Collie is for uncovering RDMA NIC performance anomalies

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Collie is for uncovering RDMA NIC performance anomalies.



  • Two hosts with RDMA NICs.

    • Connected to the same switch is recommended since Collie currently does not take network(fabric) effect into consideration. But Collie should work once two hosts are connected and RDMA communication enabled.
  • Set up passwordless SSH login (e.g., ssh public/private keys login).

    • Collie currently uses passwordless SSH login to run traffic_engine on different hosts.
  • Google gflags and glog library installed.

    • Collie uses glog for logging and gflags for commandline flags processing.
  • Collie should supports all types of RDMA NICs and drivers that follow IB verbs specification, but currently we've only tested with Mellanox and Broadcom RNICs.

Quick Start

Environment Setup

  • Install prerequisites.
apt-get install -y libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev
  • Setup passwordless SSH login.

Build Traffic Engine

  • Build the traffic engine without GPU and CUDA:
cd traffic_engine && make -j8
  • OR buidl the traffic engine that supports GPU Direct RDMA:
cd traffic_engine && GDR=1 make -j8

NOTICE: GDR is supported only for Tesla or Quadro GPUs according to GPUDirect RDMA.

Please refer to traffic_engine/README for more details.

How to Run: Arguments and Examples

Collie uses JSON configuration file to set parameters for a given RDMA subsystem.

  • Configuration Example: see ./example.json

    • username -- Collie uses SSH to run engines on different hosts, so it needs the username for login.
    • iplist -- the client IP and the server IP, given in a list.
    • logpath -- the logging path for Collie. Users can get detailed results of anomalies and the reproduce scripts for Collie here.
    • engine -- the path for traffic engine.
    • iters -- at most iters tests that Collie would run.
    • bars -- user's expected performance.
      • tx_pfc_bar -- TX (sent) PFC pause duration in us per second.
      • rx_pfc_bar -- RX (received) PFC pause duration in us per second.
      • bps_bar -- bits per second of the entire NIC.
      • pps_bar -- packets per second of the entire NIC.
  • Quick Run Example

python3 search/ --config  ./example.json


Collie consists of two components, the traffic engine and the search algorithms (the monitor is included as a part of search algorithm).

  • Traffic Engine (./traffic_engine)

    Traffic engine is an independent part that implemented in C/C++. Users can use the engine to generate flexible traffic of different patterns. See ./traffic_engine/README for more details and examples of complex traffic patterns.It is recommended to reproduce the anomalies (see Appendix of our NSDI paper) with the tool.

  • Search Algorithms (./search)

    Our simulated-annealing (SA) based algorithm and minimal feature set (MFS) are implemented in python scripts.

    • -- the search space. Space defines the search space (upper/lower bounds, granularity for each parameter). Each Point has several Traffics (e.g., one A->B and one B->A). Each Traffic has two Endhost, one server and one client, as well as many other attributes that describe this traffic (e.g., QP type).
    • -- given a point, running collie_engine to set up the corresponding traffic described in the Point. If users need to set up traffics in different ways (rather than SSH), please modify the Engine class.
    • -- the simulated-annealing based algorithm and minimal feature set algorithm are implemented here. If users need to modify the temperature and mutation logics, please modify here.
    • -- logging assistant functions for logging results and reproduce scripts.
    • -- monitor performance counters and collect statistic results based on vendor's tools.
    • -- monitor diagnostic counters and collect statistic results based on vendor's tools. (Unfortunately currently diagnostic counters tools like NeoHost is not publicly available and open-sourced, so we only provide performance counter based code for NDA reasons.)
    • -- read user parameters and call SA to search.


Collie is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.

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