Python based framework for Automatic AI for Regression and Classification over numerical data.


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BlobCity AutoAI

A framework to find the best performing AI/ML model for any AI problem. Works for Classification and Regression type of problems on numerical data. AutoAI makes AI easy and accessible to everyone. It not only trains the best-performing model but also exports high-quality code for using the trained model.

The framework is currently in beta release, with active development being still in progress. Please report any issues you encounter.


Getting Started

pip install blobcity
import blobcity as bc
model = bc.train(file="data.csv", target="Y_column")

Y_column is the name of the target column. The column must be present within the data provided.

Automatic inference of Regression / Classification is supported by the framework.

Data input formats supported include:

  1. Local CSV / XLSX file
  2. URL to a CSV / XLSX file
  3. Pandas DataFrame
model = bc.train(file="data.csv", target="Y_column") #local file
model = bc.train(file="", target="Y_column") #url
model = bc.train(df=my_df, target="Y_column") #DataFrame


The framework has built-in support for several data pre-processing techniques, such as imputing missing values, column encoding, and data scaling.

Pre-processing is carried out automatically on train data. The predict function carries out the same pre-processing on new data. The user is not required to be concerned with the pre-processing choices of the framework.

One can view the pre-processing methods used on the data by exporting the entire model configuration to a YAML file. Check the section below on "Exporting to YAML."

Feature Selection

model.features() #prints the features selected by the model

AutoAI automatically performs a feature selection on input data. All features (except target) are potential candidates for the X input.

AutoAI will automatically remove ID / Primary-key columns.

This does not guarantee that all specified features will be used in the final model. The framework will perform an automated feature selection from amongst these features. This only guarantees that other features if present in the data will not be considered.

AutoAI ignores features that have a low importance to the effective output. The feature importance plot can be viewed.

model.plot_feature_importance() #shows a feature importance graph

Feature Importance Plot

There might be scenarios where you want to explicitely exclude some columns, or only use a subset of columns in the training. Manually specify the features to be used. AutoAI will still perform a feature selection within the list of features provided to improve effective model accuracy.

model = bc.train(file="data.csv", target="Y_value", features=["col1", "col2", "col3"])

Model Search, Train & Hyper-parameter Tuning

Model search, train and hyper-parameter tuning is fully automatic. It is a 3 step process that tests your data across various AI/ML models. It finds models with high success tendency, and performs a hyper-parameter tuning to find you the best possible result.

Regression Models Library

Classification Models Library

Code Generation

High-quality code generation is why most Data Scientists choose AutoAI. The spill function generates the model code with exhaustive documentation. scikit-learn models export with training code included. TensorFlow and other DNN models produce only the test / final use code.

AutoAI Generated Code Example

Code generation is supported in ipynb and py file formats, with options to enable or disable detailed documentation exports.

model.spill("my_code.ipynb"); #produces Jupyter Notebook file with full markdown docs
model.spill("") #produces python code with minimal docs
model.spill("", docs=True) #python code with full docs
model.spill("my_code.ipynb", docs=False) #Notebook file with minimal markdown


Use a trained model to generate predictions on new data.

prediction = model.predict(file="unseen_data.csv")

All required features must be present in the unseen_data.csv file. Consider checking the results of the automatic feature selection to know the list of features needed by the predict function.

Stats & Accuracy


The function is shared across Regression and Classification problems. It plots a relevant chart to assess efficiency of training.

Actual v/s Predicted Plot (for Regression)

Actual v/s Predicted Plot

Plotting only first 100 rows. You can specify -100 to plot last 100 rows.


Actual v/s Predicted Plot first 100

Confusion Matrix (for Classification)


AutoAI Generated Code Example

Numercial Stats


Print the key model parameters, such as Precision, Recall, F1-Score. The parameters change based on the type of AutoAI problem.

model = bc.load('./my_model.pkl')

You can save a trained model, and load it in the future to generate predictions.

