude" notation. This has no effect on a user of this package interacting with the parsed terrain elevation data, but it does slow down the parsing of this data as I do not know of an optimized method of parsing signed magnitude data in python. If someone knows how to do this this parsing library could become even faster.

Where to find DTED data

Publicly available DTED data is relatively hard to find and access, but it can be done. The DTED files I used for testing and developing this package come from

This EarthExplorer app provided by the USGS provides an interface to download many types of terrain data, including the SRTM DTED data. However, you need to make an account with them in order to perform and I'm unsure of a way to use their machine-to-machine API to automate downloading data.


Contributions are absolutely encouraged! To develop on this project you need to install the poetry package manager.

Clone the repo:

[email protected]$ git clone

Create and activate the virtual environment:

[email protected]$ poetry install && source .venv/bin/activate

To run the tests:

(.venv) [email protected]$ pytest .

If you are getting BLACK errors from pytest, run the black code formatter:

(.venv) [email protected]$ black .
  • Areas above 50° or below -50° Latitude

    Areas above 50° or below -50° Latitude


    I am trying to use the Tile(dted_file) on SRTM 1arc DTED files. The publicly available SRTM 1arc data is actually not 1arc by 1arc but 2arc by 1arc, as soon as you are working with areas above 50° Latitude.

    This causes the Tile() method to fail with the error: dted.errors.InvalidFileError: Checksum failed for data block

    When I try to ignore the checksum with load_data(perform_checksum=False), it fails with the error: dted.errors.InvalidFileError: All data blocks within a DTED file must begin with 170. Found: 1

    Do I just have to do something differently or is this something you could fix? It works great otherwise!

    Thank you for the help.

    opened by StefanBregenzer 10
  • Error in calculating latitude and longitude indices

    Error in calculating latitude and longitude indices

    I receive drastically different elevation values for the same location when using DTED levels 0, 1, and 2. An area that I know to be approximately 735m MSL reports the following:

    ~/Desktop/dted/w117$ dted n34.dt0 --location 34.353932 -116.295523
    1035.0 meters
    ~/Desktop/dted/w117$ dted n34.dt1 --location 34.353932 -116.295523
    2557.0 meters
    ~/Desktop/dted/w117$ dted n34.dt2 --location 34.353932 -116.295523
    733.0 meters

    In looking at the source code, I believe the calculations for the latitude and longitude indices in the DTED data are wrong:

    I believe this:

            lat_interval, lon_interval = self.dsi.latitude_interval, self.dsi.longitude_interval
            latitude_index = round(
                (latlon.latitude - origin_latitude) * (latitude_count - 1) / lat_interval
            longitude_index = round(
                (latlon.longitude - origin_longitude) * (longitude_count - 1) / lon_interval

    Should be this:

            latitude_index = round(
                (latlon.latitude - origin_latitude) * (latitude_count - 1) 
            longitude_index = round(
                (latlon.longitude - origin_longitude) * (longitude_count - 1)
    opened by rickpresley 2
  • Adding in the Tiles class.

    Adding in the Tiles class.

    New Tiles class added.

    • allows user to pass in directory of dted files, and query that list for elevations
    • functionality works regardless of filenames
    • functionality works recursively in directory
    • works even with a mix of dted 1 and dted 2 files
    • added a description of how to use in the README
    opened by westonCoder 0
  • Import Error

    Import Error

    I am getting an error when importing Tile from dted. I am using a fresh Conda environment but cannot seem to get around this error. I can see the Tile class in dted/dted/ but the import does not work. Error shown below:

    ImportError: cannot import name 'Tile' from partially initialized module 'dted' (most likely due to a circular import) (/<PATH TO FILE>/
    Python Version: Python 3.9.12

    Thanks for your help in advance!

    opened by OliverHeilmann 4
  • Query a DTED Directory instead of a specific File

    Query a DTED Directory instead of a specific File

    It'd be very useful to have a directory full of dted files, and be able to query the pool of tiles instead of checking each individual one. It could get fancy with loading tiles as needed, tracking frequency of use to free up older ones, etc.

    opened by KPB3rd 2
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