Custom component to calculate estimated power consumption of lights and other appliances


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Custom component to calculate estimated power consumption of lights and other appliances. Provides easy configuration to get virtual power consumption sensors in Home Assistant for all your devices which don't have a build in power meter. This component estimates power usage by looking at brightness, hue/saturation and color temperature etc using different strategies. They are explained below. Power sensors can be created for light, switch, fan, binary_sensor, input_boolean, remote and media_player entities





This integration is part of the default HACS repository. Just click "Explore and add repository" to install


Copy custom_components/powercalc into your Home Assistant config directory.


Each virtual power sensor have it's own configuration possibilities. They are as follows:

Name Type Requirement Description
entity_id string Required HA entity ID
manufacturer string Optional Manufacturer, most of the time this can be automatically discovered
model string Optional Model id, most of the time this can be automatically discovered
standby_usage float Optional Supply the wattage when the device is off
disable_standby_usage boolean Optional Set to true to not show any power consumption when the device is standby
name string Optional Override the name
custom_model_directory string Optional Directory for a custom light model. Relative from the config directory
mode string Optional Calculation mode, one of lut, linear, fixed
fixed object Optional Fixed mode options
linear object Optional Linear mode options

Calculation modes

To calculate estimated power consumption different modes are supported, they are as follows:

LUT mode

Supported domain: light

This is the most accurate mode. For some models from the Philips Hue line measurements are taken using smart plugs. All this data is saved into CSV files. When you have the LUT mode activated the current brightness/hue/saturation of the light will be checked and closest matching line will be looked up in the CSV.


  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.livingroom_floorlamp
    manufacturer: signify
    model: LCT010

When you are using the official Philips Hue integration the manufacturer and model can automatically be discovered, so there is no need to supply those.

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.livingroom_floorlamp

Linear mode

Supported domains: light, fan

The linear mode can be used for dimmable devices which don't have a lookup table available. You need to supply the min and max power draw yourself, by either looking at the datasheet or measuring yourself with a smart plug / power meter. Power consumpion is calculated by ratio. So when you have your fan running at 50% speed and define watt range 2 - 6, than the estimated consumption will be 4 watt.

Configuration options

Name Type Requirement Description
min_power float Optional Power usage for lowest brightness level
max_power float Optional Power usage for highest brightness level
calibrate string Optional Calibration values

Example configuration

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.livingroom_floorlamp
      min_power: 0.5
      max_power: 8

Advanced precision calibration

With the calibrate setting you can supply more than one power value for multiple brightness/percentage levels. This allows for a more accurate estimation because not all lights are straight linear.

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.livingroom_floorlamp
        - 1 -> 0.3
        - 10 -> 1.25
        - 50 -> 3.50
        - 100 -> 6.8
        - 255 -> 15.3

Note: For lights the supplied values must be in brightness range 1-255, when you select 1 in lovelace UI slider this is actually brightness level 3. For fan speeds the range is 1-100 (percentage)

Fixed mode

Supported domains: light, fan, switch, binary_sensor, remote, media_player, input_boolean

When you have an appliance which only can be set on and off you can use this mode. You need to supply a single watt value in the configuration which will be used when the device is ON

Configuration options

Name Type Requirement Description
power float Optional Power usage when the appliance is turned on (in watt)
states_power dict Optional Power usage per entity state

Simple example

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.nondimmabled_bulb
      power: 20

Power per state

The states_power setting allows you to specify a power per entity state. This can be useful for example on Sonos devices which have a different power consumption in different states.

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: media_player.sonos_living
        playing: 8.3
        paused: 2.25
        idle: 1.5

Configuration examples

Linear mode with additional standby usage

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.livingroom_floorlamp
      min_power: 0.5
      max_power: 8
    standby_usage: 0.2
    name: My amazing power meter

Light model library

The component ships with predefined light measurements for some light models. This library will keep extending by the effort of community users.

