BioMASS - A Python Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Signaling Systems



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Mathematical modeling is a powerful method for the analysis of complex biological systems. Although there are many researches devoted on producing models to describe dynamical cellular signaling systems, most of these models are limited and do not cover multiple pathways. Therefore, there is a challenge to combine these models to enable understanding at a larger scale. Nevertheless, larger network means that it gets more difficult to estimate parameters to reproduce dynamic experimental data needed for deeper understanding of a system.

To overcome this problem, we developed BioMASS, a Python framework for Modeling and Analysis of Signaling Systems. The BioMASS framework allows efficient optimization of multiple parameter sets simultaneously and generates the multiple parameter candidates that explain the signaling dynamics of interest. These parameter candidates can be further evaluated by their distribution and sensitivity analysis as a part of alternative information about the hidden regulatory mechanism of the system.


  • Parameter estimation of ODE models
  • Local sensitivity analysis
  • Effective visualization of simulation results


Online documentation is available at


The BioMASS library is available at the Python Package Index (PyPI).

$ pip install biomass

BioMASS supports Python 3.7 or newer.

Also, we provide BioMASS docker images on DockerHub.


Parameter estimation

from biomass import Model, optimize
from biomass.models import Nakakuki_Cell_2010

model = Model(Nakakuki_Cell_2010.__package__).create()

optimize(model, x_id=range(1, 11))


from biomass import run_simulation

run_simulation(model, viz_type="average", stdev=True)

simulation_average Points (blue diamonds, EGF; red squares, HRG) denote experimental data, solid lines denote simulations.

Sensitivity analysis

from biomass import run_analysis

run_analysis(model, target="reaction", metric="integral", style="barplot")


Control coefficients for integrated pc-Fos are shown by bars (blue, EGF; red, HRG). Numbers above bars indicate the reaction indices, and error bars correspond to simulation standard deviation.


When using BioMASS, please cite the following paper:

  • Imoto, H., Zhang, S. & Okada, M. A Computational Framework for Prediction and Analysis of Cancer Signaling Dynamics from RNA Sequencing Data—Application to the ErbB Receptor Signaling Pathway. Cancers 12, 2878 (2020).


Hiroaki Imoto


Apache License 2.0

  • Unable to run provided models

    Unable to run provided models

    I am a beginner in both Python and data modeling and am having difficulties figuring out how to run this module based on the tutorials alone. I have been attempting to run the models provided but cannot get it to work. I had some help to install the module using pip, then I have downloaded the biomass_master file, and created a Python text file called within the Nakakuki_Cell_2010 folder using Visual Studio Code. I have copied/pasted the commands `` from biomass import create_model from biomass.models import Nakakuki_Cell_2010

    model = create_model(Nakakuki_Cell_2010.package, show_info=True) ``

    within that text file, and ran it in a Python terminal in VS Code. It gives me the following error: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'biomass\models\Nakakuki_Cell_2010\'`` The and files are both in the Nakakuki_Cell_2010 folder. Could you please advise on what I may be doing wrong?

    opened by lhdp0110 9
  • Unexpected behavior for reversible reaction

    Unexpected behavior for reversible reaction


    Text2Model of reversible reaction with one reactant and one product fails.


    Text file containing:

    A + C <--> B
    A <--> B

    Convert to model:

    from biomass import Text2Model
    model = Text2Model("test.txt")


    DetectionError Unregistered words in line2: A <--> B

    bug enhancement text2model 
    opened by formersbach 8
  • pytest on graphing fails with `pyvis==0.3`

    pytest on graphing fails with `pyvis==0.3`

    Hi @formersbach, I noticed that pytest on graphing fails with the latest stable pyvis (version 0.3.0). When I restrict pyvis version via pyvis>=0.2.1,<0.3, we don't see any errors. Some updates in pyvis from v0.2 to v0.3 might affect the graph generation.

    bug graph 
    opened by himoto 6
  • State transition

    State transition

    We have discussed the behavior of Text2Model in the issue #166. Accordingly, I added new reaction rule state_transition, in which simple mass action kinetics is applied when any rule words are not detected. In other words, this allows users to write a simple state transition, e.g., from A to B, as follows:

    A <--> B

    Also, this rule is direction-sensitive. If you use --> and <-->, the resulting reaction will be uni- and bi-directional, respectively.

    opened by himoto 6
  • Using BioMASS without Graphviz

    Using BioMASS without Graphviz

    Discussed in

    Originally posted by himoto July 23, 2022 BioMass requires users to manually install Graphviz for graph visualization but some packages derived from biomass, e.g., pasmpy, do not need it. Currently if we run import biomass without Graphviz, it will raise an ImportError. I would like to make this optional so that biomass-derived packages can be run without error even if Graphviz is not installed.


