Generative Flow Networks

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Deep Learninggflownet

Flow Network based Generative Models for Non-Iterative Diverse Candidate Generation

Implementation for our paper, submitted to NeurIPS 2021 (also check this high-level blog post).

This is a minimum working version of the code used for the paper, which is extracted from the internal repository of the Mila Molecule Discovery project. Original commits are lost here, but the credit for this code goes to @bengioe, @MJ10 and @MKorablyov (see paper).

Grid experiments

Requirements for base experiments:

  • torch numpy scipy tqdm

Additional requirements for active learning experiments:

  • botorch gpytorch

Molecule experiments

Additional requirements:

  • pandas rdkit torch_geometric h5py
  • a few biochemistry programs, see mols/Programs/README

For rdkit in particular we found it to be easier to install through (mini)conda. torch_geometric has non-trivial installation instructions.

We compress the 300k molecule dataset for size. To uncompress it, run cd mols/data/; gunzip docked_mols.h5.gz.

We omit docking routines since they are part of a separate contribution still to be submitted. These are available on demand, please do reach out to [email protected] or [email protected].

  • Error: Tensors used as indices must be long, byte or bool tensors

    Error: Tensors used as indices must be long, byte or bool tensors

    Dear authors, thanks for sharing the code for this wonderful work!

    I am currently trying to run the naive gflownet training code in molecular docking setting by running python under the mols directory. I have unzipped the datasets and have all requirements installed. And I have successfully run the model in the toy grid environment.

    However, I got this error when I run in the mols environment:

    Exception while sampling: tensors used as indices must be long, byte or bool tensors

    And when I further look up, it seems like the problem occurs around the line 70 in I tried to print out the stem_block_batch_idx but it doesn't seems like could be transfered to long type directly, which is required by an index:

    tensor([[-8.4156e-02, -4.2767e-02, -7.2483e-02, -3.3011e-02, -1.1865e-02, 2.0981e-03, 1.3293e-02, -7.3515e-03, -4.1853e-02, 2.1048e-02, 3.8597e-02, -1.5558e-02, 2.1581e-02, 4.9257e-03, 9.5167e-02, 4.0965e-02, 2.0146e-02, -5.5610e-02, -3.5318e-02, -3.1394e-02, 7.2078e-02, 1.8894e-02, -3.0249e-02, 2.9740e-02, 5.6950e-02, -3.8425e-02, 2.8620e-02, 9.2052e-02, -8.5357e-03, 1.6788e-02, 7.7801e-02, -4.2119e-02, 1.3606e-02, 7.5316e-02, 4.7131e-02, -4.3429e-03, 1.4157e-04, 2.0939e-02, -2.3499e-02, -6.5888e-02, -2.8960e-02, 3.1548e-02, -9.2680e-03, 5.4192e-02, -9.6579e-03, 2.0602e-02, 1.8935e-02, 4.1228e-03, -6.3467e-02, 3.6747e-02, 1.4168e-02, -6.1473e-03, -1.9472e-02, -3.3970e-02, -5.7308e-03, -4.6021e-02, -3.8956e-02, 4.7375e-02, -8.4562e-02, -1.0087e-02, 2.0478e-02, -6.8286e-02, 5.4663e-02, -5.1468e-02, 1.2617e-02, 2.4625e-02, 5.2167e-02, 5.7779e-02, -5.7788e-02, -1.3323e-02, 1.3913e-02, -7.4439e-02, -4.0981e-02, 5.0797e-02, -5.6230e-02, -5.0963e-02, -5.5488e-02, -2.7339e-02, 1.0469e-02, 3.4695e-02, -3.2623e-02, 7.6694e-03, -5.8748e-03, 7.0495e-02, -2.2805e-02, -5.4334e-03, -2.1636e-02, 1.9597e-02, 6.2370e-02, -2.4995e-02, 1.6165e-02, -4.6878e-03, 2.9743e-02, 1.2653e-02, -5.4271e-02, 1.1247e-02, -3.8340e-03, -4.7489e-02, 1.5719e-02, 3.2552e-02, 6.0665e-02, -1.2330e-02, 2.6115e-02, -2.7376e-02, 3.4152e-02, -1.0086e-02, -2.4257e-02, 3.2202e-02, -3.2659e-02, 8.6094e-02, -3.1996e-02, 7.8751e-02, 4.5367e-02, -3.8693e-02, -3.6531e-02, 6.7311e-03, 3.2884e-02, -3.2774e-02, -3.8855e-02, 2.8814e-02, 4.3942e-02, -1.3374e-02, 3.0905e-02, -7.0064e-02, -5.7230e-03, 4.5093e-02, 3.8167e-02, -3.0602e-02, -4.0387e-02, -1.5985e-02, -9.5962e-02, -1.1354e-02, 2.0879e-02, 1.4092e-02, -3.8405e-02, 1.4337e-02, -6.0682e-02, -9.0190e-03, -5.0898e-02, -4.7344e-02, 4.1045e-02, -6.7031e-02, 8.8112e-02, 3.2149e-02, 3.7748e-02, -4.0757e-02, 1.4378e-02, -1.0749e-01, 6.1679e-02, -6.7268e-03, -2.7889e-02, -5.9315e-02, -5.5883e-02, -2.6489e-02, 7.3640e-02, 1.8273e-02, -5.2330e-02, -7.7003e-05, 6.8413e-04, -1.4364e-01, -1.9389e-02, 4.5649e-02, -4.0468e-02, -4.2819e-02, 4.5874e-02, -1.6481e-02, 1.2627e-02, -8.4941e-02, -3.7458e-02, 2.1359e-02, -9.2863e-02, -3.4932e-03, 7.1990e-02, 6.2144e-02, 8.1462e-02, -2.0569e-02, 5.9194e-02, 1.6996e-03, 8.0618e-03, 6.1753e-02, 4.1602e-02, 1.0910e-02, 2.0523e-02, -9.9781e-04, 1.9131e-02, -1.0267e-02, -9.4474e-02, -3.5725e-02, 9.9953e-03, -4.3195e-02, -7.9051e-02, -3.1881e-02, 9.2158e-03, -9.6167e-04, -2.7508e-02, 7.1478e-02, -5.4107e-02, 8.0026e-02, -1.8887e-02, 4.6941e-02, 6.5166e-02, 1.2000e-02, 3.9906e-02, -2.8206e-02, 3.7483e-02, 3.5408e-02, -2.5863e-02, 2.3528e-02, 7.1814e-03, 8.0863e-02, -1.3736e-02, -8.5978e-02, -4.1238e-02, -1.2545e-02, 5.5479e-02, 7.3487e-03, 8.9125e-02, -3.4814e-02, -4.5358e-02, 4.9893e-02, 3.5286e-02, 3.2084e-02, 5.0868e-02, 2.3549e-02, -9.2907e-02, -6.9315e-03, -1.3088e-02, 8.7066e-02, 1.1554e-02, 1.3771e-02, -1.7489e-02, -5.2921e-02, 9.2110e-03, 1.6766e-02, 4.8030e-02, 1.4481e-02, 2.9254e-03, 3.5795e-02, 1.0397e-01, -2.0675e-03, -2.9916e-02, -5.3299e-02, -2.1396e-02, -5.3189e-02, 3.2805e-02, -2.6538e-03, -2.6352e-02, -1.2823e-02, 6.1972e-02, 5.4822e-02, 4.5579e-02, -3.6638e-02, 8.1013e-03, -5.6014e-02, 1.5187e-02, -6.5561e-02]], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float64, grad_fn=)