Accelerated Training

Leverage BlobCity AI Cloud for fast training on large datasets. Reasonable cloud infrastructure included for free.

BlobCity AI Cloud CPU GPU

Features and Roadmap

  • Numercial data Classification and Regression
  • Automatic feature selection
  • Code generation
  • Neural Networks & Deep Learning
  • Image classification
  • Optical Character Recognition (english only)
  • Video tagging with YOLO
  • Generative AI using GAN
  • Added RadiusNeighborsClassifier

    Added RadiusNeighborsClassifier

    Issue Id you have worked upon -



    Added RadiusNeighborsClassifier.

    Made changes to -


    NOTE -

    Please consider this PR as a submission towards Hacktoberfest 2021 and add the hacktoberfest-accepted label to it.

    opened by aadityasinha-dotcom 9
  • Confusion Matrix

    Confusion Matrix

    Add support to print a Confusion Matrix for Classification type of problems.

    Example Use

    model = bc.train("classification_data.csv", "target_column")

    The matrix should be displayed as a matplotlib chart.

    Error Conditions

    Calling the confusionMatrix() function for a Regression problem must throw an error stating Confusion matrix is available only for Classification problems

    files to refer:

    enhancement Hacktoberfest 
    opened by sanketsarang 7
  • Add QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis

    Add QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis

    Add QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis model into the library.

    API Reference for required parameters:

    Dependencies if any, must be appropriately added. Test run of the train function on a classification problem( must pass, and the function must attempt to train an QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis as a potential best fit model.

    enhancement good first issue Hacktoberfest 
    opened by Thilakraj1998 6
  • Progress Bar

    Progress Bar

    Add a Python progress bar on the train function, to indicate to the user the current training progress.


    File to refer :

    Example progress bars in Python:

    For accurate progress reporting, create an execution profile to estimate the total number of epochs/steps. Increment the process bar as each training epoch or step is completed.

    The progress bar should display correctly in both terminal / command prompt execution, as well as when executing within a Jupyter Notebook.

    enhancement help wanted Hacktoberfest 
    opened by Thilakraj1998 6
  • Pandas DataFrame Support

    Pandas DataFrame Support

    files to refer:



    Currently, the main driver function train accepts file path as an argument to fetch dataset from user-specified location and identifies file type associated with the file.

    Enhancement: provide user a flexibility by providing support to accept pandas.Dataframe object has an argument to train function and must support other follow up functions inside driver function.

    enhancement good first issue Hacktoberfest 
    opened by Thilakraj1998 6
  • Added the parameters for the Nearest Centroid Classifier

    Added the parameters for the Nearest Centroid Classifier

    By this commit will fix the issue of #47 Added the parameters for the Nearest Centroid Classification Model and tested it on the Pima Indians Diabetes Dataset (from 3rd data set present in the website )

    opened by Tanuj2552 4
  • Add RadiusNeighborsClassifier

    Add RadiusNeighborsClassifier

    Add RadiusNeighborsClassifier model into the library.

    Primary File to Change:

    Reference RadiusNeighborsClassifier Implementation:

    Dependencies if any, must be appropriately added. Test run of the train function on a classification problem must pass, and the function must attempt to train a RadiusNeighborsClassifier as a potential best fit model.

    enhancement good first issue Hacktoberfest 
    opened by sanketsarang 4
  • Add NearestCentroid Classifier

    Add NearestCentroid Classifier

    Add NearestCentroid Classifier model into the library.

    Primary File to Change:

    Reference NearestCentroid Classifier Implementation:

    Dependencies if any, must be appropriately added. Test run of the train function on a classification problem must pass, and the function must attempt to train a NearestCentroid Classifier as a potential best fit model.

    enhancement good first issue Hacktoberfest 
    opened by sanketsarang 4
  • Reset Class Variable

    Reset Class Variable

    file to refer: Reset or Clear data initialized/allotted to Class variables in on each call to driver function train

    bug good first issue Hacktoberfest 
    opened by Thilakraj1998 4
  • Added function to print Confusion Matrix

    Added function to print Confusion Matrix

    Issue Id you have worked upon -



    Added Function to print Confusion Matrix.