    • [x] Move pygraphviz and pyvis from requirements.txt to extras_require in
    • [x] Modify as follows:
    def to_graph(self):
            import pygraphviz as pgv
        except ImportError:
            print("pygraphviz is required to run this function.")
    def dynamic_plot(self, ...):
            from import Network
        except ImportError:
            print("pyvis is required to run this function.")

    @formersbach I would be grateful if you could give me comments on this. I have a branch working on this and if it's ok, I will send a PR.

    opened by himoto 6
  • Graph representation of biological model

    Graph representation of biological model

    Will add support for graphic representation of biological model. Requires graphviz program and pygraphviz package. Minor changes to to make create_graph callable on model object.

    opened by formersbach 4
  • Error for the simulation example in the readme

    Error for the simulation example in the readme

    The following error was produced when running the example in the readme

    RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
      + (y[V.Fn] / x[C.KF31]) ** x[C.nF31]

    The code:

    from biomass import Model, optimize
    from biomass.models import Nakakuki_Cell_2010
    model = Model(Nakakuki_Cell_2010.__package__).create()
    run_simulation(model, viz_type="average", stdev=True)

    I think it is caused by an undefined parameter and thus, I propose changing the model used in the exampleto another model that does not require manual input of parameters, or to pre-input the default parameter for the model.

    Please let me know if this is a misunderstanding.

    opened by johannesnicolaus 3
  • Unexpected behavior in reaction_rules

    Unexpected behavior in reaction_rules


    Equation where 1 reactant reacts to 2 products is not covered by state_transition function but rather raises ValueError in _bind_and_dissociate. I was trying to create a transcription event with mass action kinetics. I'm not sure whether this is "right" or "wrong", maybe you have an idea @himoto !


    Text file containing:

    nNfk --> nNfk + mIkb

    Convert to model:

    from biomass import Text2Model, create_model
    model = Text2Model("test.txt")

    Observed behavior

    Raises :

    line1: nNfk <- Use a different name.

    Desired behavior


    dmIkb/dt = kf1 * nNfk
    dnNfk/dt = 0
    help wanted text2model 
    opened by formersbach 2
  • Type of `show_controls` in the example code

    Type of `show_controls` in the example code

    Hi @formersbach, I thinks the type of show_controls in the example code of dynamic_plot() should be boolean, not string:

    model.dynamic_plot(save_dir='example_dir', file_name='nfkb_dynamic.html' show_controls='True', which_controls=['physics', 'layout'])

    If yes, I have a fix-doc branch and fix this. Thank you!

    documentation question 
    opened by himoto 2
  • Add note for `run_analysis` function

    Add note for `run_analysis` function

    By default, run_analysis does not overwrite calculation results. If you would like to overwrite the results, you will need to set options['overwrite'] to False. This info should be emphasized at docstring.

    opened by himoto 1
  • Phosphorylation generates duplicate ODE

    Phosphorylation generates duplicate ODE


    If "is phosphorylated" reaction rule is used with a unphosphorylated species that has been previously used, a second ODE is mistakenly generated.


    Text file containing:

    TNFR phosphorylates Ikk --> pIkk   
    Ikk is phosphorylated <--> pIkk
    pIkk is phosphorylated <--> ppIkk

    Convert to model:

    from biomass import Text2Model, create_model
    model = Text2Model("test.txt")
    model = create_model(test)

    Proposed changes:

    Add missing format string in line 1099:

    elif "dydt[V.{phosphorylated_form}]" in eq:


    elif f"dydt[V.{phosphorylated_form}]" in eq:
    bug text2model 
    opened by formersbach 1
  • Typo in state_transition rule

    Typo in state_transition rule


    Modifier parsed with state_transition reaction rule leads to wrong kinetic information.