These models are located in custom_components/powercalc/data directory. Each light model has it's own subdirectory {manufacturer}/{modelid}

Every model MUST contain a model.json file which defines the supported calculation modes and other configuration. When LUT mode is supported also LUT data files must be provided.

Example lut mode:

    "name": "Hue White and Color Ambiance A19 E26 (Gen 5)",
    "standby_usage": 0.4,
    "supported_modes": [

Example linear mode

    "name": "Hue Go",
    "supported_modes": [
    "standby_usage": 0.2,
    "linear_config": {
        "min_power": 0,
        "max_power": 6

LUT data files

To calculate power consumption a lookup is done into CSV data files.

Depending on the supported color modes of the light the integration expects multiple CSV files here:

  • hs.csv.gz (hue/saturation, colored lamps)
  • color_temp.csv.gz (color temperature)
  • brightness.csv.gz (brightness only lights)

Some lights support two color modes (both hs and color_temp), so there must be two CSV files.

The files are gzipped to keep the repository footprint small, and installation fast.


- signify
  - LCT010
    - hs.csv.gz
    - color_temp.csv.gz

Expected file structure

  • The file MUST contain a header row.
  • The data rows in the CSV files MUST have the following column order:








  • brightness (0-255)
  • hue (0-65535)
  • saturation (0-255)
  • mired (0-500) min value depending on min mired value of the light model

Creating LUT files

New files are created by taking measurements using a smartplug (i.e. Shelly plug) and changing the light to all kind of different variations using the Hue API. An example script is available utils/measure/ I am using the "Shelly Plug S"

Supported models

See the list of supported lights which don't need any manual configuration

Debug logging

Add the following to configuration.yaml:

  default: warning
    custom_components.powercalc: debug
  • Reload every restart

    Reload every restart

    Hi Fantastic job as always . One issue on my side every time i restart home assistant i need to go through each entity and reload it in order to show the sensor is there a soultion for this Regards

    bug question wontfix 
    opened by screem20056 102
  • measuring script: Add ability to use a dummy load

    measuring script: Add ability to use a dummy load

    I read a bit about measuring low amounts of power consumption and sometimes it's recommended to add a static dummy load, like an incandescent light bulb. After letting it warm up and stabilize it can be subtracted from the measurements taken which allegedly allows measuring smaller loads more precisely.

    The script currently only has the ability to measure multiple bulbs at the same time from the same type, but not to measure a static load first and afterward the standby load (after the user plugs in the device which should be measured).

    @nepozs / @bramstroker opinions on that?

    enhancement measure-tool 
    opened by RubenKelevra 44
  • Shelly plug S

    Shelly plug S

    I'm running HA 2022-11 and powercalc 1.0.1. Since this morning, powercalc identifies Shelly Plug S but does not allow for their configuration. See below screenshot. Pwer outlet are not listed in your documentation, so, is this a bug? Screenshot 2022-11-03 at 11 26 08

    bug config-flow autodiscovery 
    opened by Reynders1 40
  • Measuring script ( and files.csv - possible improvements

    Measuring script ( and files.csv - possible improvements

    As mentioned in #45 (improper place) I think, that there are possible improvements

    I think I will make the mode a use input (same as the light selection), that way the user can select the correct mode when starting the script. What do you think?

    It will be great option - I've unintentional changed code many times by missclicks :D

    I will also add the standby usage to the script.

    It would be great, because every model has power draw between 0,3W and 0,5W so it is slightly more than 0W (in case using multiple lights total will be quite more).

    I have some thoughts about optimization in script (eg. in HS mode mired step could be bigger, but britghness step sholud probably be lower) , but I have to analyze more .csv files It looks like the maximum brightness could be 255 and it would be better to find the matching values so that the script ends up using the highest brightness (like many users use lights in reality). Maybe the finished .csv files can also be optimized post factum (it depends on the algorithms used by the integration) - I think it would be enough to cut out a few lines containing the same power values, but apart from the first and last in the series.

    opened by nepozs 39
  • Charging state of robot vacuum as source for power consumption sensor

    Charging state of robot vacuum as source for power consumption sensor

    Hey guys,

    I was wondering if and how I can provide power consumption numbers for my robot vacuum to add it to the powercalc database for auto-detection?

    enhancement question 
    opened by RubenKelevra 38
  • Schedule of planned bulb/light measurements

    Schedule of planned bulb/light measurements

    Future plans should be posted here (it would be best to create a single discussion for each planned model):

    This is an information just to not duplicate measurement, when it will be not necessary. @bramstroker @wormiedk @smonesi @CM000n @OzGav @franzbischoff and all future contributors: Please add information about your measurements in preparation.