    Made changes to -

    NOTE -

    Please consider this PR as a submission towards Hacktoberfest 2021 and add the hacktoberfest-accepted label to it.

    opened by aadityasinha-dotcom 3
  • Added Gamma Regressor

    Added Gamma Regressor

    Issue Id you have worked upon -



    Added GammaRegressor.

    Made changes to -

    NOTE -

    Please consider this PR as a submission towards Hacktoberfest 2021 and add the hacktoberfest-accepted label to it.

    opened by aadityasinha-dotcom 3
  •  AttributeError: module 'blobcity.main.modelSelection' has no attribute 'getKFold'

    AttributeError: module 'blobcity.main.modelSelection' has no attribute 'getKFold'

    I have really simple code model = bc.train(df=df, target='score', features=['brand', 'category', 'source']) Fails with following error

    [/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/blobcity/main/](https://localhost:8080/#) in train(file, df, target, features, model_types, accuracy_criteria, disable_colinearity, epochs, max_neural_search)
         77     accuracy_criteria= accuracy_criteria if accuracy_criteria<=1.0 else (accuracy_criteria/100)
    ---> 78     modelClass = model_search(dataframe=CleanedDF,target=target,DictClass=dict_class,disable_colinearity=disable_colinearity,model_types=model_types,accuracy_criteria=accuracy_criteria,epochs=epochs,max_neural_search=max_neural_search)
         79     modelClass.yamldata=dict_class.getdict()
         80     modelClass.feature_importance_=dict_class.feature_importance if(features==None) else calculate_feature_importance(CleanedDF.drop(target,axis=1),CleanedDF[target],dict_class)
    [/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/blobcity/main/](https://localhost:8080/#) in model_search(dataframe, target, DictClass, disable_colinearity, model_types, accuracy_criteria, epochs, max_neural_search)
        290     elif model_types=='all':
    --> 291         modelResult=classic_model(ptype,dataframe,target,X,Y,DictClass,modelsList,accuracy_criteria,4)
        292         if modelResult[2]<accuracy_criteria:
        293             gpu_num=tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
    [/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/blobcity/main/](https://localhost:8080/#) in classic_model(ptype, dataframe, target, X, Y, DictClass, modelsList, accuracy_criteria, stages)
        206         print("Quick Search(Stage 1 of {}) is skipped".format(stages))
        207         best=train_on_full_data(X,Y,modelsList,modelsList,DictClass,stages)
    --> 208     modelResult = Tuner.tune_model(dataframe,target,best,modelsList,ptype,accuracy_criteria,DictClass,stages)
        209     return modelResult
    [/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/blobcity/config/](https://localhost:8080/#) in tune_model(dataframe, target, modelkey, modelList, ptype, accuracy, DictionaryClass, stages)
        203     prog=Progress()
        204     X,Y=dataframe.drop(target,axis=1),dataframe[target]
    --> 205     cv=modelSelection.getKFold(X)
        206     get_param_list(modelkey,modelList)
        207     EarlyStopper.criterion=accuracy
    AttributeError: module 'blobcity.main.modelSelection' has no attribute 'getKFold'

    I use Google Colab, python3.7.13, latest version of all libs installed with :

    !pip install git+
    !pip install autokeras
    !pip install blobcity

    My df consists of 3 categorical features (source, brand, category) used to predict float score

    opened by NicolasMICAUX 2
  • cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object

    cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object

    Getting the following error when running AutoAI on the Heart Failure Prediction dataset.