    Text file containing:

    A + B --> A + pB

    Convert to model:

    from biomass import Text2Model, create_model
    model = Text2Model("test.txt")


    kf1 * pB * A


    kf1 * pB * A]

    Proposed fix:

    remove typo in line 1724 of [f"{modifier}]" to [f"{modifier}"

    opened by formersbach 2
  • Numerical structural identifiability analysis

    Numerical structural identifiability analysis

    I believe identifiability analysis is a very useful tool in model development and experiment design! Based on the work of Joubert and Stigter I have implemented the numerical part of their algorithm in a proof of concept script. Structural identifiability is a structural property of any model. To quote Joubert et al: "One way of characterizing structural identifiability is to say that at least 1 parameter has a confidence interval that spans the interval negative infinity to positive infinity. Any form of unidentifiability [...] calls into question the predictive power of a model and urges its user to interpret all results with caution" The idea of their algorithm is to analyze the so called parametric output sensitivity matrix (OSM). Full rank of the OSM is a sufficient condition for structural identifiability. Rank deficiency indicates non-influence by parameters or correlation between parameters. The rank of the OSM is calculated using singular value decomposition. Since all calculations are numerical and non-exhaustive there is a non-zero possibility of false negatives (identifiable parameter is deemed unidentifiable).

    In principle no user input is required. A user defined observable matrix can be supplied however.

    The script is ~ 100 lines long and requires the sympy package for symbolic calculations.

    The only information required is a Text2Model object. Where in Pasmopy/Biomass do you think this should go? Should I just provide you the proof of concept script?

    enhancement text2model 
    opened by formersbach 2
  • v0.10.0(Sep 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • State transition by @himoto in
    • Generalisation of mass action kinetics by @formersbach in
    • Drop support for old template by @himoto in
    • Fix typo in tutorial by @himoto in
    • Fix module name: model_object by @himoto in
    • Transfer graphing from BioMass to Text2Model by @formersbach in
    • Update docs to be compatible with the newest features by @himoto in
    • Fix f-string in is_phosphorylated rule by @himoto in
    • Refactor code for sensitivity analysis by @himoto in
    • Redirect rules by @himoto in
    • Fix issue #189 by @formersbach in
    • Fix docstring by @himoto in
    • Fixes #192 by @formersbach in
    • Update graphing tutorial to new graph function. by @formersbach in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.1(Jul 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Enable running biomass without Graphviz by @himoto in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.0(Jul 21, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Adding interactive plotting option. by @formersbach in
    • Changed how graph is passed to pygraphvis, fixing issue #147 by @formersbach in
    • Add graph visualization tutorial, resolves #145 by @formersbach in
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in
    • Fixes documentation and changes default save directory of by @formersbach in
    • Remove exec by @himoto in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.8.0(Jun 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Graph representation of biological model by @formersbach in
    • Drop support of Python <= 3.7 by @himoto in
    • Update by @himoto in
    • From text to model by @himoto in
    • Release v0.8.0 by @himoto in
    • Fix error in multi_observables_options by @himoto in
    • Fix dead link by @himoto in

    New Contributors

    • @formersbach made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.7.2(Jun 16, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Make error messages more user friendly by @himoto in
    • Fix #124 by @himoto in
    • Release v0.7.2 by @himoto in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.7.1(Jun 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Create tutorial by @himoto in
    • Update logo by @himoto in
    • Release v0.7.1 by @himoto in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.7.0(Jun 1, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add support for Python 3.10 by @himoto in
    • Add CITATION.cff by @himoto in
    • Add InitialPopulation by @himoto in
    • Release v0.7.0 by @himoto in

    Renamed BioMASS modules:

    | Old | New | | --- | ----- | | | | | | | | | |

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.2(May 16, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Release v0.6.2 by @himoto in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.1(Apr 26, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in
    • docs: git clone biomass by @himoto in
    • Add model of the G1/S cell cycle transition by @himoto in
    • Set 'LSODA' as default ODE solver by @himoto in
    • Add model for the proliferation–quiescence decision by @himoto in
    • Update example code for ExternalOptimizer by @himoto in
    • Release v0.6.1 by @himoto in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.0(Apr 1, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Release v0.6.0 by @himoto in
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.5(Dec 30, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Fix error message for incorrect visualization options by @himoto in
    • Fix sensitivity analysis visualization problem by @himoto in
    • Add more tests by @himoto in
    • Release v0.5.5 by @himoto in
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.4(Oct 27, 2021)