    Here is my plan:

    • Signify LCT001 E27 (RGB+TW 1st gen) borrowed from a friend, now measuring in parallel to @wormiedk (to compare results) (HS mode should be ready 30/31 august 2021)

    • Ikea LED1624G9 E14 RGBW globe A60 borrowed from different friend, when LCT001 will be ready

    • Ikea LED1836G9 "TRADFRI bulb E27 WW 806lm" (tradfri E27 dimmable last gen) september 2021 when LED1624G9 will be ready (planned measurements using Shelly and HS110)

    • Ikea LED1624G9 "TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm" (RGB+TW 1st gen) september 2021

    • Signify light strip set (I don't know model now) when I can borrow it

    • Jiawen/Feibit "FB56-ZCW08KU1.1" only in situation, when all family leaves home for a long time (maybe Christmas/New Year 2022?)

    • Ikea LED1923R5 "TRADFRI bulb GU10 CWS 345lm" (RGB+TW last gen) ~~as soon as possible~~ (this is GU10 made of glass and I broke the glass…) edit: temporary ABANDONED due too many zero readings, and this bulb qualify to be in electro-waste bin (just broken glass, not a problem with bulb quality, but it is really dark - only 345lm). It depends on script possibilities to measure group of bulbs (as Shelly isn't capable to measure power <0.5W), when it will be ready I can buy more of them - just for measure - Ikea allows return of tested stuff (with or without small fee) (of course I can't returm broken bulb, so be careful :D)

    new model 
    opened by nepozs 34
  • Add profiles for smartplugs standby power

    Add profiles for smartplugs standby power

    Transcribing all of

    Stacked PR; recommend landing first.


    • [x] Manually measure an Arlec PC191HA
    • [x] Manually measure an Arlec PC2...something...something I have; model number TBA
    • [x] Manually measure an Arlec other smart point I have with an ambiguous model number
    • [x] Manually measure a TP-Link HS100
    • [x] Add @Mariusthvdb 's measurements?

    Soon to be measured; but not readily available:

    • [x] Manually measure a TP Link P100

    Couldn't measure at the moment

    • [ ] Manually measure a TP Link P110
    opened by CloCkWeRX 33
  • Configure decimal places for entities

    Configure decimal places for entities

    Would it be possible to configure the number of decimal places in entity configuration or globally? image I've got kWh showing the nearest 0.1W and different W precisions?

    opened by PhillyGilly 31
  • Feature Request: Simulate power fluctuation to integrate better into ne energy integration

    Feature Request: Simulate power fluctuation to integrate better into ne energy integration

    I mainly want to use this component to integrate my devices to the energy integration if they haven't energy measurements built in. So the workaround is like using this component, feeding them into the Riemann integral integration and feeding that integral integration into a utility meter.

    Now the problem is: The Riemann integration only calculates the integral if the state of the underlying sensor changes. This can have issues if using the fixed mode with a device that runs for hours like an desktop during workday or even for weeks or years like my homeserver. As a consequence the state didnt change, the riemann integral doesnt calculate the energy used so it doesnt appear in the energy panel (like my homeserver as one of my biggest energy usages).

    So my idea (if possible): Add fluctuation into the fixed mode. Every e.b. 10 minutes (or another poll time) change the value of the sensor like +-0.01, so the state changed event is triggered. If you fluctuate this with switching signings, this fluctuation will negate itself out so in mean it didn't affect the real energy usage. This would help to better suit the needs if it is used for the energy integration with fixed mode for devices that doesn't change it state that often.

