GOES-East and GOES-West satellite data are made available on Amazon Web Services through NOAA's Big Data Program. GOES-2-go is a python package that makes it easy to find and download the files you want to your local computer with some additional helpers to look at and understand the data.
GOES-2-go Documentation
Download Data
Download GOES ABI or GLM NetCDF files to your local computer. Files can also be read with xarray.
from goes2go.data import goes_latest, goes_nearesttime
# Get latest data
G_ABI = goes_latest(satellite='G16', product='ABI')
# Get data for a specific time
G_GLM = goes_nearesttime('2021-01-01 12:00', satellite='G16', product='GLM')
RGB Recipes
The rgb
xarray accessor creates an RGB product for a GOES ABI multichannel xarray.Dataset. See the demo for more examples of RGB products.
from goes2go.data import goes_latest
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
G = goes_latest()
ax = plt.subplot(projection=G.rgb.crs)
ax.imshow(G.rgb.TrueColor(), **G.rgb.imshow_kwargs)
Field of View
xarray accessor creates shapely.Polygon objects for the ABI and GLM field of view. See notebooks for GLM and ABI field of view.
from goes2go.data import goes_latest
G = goes_latest()
# Get polygons of the full disk or ABI domain field of view.
# Get Cartopy coordinate reference system
GOES-West is centered over -137 W and GOES-East is centered over -75 W. When GOES was being tested, it was in a "central" position, outlined in the dashed black line. Below is the ABI field of view for the full disk:
The GLM field of view is slightly smaller and limited by a bounding box. Below is the approximated GLM field of view:
Useful Links
What if I don't like the GOES-2-go or Python?
As an alternative you can use rclone to download GOES files from AWS. I quite like rclone. Here is a short rclone tutorial.
I hope you find this makes GOES data easier to retrieve and display. Enjoy!
- Brian Blaylock
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P.S. If you like GOES-2-go, check out my Herbie package to download weather model data and SynopticPy to download mesonet data from the Synoptic API.