    No trials are completed yet.
    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    /tmp/ipykernel_549/ in <module>
    ----> 1 model = bc.train(file='./heart.csv', target='HeartDisease')
    /opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/blobcity/main/ in train(file, df, target, features, use_neural, accuracy_criteria)
         61     else:
         62         CleanedDF=dataCleaner(dataframe,features,target,dict_class)
    ---> 63     #model search space
         64     accuracy_criteria= accuracy_criteria if accuracy_criteria<=1.0 else (accuracy_criteria/100)
         65     modelClass = model_search(CleanedDF,target,dict_class,disable_colinearity,use_neural=use_neural,accuracy_criteria=accuracy_criteria)
    /opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/blobcity/main/ in model_search(dataframe, target, DictClass, use_neural, accuracy_criteria)
        235                 DictClass.UpdateNestedKeyValue('model','classification_type',cls_type)
        236                 DictClass.UpdateNestedKeyValue('model','save_type',"h5")
    --> 237             if ptype=='Regression':
        238                 DictClass.UpdateNestedKeyValue('model','save_type',"pb")
        239             class_name="Neural Network"
    TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
    opened by sanketsarang 0
  • Unresponsive on

    Unresponsive on "Quick Search" stage with simple dataset

    Hey there, I have a dataset I have stripped down to be pretty bare trying to get this library working

    TXNS               int64
    VOLUME           float64
    ANNUAL_VOLUME    float64

    The dataframe has 350,000 rows, I figured maybe the size was causing it to be slow but it's been sitting like this for about 15 minutes now, with "kernel busy" Screen Shot 2021-11-12 at 10 15 54 PM

    I'm sort of new to this tech so I'm not even sure how I would go about further debugging, any ideas?

    opened by garrettjoecox 5
  • Data Scaling and Transformation

    Data Scaling and Transformation

    Add following into a combinations strategy for model selection and training.

    • [x] data rescaling (StandardScaler/MinMaxScaler/RobustScaler)

    • [ ] data transformation/data interaction (PolynomialFeatures/PowerTransformer/QuantileTransformer)

    If any of the strategy utilized include following configuration in YAML file and CodeGeneration.

    opened by Thilakraj1998 0
  • Imbalanced Target Handling

    Imbalanced Target Handling

    Add functionality to handle target balancing.

    Condition to apply handling will be: In case of Binary Classification:

    • If target 'B' has 50% less data compared to target 'A' apply RandomOverSampling Strategy.

    In case of Multiclass Classification:

    • If any of target has 30% less data compared to any of the majority target apply appropriate handling strategy to balance the data.

    Avoid UnderSampling Strategy

    enhancement help wanted Hacktoberfest 
    opened by Thilakraj1998 0
  • Support custom metrics specification for model training

    Support custom metrics specification for model training

    The framework currently optimises for greater accuracy. While accuracy is a widely used metric to assess the efficiency of training, it is not always desired. The framework should default to using accuracy as the training metric, but the user must be provided with a choice to use different optimisation.

    Add support for the following optimisations that a user may specify.

    • [ ] Accuracy (Currently supported. Default setting)
    • [ ] Precision
    • [ ] Recall
    • [ ] F1-Score
    • [ ] ROC Curve - Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
    • [ ] AUC - Area Under the Curve
    • [ ] MSE - Mean Squared Error
    • [ ] MAE - Mean Absolute Error

    Keep in mind that some parameters should be maximised while others should be minimised. An appropriate optimisation direction should be chosen respectively.

    How can a user set the optimisation function


    The input can be taken in text form and must be case insensitive. Alternate more elegant solutions for choosing the optimisation time are encouraged.

    Text labels to be used for each: accuracy, precision, recall, f1score, roc, auc, mse and mae

    enhancement Hacktoberfest 
    opened by sanketsarang 0
  • v0.0.6(Nov 17, 2021)

  • v0.0.5(Nov 13, 2021)

    • Improved progress bar now shows the three steps of training
    • Significant performance improvements on train() function
    • Increased usage options for predict() function.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.2(Oct 18, 2021)

    Key Changes

    Includes important bug fixes. Wider model catalogue added. Code generation introduced for both py and ipynb files.