    Don't know if this is possible in code, but if possible this would be great

    opened by NachtaktiverHalbaffe 31
  • UOM of utility_meters and energy_sensor?

    UOM of utility_meters and energy_sensor?

    Any chance to adjust the UOM of utility_meters and energy_sensor? Until now, every other in my installation has the unit Wh, and If I want to display in cards, etc., I would have to multiply here (only) for the entity created via this integration. Would really love to be able to adjust from kWh to Wh here (of course with values*1000).

    opened by emufan 27
  • "Lookup table not found" error

    According to discussion.

    HA Core log shows

    ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.powercalc.strategy_lut] Lookup table not found

    Usually few errors in a row (2-6)

    opened by QbaF 27
  • template group config not allowed under entities?

    template group config not allowed under entities?

    as posted in the community:

    needed some extra template sensors again, so I tried:

      - platform: powercalc
          - create_group: All lights
              template: >
          - create_group: All switches
              template: >
          - entity_id: light.corridor_pool

    ofc the templates are correct, and listing all entities in dev tools. All individual entities exist (and, already have individual powercalc sensors)

    And yet, I get this error at startup:

    Deze fout is ontstaan door een aangepaste integratie.

    Logger: custom_components.powercalc.sensor Source: custom_components/powercalc/ Integration: Powercalc (documentation, issues) First occurred: 11:21:12 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 11:21:12

    Could not resolve any entities in group 'All lights'

    and no sensors are created. the switch template does not show an error, but Powercalc does not create any sensors for that config either.

    added to that, all other utility integration entities are now unavailable…

    configuring the template entities individually like:

      - platform: powercalc
        create_group: All lights
          template: >
      - platform: powercalc
        create_group: All switches
          template: >
      - platform: powercalc
          - entity_id: light.corridor_pool
          - entity_id: etcetc
          - etcetc

    does create the sensors.

    is this a bug, or to be expected?

    bug group 
    opened by Mariusthvdb 1
  • Improvements config flow virtual power from library

    Improvements config flow virtual power from library

    • Limit entity selection to only entities having domain switch, light or media_player
    • Remove standby power from power options (as it is provided by the power profile already)
    • Change submit buttons to next so it's clear for the user there are next steps.
    enhancement config-flow 
    opened by bramstroker 0
  • Not possible to select manufacturer?

    Not possible to select manufacturer?

    Is it possible to choose a device from the library for non-auto-recognized devices? I mean, I added Shelly Plug S via mqtt integration (yaml). I can select its entity in powercalc's Virtual entity (library) UI, however, in the next step, the list of manufacturers is empty.

    Found in ver v1.2.4 (and the previous one)


    bug config-flow 
    opened by michalk-k 10
  • Why are my ikea bulbs not showing up?

    Why are my ikea bulbs not showing up?

    Hello! I have quite a few ikea lightbulbs that are not on the supported models list but I don't understand why they are different. They are all E26s, but the same lightbulbs with an E27 base are found on the supported models list. I have tried really hard on Google, here, and the community forum to understand why the base is making a difference, but I just can't.

    Is there any way that the E26 bases can be added as an alias to the already existing E27?

    These are my bulbs: "TRADFRI Driver 30W", "TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm", "TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm", "TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm", "TRADFRI bulb E26 WS clear 950lm", "TRADFRI bulb E26 WS opal 1000lm", "TRADFRI bulb E26 WS opal 980lm", "TRADFRI bulb E26 WW 806lm", "TRADFRI bulb E26 WW 806lm", "TRADFRI bulb E26 opal 1000lm",

    I may not be searching the right thing, but when I googled the TRADFRI bulb E27 opal 1000lm vs TRADFRI bulb E26 opal 1000lm, one of the sites that came up was this one, which lists both models of the E26 (with the W and without as model LED1622G12, which is same model number as the E27.

