A Kubernetes operator that creates UptimeRobot monitors for your ingresses



This operator automatically creates uptime monitors at UptimeRobot for your Kubernetes Ingress resources. This allows you to easily integrate uptime monitoring of your services into your Kubernetes deployments.

⚠️ This project is still in an early phase. Use it on your own risk but make sure to create issues for issues you encounter.

❤️ to UptimeRobot for providing a pro account to be able to test the pro plan features!


After installing the uptimerobot-operator it'll watch for Ingress resources in your Kubernetes cluster. For example after creating the following Ingress

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
    uroperator.brennerm.github.io/monitor.type: HTTPS
    uroperator.brennerm.github.io/monitor.interval: "600"
  - host: brennerm.github.io
      - pathType: Prefix
        path: "/"
            name: service1
              number: 80

a new monitor for the URL https://brennerm.github.io is automatically being created in your UptimeRobot account.

The same monitor can also be created using the UptimeRobotMonitor resource like so:

apiVersion: uroperator.brennerm.github.io/v1beta1
kind: UptimeRobotMonitor
  name: my-custom-monitor
  url: "https://brennerm.github.io"
  type: HTTPS
  interval: 600

The operator also supports creating public status pages. See below for details.


Create an UptimeRobot API key

  1. Create an or login to your UptimeRobot account (no credit card required and they provide up to 50 monitors for free)
  2. Go to "My Settings"
  3. Generate and save "Main API Key" (the other API keys do not provide sufficient permissions to create, update and delete monitors)

Deploying to Kubernetes using Helm

  1. Add the uptimerobot-operator chart repo helm repo add uptimerobot-operator https://brennerm.github.io/uptimerobot-operator/helm
  2. Deploy the Helm chart helm upgrade --install uptimerobot-operator uptimerobot-operator --set uptimeRobotApiKey=$MY_UPTIMEROBOT_API_KEY

Have a look at the values file if you want to customize the deployment.

Running local

ℹ️ The following commands will make the operator work with your currently selected Kubernetes cluster (kubectl config current-context).

  1. Install all dependencies pipenv install
  3. Start operator kopf run --standalone ur_operator/handlers.py

Running in self-built Docker

  1. Build Docker image docker build -t uptimerobot-operator .
  2. Start container docker run -e UPTIMEROBOT_API_KEY=$MY_UPTIMEROBOT_API_KEY -v ~/.kube:/home/ur_operator/.kube uptimerobot-operator

Running in pre-built Docker

  1. Start container docker run -e UPTIMEROBOT_API_KEY=$MY_UPTIMEROBOT_API_KEY -v ~/.kube:/home/ur_operator/.kube ghcr.io/brennerm/uptimerobot-operator:latest



The UptimeRobotMonitor resource supports all current parameters for monitors that UptimeRobot offers. Below you can find a list that contains all of them.

key type description
url (required) string URL that will be monitored
type (required) string Type of monitor, one of: HTTP,HTTPS,KEYWORD,PING,PORT,HEARTBEAT
friendlyName string Friendly name of monitor, defaults to name of UptimeRobotMonitor object
subType string Subtype of monitor, one of: HTTP,HTTPS,KEYWORD,PING,PORT,HEARTBEAT
port integer Port to monitor when using monitor sub type PORT
keywordType string Keyword type when using monitor type KEYWORD, one of: EXISTS,NOT_EXISTS
keywordValue string Keyword value when using monitor type KEYWORD
interval integer The interval for the monitoring check (300 seconds by default)
httpUsername string Used for password protected pages when using monitor type HTTP,HTTP or KEYWORD, deprecated: use httpAuthSecret
httpPassword string Used for password protected pages when using monitor type HTTP,HTTP or KEYWORD, deprecated: use httpAuthSecret
httpAuthSecret string reference to a Kubernetes secret in the same namespace containing user and password for password protected pages when using monitor type HTTP,HTTPS or KEYWORD
httpAuthType string Used for password protected pages when using monitor type HTTP,HTTPS or KEYWORD, one of: BASIC_AUTH,DIGEST
httpMethod string The HTTP method to be used, one of: HEAD,GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE,OPTIONS
postType string The format of data to be sent with POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS requests
postContentType string The Content-Type header to be sent with POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS requests, one of: TEXT_HTML,APPLICATION_JSON
postValue object The data to be sent with POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS requests
customHttpHeaders object Custom HTTP headers to be sent along monitor request, formatted as JSON
customHttpStatuses string Allows to define HTTP status codes that will be handled as up or down, e.g. 404:0_200:1 to accept 404 as down and 200 as up
ignoreSslErrors boolean Flag to ignore SSL certificate related issues
alertContacts string Alert contacts to be notified when monitor goes up or down. For syntax check https://uptimerobot.com/api/#newMonitorWrap
mwindows string Maintenance window IDs for this monitor