    • Docs:

      • Add simulation results for each model, see here
    • Core functions:

      • Add method to check model indices
    • Solver:

      • Update function to equilibrate a system (#68)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.3(Oct 11, 2021)

  • v0.5.2(Aug 20, 2021)

    • Template

      • Update

        Use this template for creating models with biomass>=0.5.2

        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        from biomass.plotting import *
        from .observable import Observable
        class Visualization(Observable):
            Plotting parameters for customizing figure properties.
            cm : matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap (default: `'tab10')`)
                Choosing colormaps for `cmap`.
            single_observable_options : list of SingleObservable
                Visualization options for time-course simulation (single-observable).
            multiple_observables_options : MultipleObservables
                Visualization options for time-course simulation (multi-observables).
            sensitivity_options : SensitivityOptions
                Visualization options for sensitivity analysis results.
            def __init__(self):
                self.single_observable_options = [
                    SingleObservable(, obs_name) for obs_name in self.obs_names
                self.multiple_observables_options = MultipleObservables(
                self.sensitivity_options = SensitivityOptions(
            def get_single_observable_options(self):
                return self.single_observable_options
            def get_multiple_observables_options(self):
                return self.multiple_observables_options
            def get_sensitivity_options(self):
                return self.sensitivity_options
            def set_timecourse_rcParams():
                plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 12
                plt.rcParams["axes.linewidth"] = 1.5
                plt.rcParams["xtick.major.width"] = 1.5
                plt.rcParams["ytick.major.width"] = 1.5
                plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"] = 1.8
                plt.rcParams["lines.markersize"] = 12
                plt.rcParams["savefig.bbox"] = "tight"
                # plt.rcParams["savefig.format"] = "pdf"
                # plt.rcParams[''] = 'Arial'
                # plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'custom'
                # plt.rcParams[''] = 'Arial:italic'
            def set_sensitivity_rcParams():
                plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 12
                plt.rcParams["axes.linewidth"] = 1.2
                plt.rcParams["xtick.major.width"] = 1.2
                plt.rcParams["ytick.major.width"] = 1.2
                plt.rcParams["savefig.bbox"] = "tight"
                # plt.rcParams["savefig.format"] = "pdf"
                # plt.rcParams[''] = 'Arial'
            def convert_species_name(name):
                - Sensitivity for species with nonzero initial conditions
                return name
    • Core functions

      • Fix default workers in optimize function (#58)
    • Parameter estimation

      • Fix a bug (#59)
    • Other

      • Bump minimal sicpy version to 1.6
        • integrate.simps was renamed to integrate.simpson
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.1(Jul 14, 2021)

    • Template

      • Add new key: legend_kws
        • legend_loc becomes invalid
      • Several updates to default rcParams
    • Core functions

      • Remove save_format from arguments in run_simulation and run_analysis
        • To modify save_format, edit in the model.
      • Use x_id to specify the index (indices) of parameter sets when running optimize
        • start and end become invalid
      • Add create_metrics : Dict[str, Callable[[np.ndarray], Union[int, float]]], optional to run_analysis
        • Allowing users to crete signaling metrics for sensitivity analysis
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.0(Jun 23, 2021)

    • Dependencies

      • Add pandas (See requirements.txt)
    • Template

      • Update

        • Create OptimizationProblem
        • Add bounds for external optimizer
      • Update

        • Add figsize (default: (4, 3)) to timecourse_options and multiplot_options
    • biomass.result

      • Move visualization of estimated parameter sets to biomass.OptimizationResults.savefig()

        >>> from biomass import Model, OptimizationResults
        >>> from biomass.models import Nakakuki_Cell_2010
        >>> model = Model(Nakakuki_Cell_2010.__package__).create()
        >>> res = OptimizationResults(model)
        >>> res.savefig(figsize=(16,5), boxplot_kws={"orient": "v"})