    I've attached my log file with the powercalc sensors from the auto-discovery, but basically, I'm just lost. Any help is appreciated and if there is any additional info, please let me know!


    question autodiscovery 
    opened by shirasp 2
  • entities do not start after HA restart

    entities do not start after HA restart

    After rebooting HA, all entities report that they are unavailable, it helps to select the reload option on each HA wersja 2022.11.4 PowerCalc - v1.1.8

    opened by salut1a 10
  • feature request: substractable entities in groups

    feature request: substractable entities in groups

    Thank You for this great integration!

    Groups just sum up the members energy and power values.

    Would it be possible to add memebers in a way that they are substracted instead of added? This would solve problems with any kind of submetering.

    In my case I have a youless device for mains power an a sperate submeter for heating. The total household energy without heating is not measured directly but easily derived as the difference between mains and submeter. Would be great where as well where a smartplug acts as meter where a bulb (or any another metering device) is installed hierarchically under the same smartplug. Or just to show the amount of power and energy that is not (yet) measured.


    enhancement group 
    opened by ioT-enthusiast 1
  • v1.2.4(Jan 3, 2023)


    • #1014 Add support for Philips Hue 548503 BR30 @davidski
    • #1406 Add support for TP-Link Tapo L900 @hwalker928

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1402 Upgrade HA API for measure tool @bramstroker
    • #1407 Measure util: Fix dummy load file location @bramstroker
    • #1413 Change from old DEVICE_CLASS constants to SensorDeviceClass enum @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker, @davidski, @github-actions[bot] and @hwalker928

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.2.3(Dec 31, 2022)


    • #1398 Fix selection of hass power meter in measure util @bramstroker

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1399 Allow to omit entity_id when using power_sensor_id option @bramstroker
    • #1400 Typing fixes and code cleanups @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker and @github-actions[bot]

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.2.2(Dec 29, 2022)

  • v1.2.1(Dec 29, 2022)

    🚀 Features

    • #1387 Filter manufacturer and model list in the GUI by entity domain @bramstroker


    • #1385 Refactor supported_modes to calculation_strategy for consistency @bramstroker
    • #1386 Add Hue LWA010 and LWA018 @pauln
    • #1389 Move discovery related code to separate component @bramstroker
    • #1388 Add warning message for Sonos autodiscovery @bramstroker

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1384 Fix decimal conversion error when using template in states power @bramstroker
    • #1390 Potential fix for does not generate unique IDs error @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker, @github-actions[bot] and @pauln

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.2.0(Dec 26, 2022)

    🚀 Features

    This release adds a major overhaul of the measure utility. #1286 It introduces a brand new way to measure smart speakers. Also a lot of things have been rewritten to easily add support for other devices than lights or smart speakers.

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1381 Fix config flow, group is removed from sensor on removal of group @bramstroker
    • #1382 validate entity compatibility when setting up virtual power sensor from library @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker and @github-actions[bot]

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.1.9(Dec 25, 2022)


    • #1373 Fix LCG002 alias typo @EBassie
    • #1377 Measurements added for Philips Hue Aurelle 3216331P6 @jarpatus

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1378 Fix decimal conversion error when using template with multiply factor @bramstroker
    • #1379 Fix no error is thrown when adding a discovered entity to a YAML group @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @EBassie, @bramstroker, @github-actions[bot] and @jarpatus

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.1.8(Dec 20, 2022)


    • #1365 add alias for hue impress pedestal low @wouterrutgers
    • #1364 Added aliases for Hue Argenta 3 & Hue Argenta 4 to LCG002 @EBassie
    • #1370 Update Hue LWA017 standby power @nepozs
    • #1371 Measurements added for various WiZ bulbs @jarpatus

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @EBassie, @bramstroker, @jarpatus, @nepozs and @wouterrutgers

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.1.7(Dec 15, 2022)


    • #1350 Add Alias 1743130P7 1743430P7 @Cafun
    • #1351 Added Oz Smart Things Downlight @Scales82
    • #1358 Alias 4034031P7 added to LTC002 @villevirtanen
    • #1360 Add Sonos Connect @krazos