For Ingress resources the same parameters are supported. You pass them through annotations attached to your Ingress with the prefix uroperator.brennerm.github.io/monitor.. See below for an example.

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
    uroperator.brennerm.github.io/monitor.type: HTTPS
    uroperator.brennerm.github.io/monitor.interval: "600"

To disable ingress handling completely pass the environment variable URO_DISABLE_INGRESS_HANDLING=1 to the operator.

Public Status Pages

The PublicStatusPage resource supports all current parameters for status pages that UptimeRobot offers. Below you can find a list that contains all of them.

key type description
monitors (required) string the list of monitor IDs to be displayed in status page (the values are seperated with "-" or 0 for all monitors)
friendlyName string Friendly name of public status page, defaults to name of PublicStatusPage object
customDomain string the domain or subdomain that the status page will run on
password string the password for the status page, deprecated: use passwordSecret
passwordSecret string reference to a Kubernetes secret in the same namespace containing the password for the status page
sort string the sorting of the monitors on the status page, one of: FRIENDLY_NAME_A_Z,FRIENDLY_NAME_Z_A,STATUS_UP_DOWN_PAUSED,STATUS_DOWN_UP_PAUSED
status string the status of the status page, one of: PAUSED,ACTIVE
hideUrlLinks boolean Flag to remove the UptimeRobot link from the status page (pro plan feature)
apiVersion: uroperator.brennerm.github.io/v1beta1
kind: PublicStatusPage
  name: my-public-status-page
  monitors: "0" # will include all monitors

Maintenance Windows

The MaintenanceWindow resource supports all current parameters for maintenance windows that UptimeRobot offers. Below you can find a list that contains all of them.

key type description
type (required) string the type of maintenance window, one of: ONCE,DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY
startTime (required) string the start time of the maintenance window, in seconds since epoch for type MaintenanceWindowType.ONCE, in HH:mm format for the other types
duration (required) number the number of seconds the maintenance window will be active
friendlyName string friendly name of the maintenance window, defaults to name of the MaintenanceWindow object
value string allows to specify the maintenance window selection, e.g. 2-4-5 for Tuesday-Thursday-Friday or 10-17-26 for the days of the month, only valid and required for MaintenanceWindowType.WEEKLY and MaintenanceWindowType.MONTHLY
apiVersion: uroperator.brennerm.github.io/v1beta1
kind: MaintenanceWindow
  name: my-maintenance-window
  type: DAILY
  startTime: "10:00"
  duration: 30

Alert Contacts

The AlertContact resource supports all current parameters for alert contacts that UptimeRobot offers. Below you can find a list that contains all of them.

key type description
type (required) string the type of alert contact, one of: SMS,EMAIL,TWITTER_DM,BOXCAR,WEB_HOOK,PUSHBULLET,ZAPIER,PUSHOVER,HIPCHAT,SLACK
value (required) string the alert contact's mail address / phone number / URL / connection string
friendlyName string friendly name of the alert contact, defaults to name of the AlertContact object
apiVersion: uroperator.brennerm.github.io/v1beta1
kind: AlertContact
  name: my-alert-contact
  type: EMAIL
  value: [email protected]

Planned features

  • provide a Helm chart to ease deployment ✔️
  • support all configuration parameters for Monitors that UptimeRobot offers ✔️
  • add support for creating Uptime Robot ✔️
    • alert contacts, ✔️
    • maintenance windows ✔️
    • public status pages using Kubernetes resources ✔️
  • implement automatic detection of HTTP path of Ingress resources
  • add an integration for external-dns to support creating monitors for Service resources
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