    • biomass.estimation

      • Create new class: ExternalOptimizer

        >>> from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
        >>> from biomass import Model
        >>> from biomass.models import Nakakuki_Cell_2010
        >>> model = Model(Nakakuki_Cell_2010.__package__).create()
        >>> optimizer = ExternalOptimizer(model, differential_evolution)
        >>> res =
        ...     model.problem.objective,
        ...     model.problem.bounds,
        ...     strategy="best2bin",
        ...     maxiter=100,
        ...     tol=1e-4,
        ...     mutation=0.1,
        ...     recombination=0.5,
        ...     disp=True,
        ...     polish=False,
        ...     workers=-1,
        ... )

        differential_evolution step 1: f(x)= 7.05589 differential_evolution step 2: f(x)= 5.59166 differential_evolution step 3: f(x)= 2.80301 ... differential_evolution step 100: f(x)= 0.538524

        >>> from biomass import run_simulation
        >>> optimizer.import_solution(res.x, x_id=0)
        >>> run_simulation(model, viz_type="0")
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.1(Jun 1, 2021)

    • Create docs:

    • Core functions

      • Update default values:
    • Optimization results

      • Set estimated params and initials to be plotted in one figure
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.0(May 10, 2021)

    • License

    • Template

      • Don't use exec in name2idx

        Use make_dataclass instead.

        NAMES: List[str] = [...]
        NUM: int = len(NAMES)
        Parameters = make_dataclass(
            fields=[(name, int) for name in NAMES],
            namespace={"NAMES": NAMES, "NUM": NUM},
        name2idx: Dict[str, int] = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(NAMES)}
        C = Parameters(**name2idx)
        del name2idx
    • Model construction

      • Use Model class

        >>> from biomass import Model
        >>> import your_model
        >>> model = Model(your_model.__package__).create()
    • Sensitivity analysis

      • Fix path to save sensitivity coefficients


    • Other

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.5(Mar 31, 2021)

    • Models

      • Add the insulin-dependent AKT pathway model

      • Reference:

        • Kubota, H. et al. Temporal Coding of Insulin Action through Multiplexing of the AKT Pathway. Mol. Cell 46, 820–832 (2012).
      • BioModels:

    • Template for BioMASS model construction

      • Update

        from typing import Dict, List
        from biomass.analysis.reaction import is_duplicate
        class ReactionNetwork(object):
            Reaction indices grouped according to biological processes.
            This is used for sensitivity analysis (target='reaction').
            def __init__(self) -> None:
                self.reactions: Dict[str, List[int]] = {}
            def group(self):
                Group reactions according to biological processes
                biological_processes = []
                for process, indices in self.reactions.items():
                    if not isinstance(indices, list):
                        raise TypeError("Use list for reaction indices in {}".format(process))
                if not is_duplicate(self.reactions, biological_processes):
                    return biological_processes
    • Output

      • Update

      • Example:

        # parameter set: 9
        def param_values():
            x = [0] * C.NUM
            x[C.V1] = 9.152e-02
            x[C.Km1] = 3.761e+02
            x[C.V2] = 2.200e-01
            x[C.Km2] = 3.500e+02
            x[C.V3] = 7.200e-01
            x[C.Km3] = 1.600e+02
            x[C.V4] = 6.480e-01
            x[C.Km4] = 6.000e+01
            x[C.V5] = 6.913e+01
            x[C.Km5] = 2.727e+01
            x[C.V6] = 6.913e+01
            x[C.Km6] = 2.727e+01
            x[C.KimERK] = 1.200e-02
            x[C.KexERK] = 1.800e-02
            x[C.KimpERK] = 1.200e-02
            x[C.KexpERK] = 1.800e-02
            x[C.KimppERK] = 1.100e-02
            x[C.KexppERK] = 1.300e-02
            x[C.V10] = 4.275e+02
            x[C.Km10] = 1.469e+01
            x[C.n10] = 2.593e+00
            x[C.p11] = 2.191e-04
            x[C.p12] = 1.156e-03
            x[C.p13] = 6.951e-04
            x[C.V14] = 3.090e-01
            x[C.Km14] = 8.111e+02
            x[C.V15] = 2.049e+02
            x[C.Km15] = 7.803e-03
            x[C.p16] = 2.570e-04
            x[C.p17] = 9.630e-05
            x[C.KimDUSP] = 1.832e-03
            x[C.KexDUSP] = 4.328e-02
            x[C.KimpDUSP] = 1.832e-03
            x[C.KexpDUSP] = 4.328e-02
            x[C.V20] = 3.512e-01
            x[C.Km20] = 1.321e+05
            x[C.V21] = 5.249e-02
            x[C.Km21] = 1.184e-03
            x[C.p22] = 2.570e-04
            x[C.p23] = 9.630e-05
            x[C.V24] = 3.440e+00
            x[C.Km24] = 1.912e+05
            x[C.V25] = 1.109e+02
            x[C.Km25] = 4.527e+00
            x[C.KimRSK] = 2.519e-03
            x[C.KexRSK] = 1.024e-02
            x[C.V27] = 1.390e+01
            x[C.Km27] = 4.619e+03
            x[C.V28] = 4.295e-01
            x[C.Km28] = 1.165e+00
            x[C.V29] = 9.103e-02
            x[C.Km29] = 6.333e+03
            x[C.V30] = 5.958e+01
            x[C.Km30] = 7.801e+00
            x[C.V31] = 5.691e+01
            x[C.Km31] = 1.543e-02
            x[C.n31] = 1.713e+00
            x[C.p32] = 1.100e-03
            x[C.p33] = 1.959e-03
            x[C.p34] = 7.572e-04
            x[C.V35] = 5.050e+00
            x[C.Km35] = 1.795e+03
            x[C.V36] = 1.218e-01
            x[C.Km36] = 2.394e+03
            x[C.V37] = 1.178e+03
            x[C.Km37] = 1.062e+02
            x[C.p38] = 2.570e-04
            x[C.p39] = 9.630e-05
            x[C.KimFOS] = 1.205e-01
            x[C.KexFOS] = 1.590e-01
            x[C.KimpcFOS] = 1.205e-01
            x[C.KexpcFOS] = 1.590e-01
            x[C.V42] = 9.649e-02
            x[C.Km42] = 5.639e+02
            x[C.V43] = 3.568e-03
            x[C.Km43] = 1.382e+02
            x[C.V44] = 1.290e-03
            x[C.Km44] = 2.725e-02
            x[C.p45] = 2.570e-04
            x[C.p46] = 9.630e-05
            x[C.p47] = 2.140e-01
            x[C.m47] = 1.288e+01
            x[C.p48] = 3.351e-02
            x[C.p49] = 4.279e-02
            x[C.m49] = 2.331e+00
            x[C.p50] = 3.491e-02
            x[C.p51] = 1.053e-03
            x[C.m51] = 4.536e+00
            x[C.p52] = 2.140e-01
            x[C.m52] = 1.288e+01
            x[C.p53] = 3.351e-02
            x[C.p54] = 4.279e-02
            x[C.m54] = 2.331e+00
            x[C.p55] = 3.491e-02
            x[C.p56] = 1.053e-03
            x[C.m56] = 4.536e+00
            x[C.V57] = 2.366e+02
            x[C.Km57] = 7.976e-04
            x[C.n57] = 1.649e+00
            x[C.p58] = 2.471e-09
            x[C.p59] = 2.889e-06
            x[C.p60] = 6.575e-02
            x[C.p61] = 2.517e+00
            x[C.KimF] = 2.058e-02
            x[C.KexF] = 7.998e-02
            x[C.p63] = 1.731e+00
            x[C.KF31] = 3.337e-03
            x[C.nF31] = 1.001e+00
            x[C.a] = 3.380e+02
            x[C.Vn] = 2.200e-01
            x[C.Vc] = 9.400e-01
            x[C.Ligand] = 0.000e+00
            x[C.EGF] = 0.000e+00
            x[C.HRG] = 1.000e+00
            x[C.no_ligand] = 2.000e+00
        def initial_values():
            y0 = [0] * V.NUM
            y0[V.CREBn] = 1.000e+03
            y0[V.ERKc] = 9.600e+02
            y0[V.Elk1n] = 1.510e+03
            y0[V.RSKc] = 3.530e+02
    • Visualization

      • Close #45
    • Other

      • Update function to get the steady state for the untreated condition

        • Use scipy.integrate.ode
      • Use math.isnan for single floats

      • code refactoring

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.4(Mar 9, 2021)

  • v0.3.3(Feb 16, 2021)

    Update optimize

    • Add new option: initial_threshold

      • initial_threshold : float (default: 1e12)

      Threshold on objective function value used to generate initial population. Default value is 1e12 (numerically solvable).