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @Cafun, @Scales82, @bramstroker, @github-actions[bot], @krazos and @villevirtanen

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.1.6(Dec 4, 2022)


    • #1342 Add Signify 1743130P7 @Cafun
    • #1327 docs(README): add context about "Use real power sensor" @arthurlutz
    • #1345 Minor fixes in GUI options flow for smart switches @bramstroker

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1343 Add translations for unavailable_power option in GUI @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @Cafun, @arthurlutz and @bramstroker

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.1.5(Dec 3, 2022)


    • #1321 Add Signify LTA010 Hue Ambiance Lamp @nanderson97651
    • #1333 Add unavailable power to the GUI @bramstroker
    • #1325 Allow the user to set a fixed power value for Ikea Smart Outlet @bramstroker

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1335 Fix error when hidden directories are added by OS in model library @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker, @github-actions[bot] and @nanderson97651

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.1.4(Dec 2, 2022)


    • #1320 Add Zigbee2Mqtt alias for LWA004 for autodiscovery @vahaldor
    • #1326 Make it easier to setup a power sensor with the GUI from the library @bramstroker

    💡 Light models

    • #1313 Added Ledvance Orbis Cylinder and Govee Glider Hexa @fribse

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker, @fribse and @vahaldor

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.1.3(Nov 26, 2022)


    • #1288 Add Sonos One SL - calculated @darthsebulba04
    • #1293 Add model.json for Sonos Play:3 @krazos
    • #1295 add profile for Ikea Wall plug @Mariusthvdb
    • #1296 Add color_temp.csv for Ledvance 40580754884474 @fribse

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1303 Add alias for Lenovo Smart Clock to fix autodiscovery @bramstroker
    • #1302 Fix for member sensors being duplicated on group sensors after startup @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @Mariusthvdb, @bramstroker, @darthsebulba04, @fribse and @krazos

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.1.2(Nov 20, 2022)


    • #1274 Add Govee Glide Hexa and Ledvance Planon @fribse
    • #1279 Turn off the light after measurement session done @bramstroker
    • #1277 Update Sonos One measurements @knudsvik
    • #1280 Disable SSL verification for HA API in measure tool @bramstroker
    • #1276 Added LEDVANCE SMART+ Wifi Planon TW 30x30 @fribse
    • #1289 Add hs LUT for 3a smarthome/LXT56-LS27LX1.7. @joshuar

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker, @fribse, @joshuar and @knudsvik

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.1.1(Nov 13, 2022)


    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1269 Fix entities are not unhidden when forced hidden by user @bramstroker
    • #1270 Don't discover WLED master and segment lights @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.1.0(Nov 13, 2022)

    🚀 Features

    • #1263 Implement discovery flow for WLED devices @bramstroker
    • #1249 Easier speaker measurement @knudsvik
    • #1264 Implement discovery flow for devices requiring a sub profile selection @bramstroker

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1262 Fix discovery issue with model id having parentheses @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker, @github-actions[bot] and @knudsvik

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.5(Nov 11, 2022)


    • #1245 Added Sonos / Ikea SYMFONISK Picture Frame @sockmonkey0223
    • #1246 Fix model folder name for auto-discovery @knudsvik
    • #1242 Add support for Ajax Online GU10 LEDvance E27 Bulbs @gary-oneill82
    • #1248 Add IKEA LED2004G8 and LED1937T5_E27 @marthubner
    • #1251 Apply unit conversions for groups having entities of multiple units @bramstroker
    • #1254 Cleanup measure code style / typing @bramstroker

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1252 Remove constraints on entity domains for entity_id configuration @bramstroker
    • #1257 Fix missing error translation, and change dutch terminology @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker, @gary-oneill82, @github-actions[bot], @knudsvik, @marthubner and @sockmonkey0223

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.4(Nov 9, 2022)