    What's Changed

    • Update Scaling and Feature Transformation list by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Auto Data Clean,Feature Selection & YAML Generator by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • fixed issue in identifying problem type by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Auto Model Selection and Trained model Class by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added setup,pyproject and update by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • setup config update by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • minor fixes by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • minor value change by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Removed access to other functions by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added Cv Score log output by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added Metric Statsics by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Pandas DataFrame support to train function by @balamurugan1603 in
    • solves issue #20 by @sreyan-ghosh in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • changed parameter from file_path to file by @sanketsarang in
    • Added XGBClassifier by @balamurugan1603 in
    • Loading CSV from URL by @balamurugan1603 in
    • XGBClassifier Parameter Config fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • BernoulliNB classifier config hyperparams updated by @melan96 in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added example Regression & Classification Tests by @sanketsarang in
    • Load Functionality Change by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Moved test files to base folder by @sanketsarang in
    • adaboost-clf added. hyperparams adjusted. by @melan96 in
    • regressor-poissonregressor added to source by @melan96 in
    • Added HistGradientBoostingClassifier to Classifier Config by @Devolta05 in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • regressor sgd fixes added on lossfunction by @melan96 in
    • Added the parameters for the Nearest Centroid by @Tanuj2552 in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added SGDClassifier to by @Devolta05 in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Enhanced Docs by @sanketsarang in
    • Added AdaBoostRegressor by @26tanishabanik in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Configuration Minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Major Enhancement by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added the parameters for Lasso Regressor by @Tanuj2552 in
    • Added RadiusNeighborsClassifier by @aadityasinha-dotcom in
    • Modified the parameters for Lasso Regressor by @Tanuj2552 in
    • Added Lars model to by @SaharshLaud in
    • Minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added Categorical Naive Bayes to classifier_config,py by @Devolta05 in
    • Minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added LassoLars by @naresh1205 in
    • Added Bayesian Ridge Config by @Bhumika0201 in
    • Minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Minor bug fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added configuration for ElasticNet by @Bhumika0201 in
    • config added for MultinomialNB by @Bhumika0201 in
    • replaced unique( ) function of target_length by @Cipher-unhsiV in
    • Add XGBoost Regressor by @vedantbahel in
    • Added ARDRegressor model to by @SaharshLaud in
    • CodeGen - Support for ipynb files by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added catboost regressor to regressor configuration by @Devolta05 in
    • Minor fix CatboostRegressor configuration by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added Gamma Regressor by @aadityasinha-dotcom in
    • Minor addition by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added PassiveAggressiveRegressor by @aadityasinha-dotcom in
    • Added RadiusNeighborRegressor by @aadityasinha-dotcom in
    • Added LightGBM model to by @SaharshLaud in
    • Minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Added Perceptron classifier to by @SaharshLaud in
    • minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Hacktoberfest Issue-137 Drop rows with more than 50% NANs by @TamannaBhasin27 in
    • Minor Enhancement by @Thilakraj1998 in
    • Minor fix by @Thilakraj1998 in

    New Contributors

    • @Thilakraj1998 made their first contribution in
    • @balamurugan1603 made their first contribution in
    • @sreyan-ghosh made their first contribution in
    • @sanketsarang made their first contribution in
    • @melan96 made their first contribution in
    • @Devolta05 made their first contribution in
    • @Tanuj2552 made their first contribution in
    • @26tanishabanik made their first contribution in
    • @aadityasinha-dotcom made their first contribution in
    • @SaharshLaud made their first contribution in
    • @naresh1205 made their first contribution in
    • @Bhumika0201 made their first contribution in
    • @Cipher-unhsiV made their first contribution in
    • @vedantbahel made their first contribution in
    • @TamannaBhasin27 made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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