    I wonder if I am running the code in the correct way. Is this index correct and if so, do you know what's happening?

    opened by wenhao-gao 3
  • About Reproducibility Issues

    About Reproducibility Issues

    Hi there,

    Thank you very much for sharing the source codes.

    For reproducibility, I modified the codes as follows,

    ---> self.train_rng = np.random.RandomState(142857)

    as well as to add


    However, I encountered an issue. I ran it more than 3 times with the same random seed, but the results are totally different (although they are close). I didn't modify other parts, except for addressing package compatibility issues.

    0 [1152.62, 112.939, 23.232] 100 [460.257, 44.253, 17.728] 200 [68.114, 6.007, 8.045]

    0 [1151.024, 112.603, 24.993] 100 [471.219, 45.525, 15.964] 200 [66.349, 6.174, 4.607]

    0 [1263.066, 124.094, 22.128] 100 [467.747, 44.899, 18.76] 200 [61.992, 5.715, 4.841]

    I am wondering whether you encountered such an issue before.



    opened by dongqian0206 2
  • Reward signal for grid environment?

    Reward signal for grid environment?

    Hello, I'm a bit confused where this reward function comes from:

    My understanding is that the reward should be as defined in the paper ( - are these two equivalent in some way?

    opened by SamKG 1
  • Potential bug with `FlowNetAgent.sample_many`

    Potential bug with `FlowNetAgent.sample_many`

    Hi there!

    Thanks for sharing the code and just wanted to say I've enjoyed your paper. I was reading your code and noticed that there might be a subtle bug in the grid-env dag script. I might also have read it wrong...

    On line 316, we zip two things: zip([e for d, e in zip(done, self.envs) if not d], acts)

    Here done is a vector of bools of length batch-size, self.envs is a list of GridEnv of length n-envs or buffer-size, and acts is a vector of ints of length (n-envs or buffer-size,).

    By default, all the lengths of the above objects should be 16.

    I was reading through the code, and noticed that if any of the elements in done are True, then on line 316 we filter them out with if not d. If env[0] was "done", then we would have a list of 15 envs, basically self.envs[1:]. Then when you zip up the actions and the shorter list envs, the actions will be aligned incorrectly... We will basically end up with self.envs[1:] being aligned to actions act[:-1]. As a result, step is now length 15, and on the next line, we again line up the incorrect actions of length 16 with our step list of length 16.

    Perhaps we need to filter act based on the done vector? E.g act = act[done] after line 316?

    Maybe I've got this wrong, so apologies for the noise if that's the case, but thought I'd leave a note in case what I'm suggesting is the case.

    All the best!

    opened by fedden 1
  • Clarification regarding the number of molecular building blocks. Why they are different from JT-VAE?

    Clarification regarding the number of molecular building blocks. Why they are different from JT-VAE?


    First, I really enjoyed reading the paper. Amazing work!

    I have a question regarding the number of building blocks used for generating small molecules. Appendix A.3 of the paper states that there are a total of 105 unique building blocks (after accounting for different attachment points) and that they were obtained by the process suggested by the JT-VAE paper. (Jin et al. (2020)). However, in the JT-VAE paper, the total vocabulary size is $|\chi|=780$ obtained from the same ZINC dataset. My understanding is they are both the same. If that is correct, why are the number of building blocks different here? What am I missing? If they are not the same, can you please explain the difference?

    Thank you so much for your help

    opened by Srilok 1
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