    • #1235 adds support for Sonos One @knudsvik
    • #1230 Add Ajax Online Zigbee Globe AJ_ZIGPROA60 @gary-oneill82
    • #1239 Adds Ikea/Sonos Symfonisk speaker @knudsvik
    • #1237 Add Teckin SB50 (ESP8466 Light Flashed to ESPhome) @gary-oneill82

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1226 Fix removal of virtual power config entry als removes from associated groups @bramstroker
    • #1233 Use entrypoint to allow passing arguments to measure script @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker, @gary-oneill82, @github-actions[bot] and @knudsvik

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.3(Nov 5, 2022)


    • #1219 Add debug logging to discovery flow @bramstroker
    • #1223 Add option to disable persisting extensive state attributes @bramstroker
    • #1188 Add LightZone (MeLiTec) DP15 @RubenKelevra

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1220 Fixes for discovery flow @bramstroker
    • #1221 Fix potential error when opening group options dialog @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @RubenKelevra, @bramstroker and @github-actions[bot]

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.2(Nov 4, 2022)


    • #1193 Update pl.json @nepozs
    • #1216 Improvement to Swedish translation of "confirm" @fredrikbaberg
    • #1190 Change config_flow LUT selection to more generic library @bramstroker
    • #1218 Implement option to download diagnostics @bramstroker

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1211 Also check for original_device_class for WLED current entity @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker, @fredrikbaberg, @github-actions[bot] and @nepozs

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.1(Nov 1, 2022)


    • #1192 Portuguese from Portugal translation @FragMenthor
    • #1199 Add ignore unavailable state to global settings @bramstroker
    • #1200 Implement setting to define power for unavailable devices @bramstroker

    💡 Light models

    • #1189 Add support for Hue Enrave Medium @Midbin

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1198 Fix WLED estimated_current entity search by device_class @bramstroker
    • #1204 Fix 400 error when opening group options @bramstroker
    • #1207 Prevent error in config flow when group does not exist anymore @bramstroker
    • #1208 Several fixes for errors when creating a group using the GUI @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @FragMenthor, @Midbin, @bramstroker and @github-actions[bot]

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.0(Oct 29, 2022)

    1.5 year ago I started prototyping based on some ideas and discussions on the community forum. This quickly grew into a working integration which I added to HACS. Got more and more traction in the community and lots of people joined in to provide measurements to the device library or contribute in other ways. More and more features have been added along the way. Today we are finally ready for a V1.0 release. Last feature I wanted to get in is the discovery through the GUI so you can add or ignore auto discovered entities that way, and also have them visible in the integration listing. This is still completely optional (when you have enabled_autodiscovery: false this will not appear). Thanks for everyone who has contributed (over 85 people now), you are amazing!

    Screenshot 2022-09-23 at 09 52 13

    💡 Light models

    • #1126 Zipato RGBW Bulb V2 @jake404
    • #1127 Add the Meross MSL120 smart bulb. @joshuar
    • #1148 Add support for Philips Hue LWA011 via LUT @BVollmerhaus
    • #1140 Add LIFX Mini White to Warm and Downlight @joshuar
    • #1150 Add missing alias for Hue Being @skarum
    • #1152 Add alias for Ikea LED1934G3 @gribber
    • #1154 Add alias for Ikea LED2005R5 @gribber
    • #1157 Add zigbee2mqtt aliases for Signify lights @GingerAdonis
    • #1163 Added alias for Hue Calla @mihaiblaga89
    • #1161 Add Govee Lyra RGBICWW Corner Floor Lamp @sockmonkey0223
    • #1164 Add "Hue ambiance pendant (LTP002)" LUT files @ellull
    • #1166 Add Alias 929002294203 to LCE002 for Zigbee2MQTT @kaosmagix
    • #1169 Add alias for LCT003 8718696485880 @kaosmagix
    • #1170 Add Alias LCA006 9290024689 @kaosmagix
    • #1174 Add additional models for LIFX A19 Night Vision, LIFX BR30 @mlebaugh
    • #1184 Add Hue White Ambiance Filament Standard @Midbin
    • #1185 Add alias for LED1835C6 @gribber