    def optimize(
        model: ModelObject,
        start: int,
        end: Optional[int] = None,
        options: Optional[dict] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Run GA for parameter estimation.
        model : ModelObject
            Model for parameter estimation.
        start : int
            Index of parameter set to estimate.
        end : int, optional
            When `end` is specified, parameter sets from `start` to `end` will be estimated.
        options : dict, optional
            popsize : int (default: 5)
                A multiplier for setting the total population size.
                The population has popsize * len(search_param) individuals.
            max_generation : int (default: 10000)
                Stop optimization if Generation > max_generation.
            initial_threshold : float (default: 1e12)
                Threshold on objective function value used to generate initial population.
                Default value is 1e12 (numerically solvable).
            allowable_error : float (default: 0.0)
                Stop optimization if Best Fitness <= allowable_error.
            local_search_method : str (default: 'mutation')
                Method used in local search. Should be one of
                * 'mutation' : NDM/MGG
                * 'Powell' : Modified Powell method
                * 'DE' : Differential Evolution (strategy: best2bin)
            n_children : int (default: 200)
                (method='mutation') The number of children generated in NDM/MGG.
            maxiter : int (default: 10)
                (method='Powell' or 'DE') The maximum number of iterations
                over which the entire population is evolved.
            workers : int (default: -1 if `end` is None else 1)
                (method='DE') The population is subdivided into workers sections and
                evaluated in parallel (uses multiprocessing.Pool). Supply -1 to use
                all available CPU cores. Set workers to 1 when searching multiple
                parameter sets simultaneously.
            overwrite : bool (default: False)
                If True, the out/n folder will be overwritten.
        >>> from biomass.models import Nakakuki_Cell_2010
        >>> from biomass import optimize
        >>> model = Nakakuki_Cell_2010.create()
        >>> optimize(
                model=model, start=1, end=10,
                    'max_generation': 10000,
                    'allowable_error': 0.5

    Update run_analysis

    def run_analysis(
        model: ModelObject,
        target: str,
        metric: str = "integral",
        style: str = "barplot",
        save_format: str = "pdf",
        options: Optional[dict] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Perform sensitivity analysis to identify critical parameters, species or
        reactions in the complex biological network.
        The sensitivity S(y,x) was calculated according to the following equation:
        S(y,x) = d ln(yi) / d ln (xj), where yi is the signaling metric and xj is
        each nonzero species, parameter value or reaction rate.
        model : ModelObject
            Model for sensitivity analysis.
        target : str
            * 'reaction'
            * 'initial_condition'
            * 'parameter'
        metric : str (default: 'integral')
            * 'maximum' : The maximum value.
            * 'minimum' : The minimum value.
            * 'argmax' : The time to reach the maximum value.
            * 'argmin' : The time to reach the minimum value.
            * 'timepoint' : The simulated value at the time point set via options['timepoint'].
            * 'duration' :  The time it takes to decline below the threshold set via options['duration'].
            * 'integral' : The integral of concentration over the observation time.
        style : str (default: 'barplot')
            * 'barplot'
            * 'heatmap'
        save_format : str (default: "pdf")
            Either "png" or "pdf", indicating whether to save figures
            as png or pdf format.
        options : dict, optional
            show_indices : bool (default: True)
                (target == 'reaction') Set to True to put reaction index on each bar.
            excluded_params : list of strings
                (target == 'parameter') List of parameters which are not used for analysis.
            excluded_initials : list of strings
                (target == 'initial_condition') List of species which are not used for analysis.
            timepoint : int (default: model.sim.t[-1])
                (metric == 'timepoint') Which timepoint to use.
            duration : float (default: 0.5)
                (metric == 'duration') 0.1 for 10% of its maximum.
        >>> from biomass.models import Nakakuki_Cell_2010
        >>> from biomass import run_analysis
        >>> model = Nakakuki_Cell_2010.create()
        1. Parameter
        >>> run_analysis(
                options = {
                    'excluded_params': [
                        'a', 'Vn', 'Vc', 'Ligand', 'EGF', 'HRG', 'no_ligand'
        2. Initial condition
        >>> run_analysis(
        3. Reaction
        >>> run_analysis(
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.2(Jan 27, 2021)

    Coding style

    Code is formatted with black. Coding style is checked with flake8 and isort.

