Pre-trained NFNets with 99% of the accuracy of the official paper


NFNet Pytorch Implementation

This repo contains pretrained NFNet models F0-F6 with high ImageNet accuracy from the paper High-Performance Large-Scale Image Recognition Without Normalization. The small models are as accurate as an EfficientNet-B7, but train 8.7 times faster. The large models set a new SOTA top-1 accuracy on ImageNet.

NFNet F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6+SAM
Top-1 accuracy Brock et al. 83.6 84.7 85.1 85.7 85.9 86.0 86.5
Top-1 accuracy this implementation 82.82 84.63 84.90 85.46 85.66 85.62 TBD

All credits go to the authors of the original paper. This repo is heavily inspired by their nice JAX implementation in the official repository. Visit their repo for citing.

Get started

git clone
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Download pretrained weights from the official repository and place them in the pretrained folder.

from pretrained import pretrained_nfnet
model_F0 = pretrained_nfnet('pretrained/F0_haiku.npz')
model_F1 = pretrained_nfnet('pretrained/F1_haiku.npz')
# ...

The model variant is automatically derived from the parameter count in the pretrained weights file.

Validate yourself

python3 --pretrained pretrained/F0_haiku.npz --dataset path/to/imagenet/valset/

You can download the ImageNet validation set from the ILSVRC2012 challenge site after asking for access with, for instance, your .edu mail address.

Scaled weight standardization convolutions in your own model

Simply replace all your nn.Conv2d with WSConv2D and all your nn.ReLU with VPReLU or VPGELU (variance preserving ReLU/GELU).

import torch.nn as nn
from model import WSConv2D, VPReLU, VPGELU

# Simply replace your nn.Conv2d layers
class MyNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MyNet, self).__init__()
        self.activation = VPReLU(inplace=True) # or VPGELU
        self.conv0 = WSConv2D(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=1, ...)
        # ...

    def forward(self, x):
      out = self.activation(self.conv0(x))
      # ...

SGD with adaptive gradient clipping in your own model

Simply replace your SGD optimizer with SGD_AGC.

from optim import SGD_AGC

optimizer = SGD_AGC(
        named_params=model.named_parameters(), # Pass named parameters
        clipping=0.1, # New clipping parameter

It is important to exclude certain layers from clipping or momentum. The authors recommends to exclude the last fully convolutional from clipping and the bias/gain parameters from weight decay:

import re

for group in optimizer.param_groups:
    name = group['name'] 
    # Exclude from weight decay
    if len(re.findall('stem.*(bias|gain)|conv.*(bias|gain)|skip_gain', name)) > 0:
        group['weight_decay'] = 0

    # Exclude from clipping
    if name.startswith('linear'):
        group['clipping'] = None

Train your own NFNet

Adjust your desired parameters in default_config.yaml and start training.

python3 --dataset /path/to/imagenet/

There is still some parts missing for complete training from scratch:

  • Multi-GPU training
  • Data augmentations
  • FP16 activations and gradients


The implementation is still in an early stage in terms of usability / testing. If you have an idea to improve this repo open an issue, start a discussion or submit a pull request.

Development status

  • Pre-trained NFNet Models
    • F0-F5
    • F6+SAM
    • Scaled weight standardization
    • Squeeze and excite
    • Stochastic depth
    • FP16 activations
  • SGD with unit adaptive gradient clipping (SGD-AGC)
    • Exclude certain layers from weight-decay, clipping
    • FP16 gradients
  • PyPI package
  • PyTorch hub submission
  • Label smoothing loss from Szegedy et al.
  • Training on ImageNet
  • Pre-trained weights
  • Tensorboard support
  • general usability improvements
  • Multi-GPU support
  • Data augmentation
  • Signal propagation plots (from first paper)
  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'haiku'

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'haiku'

    when i try "python3 --pretrained pretrained/F0_haiku.npz --dataset ***" i got this error, have you ever met this error? how to fix this?

    opened by Rianusr 2
  • Trained without data augmentation?

    Trained without data augmentation?

    Thanks for the great work on the pytorch implementation of NFNet! The accuracies achieved by this implementation are pretty impressive also and I am wondering if these training results were simply derived from the training script, that is, without data augmentation.

    opened by nandi-zhang 2
  • from_pretrained_haiku


    model = from_pretrained_haiku(args.pretrained)

    where is 'from_pretrained_haiku' method?

    opened by vkmavani 0
  • About WSconv2d

    About WSconv2d

    I see the authoe's code, I find his WSconv2d pad_mod is 'same'. Pytorch's conv2d dono't have pad_mode, and I think your padding should greater 0, but I find your padding always be 0. I want to know why?

    I see you your learning rate is constant, why? Thank you!

    opened by fancyshun 3
  • AveragePool


    Hi, noticed that the AveragePool ('pool' layer) is not used in forward function. Instead, forward uses torch.mean. Removing the layer doesn't change pooling behavior. I tried using this model as a feature extractor and was a bit confused for a moment.

    opened by bogdankjastrzebski 1
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