    🚀 Features

    • #1047 Add support for smart speakers and add some profiles to the library @CloCkWeRX
    • #1162 Implement dynamic sub profile selection for LIFX infrared lights @bramstroker
    • #1180 Extend config flow advanced options with more fields @bramstroker


    • #1115 Implement new discovery through GUI @bramstroker
    • #1124 Use forward entry setup @bramstroker
    • #1128 Set unique id for group when not supplied @bramstroker
    • #1145 Add profile for NodOn micro smart plug @bramstroker
    • #1146 Add profile for NEO coolcam smartplug @bramstroker
    • #1176 Add Signify LOM007 and INNR SP 120 Smart Switches @msteenhuiz
    • #1147 Fix strict typing @bramstroker

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1113 Set group to unavailable when one of the members are unavailable @bramstroker
    • #1122 Only set group energy sensor to unavailable when a member sensor becomes unavailable @bramstroker
    • #1172 Fix Python 3.9 compatibility @bramstroker
    • #1177 Fix 500 error when opening autodiscovered options @bramstroker
    • #1178 Fix error when loading a light with sub profiles (i.e. infrared light) @bramstroker
    • #1179 Fix LIFX infrared sub profile matching @bramstroker
    • #1183 Fixed Error on Nudging in first Iteration @Midbin

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker, @joshuar, @jake404, @BVollmerhaus, @CloCkWeRX, @GingerAdonis, @gribber, @skarum, @ellull, @kaosmagix, @mihaiblaga89, @sockmonkey0223, @msteenhuiz, @mlebaugh, @Midbin

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.0-beta.14(Oct 26, 2022)


    • #1183 Fixed Error on Nudging in first Iteration @Midbin
    • #1184 Add Hue White Ambiance Filament Standard @Midbin
    • #1185 Add alias for LED1835C6 @gribber

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @Midbin, @bramstroker and @gribber

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.0-beta.13(Oct 23, 2022)

  • v1.0.0-beta.12(Oct 22, 2022)

  • v1.0.0-beta.11(Oct 22, 2022)

  • v1.0.0-beta.10(Oct 22, 2022)

  • v1.0.0-beta.9(Oct 21, 2022)


    • #1162 Implement dynamic sub profile selection for LIFX infrared lights @bramstroker

    💡 Light models

    • #1174 Add additional models for LIFX A19 Night Vision, LIFX BR30 @mlebaugh

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker and @mlebaugh

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.0-beta.8(Oct 21, 2022)


    • #1176 Add Signify LOM007 and INNR SP 120 Smart Switches @msteenhuiz

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1177 Fix 500 error when opening autodiscovered options @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker and @msteenhuiz

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.0-beta.7(Oct 19, 2022)


    • #1163 Added alias for Hue Calla @mihaiblaga89
    • #1161 Add Govee Lyra RGBICWW Corner Floor Lamp @sockmonkey0223
    • #1164 Add "Hue ambiance pendant (LTP002)" LUT files @ellull
    • #1166 Add Alias 929002294203 to LCE002 for Zigbee2MQTT @kaosmagix
    • #1169 Add alias for LCT003 8718696485880 @kaosmagix
    • #1170 Add Alias LCA006 9290024689 @kaosmagix

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • #1172 Fix Python 3.9 compatibility @bramstroker

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @bramstroker, @ellull, @kaosmagix, @mihaiblaga89 and @sockmonkey0223

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.0-beta.6(Oct 13, 2022)


    • #1140 Add LIFX Mini White to Warm and Downlight @joshuar
    • #1150 Add missing alias for Hue Being @skarum
    • #1152 Add alias for Ikea LED1934G3 @gribber
    • #1154 Add alias for Ikea LED2005R5 @gribber
    • #1157 Add zigbee2mqtt aliases for Signify lights @GingerAdonis

    ⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome

    @GingerAdonis, @bramstroker, @github-actions[bot], @gribber, @joshuar and @skarum

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
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