    $ pip install pre-commit
    $ pre-commit install

    Display model information

    Rename function: ~~show_properties~~ → show_info

    from biomass.models import Nakakuki_Cell_2010

    Nakakuki_Cell_2010 information
    36 species
    115 parameters, of which 75 to be estimated

    Add new method to OptimizationResults: trace_obj

    Visualize objective function traces for different optimization runs.

    from biomass.models import Nakakuki_Cell_2010
    from biomass.result import OptimizationResults
    model = Nakakuki_Cell_2010.create()
    res = OptimizationResults(model)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.1(Jan 15, 2021)


    New model

    Dynamic pathway model of TNFα-induced NFκB signal transduction

    Oppelt, A. et al. Model-based identification of TNFα-induced IKKβ-mediated and IκBα-mediated regulation of NFκB signal transduction as a tool to quantify the impact of drug-induced liver injury compounds. npj Syst. Biol. Appl. 4, 23 (2018).

    Sensitivity analysis

    New signaling metrics

    • 'argmax' : The time to reach the maximum value.
    • 'argmin' : The time to reach the minimum value.
    • 'timepoint' : The simulated value at the time point set via options['timepoint'].
    • 'duration' : The time it takes to decline below the threshold set via options['duration'].

    Parameter estimation

    • Set mutation constant (differential weight: F) to 0.1

    • Set recombination constant (crossover probability: CR) to 0.9

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(Jan 6, 2021)


    • Use BioMassModel for the first argument of core functions

    Example usage

    1. Create an executable model

      from biomass.models import Nakakuki_Cell_2010
      model = Nakakuki_Cell_2010.create()
    2. Estimate model parameters from experimental data

      from biomass import optimize
          model=model, start=1, options={
              "popsize": 3,
              "max_generation": 1000,
              "allowable_error": 0.5,
              "local_search_method": "DE",
    3. Export optimized parameters in CSV format

      from biomass.result import OptimizationResults
      res = OptimizationResults(model)
    4. Visualize simulation results

      from biomass import run_simulation
      run_simulation(model, viz_type='average', show_all=False, stdev=True)
    5. Perform sensitivity analysis

      from biomass import run_analysis
      run_analysis(model, target='reaction', metric='integral', style='barplot')
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.3(Dec 26, 2020)

  • v0.2.2(Dec 14, 2020)


    Added new local search method: "Powell" and "DE"

    def optimize(model, *args, options: Optional[dict] = None) -> None:
        Run GA for parameter estimation.
        model : module
            Model for parameter estimation.
        options: dict, optional
            popsize : int (default: 5)
                A multiplier for setting the total population size.
                The population has popsize * len(search_param) individuals.
            max_generation : int (default: 10000)
                Stop if Generation > max_generation.
            allowable_error : float (default: 0.0)
                Stop if Best Fitness <= allowable_error.
            local_search_method : str (default: 'mutation')
                Method used in local search. Should be one of
                - 'mutation' : NDM/MGG
                - 'Powell' : Modified Powell method
                - 'DE' : Differential Evolution (strategy: best2bin)
            n_children : int (default: 200)
                (method='mutation') The number of children generated in NDM/MGG.
            workers : int (default: -1 if len(args) == 1 else 1)
                (method='DE') The population is subdivided into workers sections and
                evaluated in parallel (uses multiprocessing.Pool). Supply -1 to use
                all available CPU cores. Set workers to 1 when searching multiple
                parameter sets simultaneously.
            overwrite : bool (default: False)
                If True, the out/n folder will be overwritten.

    Example usage

    from biomass.models import Nakakuki_Cell_2010
    from biomass import optimize
        Nakakuki_Cell_2010, 1, options={
            'popsize': 3,
            'allowable_error': 0.5,
            'local_search_method': 'DE'
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.1(Nov 25, 2020)

  • v0.2.0(Nov 21, 2020)


    • Change sim.normalization type from bool to dict (nested):

      def __init__(self):
          self.normalization = {}
          for obs_name in observables:
              self.normalization[obs_name] = {
                  'timepoint' : None,
                  'condition' : []
      • 'timepoint' : Optional[int]

        • The time point at which simulated values are normalized. If None, the maximum value will be used for normalization.
      • 'condition' : list of strings

        • The experimental conditions to use for normalization. If empty, all conditions defined in sim.conditions will be used.
    • Move documentation to

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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