iBOT: Image BERT Pre-Training with Online Tokenizer

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Image BERT Pre-Training with iBOT iBOT Icon


Official PyTorch implementation and pretrained models for paper iBOT: Image BERT Pre-Training with Online Tokenizer.

[arXiv] [BibTex]

iBOT framework

iBOT is a novel self-supervised pre-training framework that performs masked image modeling with self-distillation. iBOT pre-trained model shows local semantic features, which helps the model transfer well to downstream tasks both at a global scale and a local scale. For example, iBOT achieves strong performance on COCO object detection (51.4 box AP and 44.2 mask AP) and ADE20K semantic segmentation (50.0 mIoU) with vanilla ViT-B/16. iBOT can also extract semantic-meaningful local parts, like dog's ear 🐶 .

Update 🎉

  • December 2021 - Release the code and pre-trained models.
  • November 2021 - Release the pre-print on arXiv.


See installation structions for details.


For a glimpse at the full documentation of iBOT pre-training, please run:

python main_ibot.py --help

iBOT Pre-Training with ViTs

To start the iBOT pre-training with Vision Transformer (ViT), simply run the following commands. JOB_NAME is a customized argument to distinguish different experiments and this will automatically save checkpoints into the seperate folders.

./run.sh imagenet_pretrain $JOB_NAME vit_{small,base,large} teacher {16,24,64}

The exact arguments to reproduce the models presented in our paper can be found in the args column of the pre-trained models. We also provide the logs for pre-training to help reproducibility.

For example, run iBOT with ViT-S/16 network on two nodes with 8 GPUs for 800 epochs with the following command. The resulting checkpoint should reach 75.2% on k-NN accuracy, 77.9% on linear probing accuracy, and 82.3% on fine-tuning accuracy.

./run.sh imagenet_pretrain $JOB_NAME vit_small teacher 16 \
  --teacher_temp 0.07 \
  --warmup_teacher_temp_epochs 30 \
  --norm_last_layer false \
  --epochs 800 \
  --batch_size_per_gpu 64 \
  --shared_head true \
  --out_dim 8192 \
  --local_crops_number 10 \
  --global_crops_scale 0.25 1 \
  --local_crops_scale 0.05 0.25 \
  --pred_ratio 0 0.3 \
  --pred_ratio_var 0 0.2

iBOT Pre-Training with Swins

This code also works for training iBOT on Swin Transformer (Swin). In the paper, we only conduct experiments on Swin-T with different window size:

./run.sh imagenet_pretrain $JOB_NAME swin_tiny teacher {16,40} \
  --patch_size 4 \
  --window_size {7,14}

For example, run iBOT with Swin-T/14 network on five nodes with 8 GPUS for 300 epochs with the following command. The resulting checkpoint should reach 76.2% on k-NN accuracy, 79.3% on linear probing accuracy.

./run.sh imagenet_pretrain $JOB_NAME swin_tiny teacher 40 \
  --teacher_temp 0.07 \
  --warmup_teacher_temp_epochs 30 \
  --norm_last_layer false \
  --epochs 300 \
  --batch_size_per_gpu 26 \
  --shared_head true \
  --out_dim 8192 \
  --local_crops_number 10 \
  --global_crops_scale 0.25 1 \
  --local_crops_scale 0.05 0.25 \
  --pred_ratio 0 0.3 \
  --pred_ratio_var 0 0.2 \
  --pred_start_epoch 50 \
  --patch_size 4 \
  --window_size 14 

Pre-Trained Models

You can choose to download only the weights of the pretrained backbone used for downstream tasks, and the full ckpt which contains backbone and projection head weights for both student and teacher networks. For the backbone, s denotes that the student network is selected while t denotes that the teacher network is selected.

Arch. Par. k-NN Lin. Fin. download
ViT-S/16 21M 74.5% 77.0% 82.3% backbone (t) full ckpt args logs
Swin-T/7 28M 75.3% 78.6% \ backbone (t) full ckpt args logs
Swin-T/14 28M 76.2% 79.3% \ backbone (t) full ckpt args logs
ViT-B/16 85M 77.1% 79.5% 83.8% backbone (t) full ckpt args logs

We also provide the ViT-{B,L}/16 model pre-trained on ImageNet-22K dataset.

Arch. Par. k-NN Lin. Fin. download
ViT-B/16 85M 71.1% 79.0% 84.4% backbone (s) full ckpt args logs
ViT-L/16 307M 70.6% 81.7% 86.3% backbone (s) full ckpt args logs

To extract the backbone from the full checkpoint by yourself, please run the following command where KEY being either student or teacher.


python extract_backbone_weights.py \
  --checkpoint_key $KEY \

Downstream Evaluation

See Evaluating iBOT on Downstream Tasks for details.

Property Analysis

See Analyzing iBOT's Properties for robustness test and visualizing self-attention map:

iBOT Global Pattern Layout

or extracting sparse correspondence pairs bwtween two images:

iBOT Global Pattern Layout

Extracting Semantic Patterns

We extract top-k numbered local classes based on patch tokens with their corresponding patches and contexts by running the following command. We indentify very diverse behaviour like shared low-level textures and high-level semantics.

python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
    --master_port=${MASTER_PORT:-29500} \
    analysis/extract_pattern/extract_topk_cluster.py \
    --pretrained_path $PRETRAINED \
    --checkpoint {student,teacher} \
    --type patch \
    --topk 36 \
    --patch_window 5 \
    --show_pics 20 \
    --arch vit_small \
    --save_path memory_bank_patch.pth \
    --data_path data/imagenet/val
iBOT Local Part-Level Pattern Layout

The script also supports to extract the patern layout on the [CLS] token, which is actually doing clustering or unsupervised classification. This property is not induced by MIM objective since we also spot this feature on DINO.

python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
    --master_port=${MASTER_PORT:-29500} \
    analysis/extract_pattern/extract_topk_cluster.py \
    --pretrained_path $PRETRAINED \
    --checkpoint {student,teacher} \
    --type cls \
    --topk 36 \
    --show_pics 20 \
    --arch vit_small \
    --save_path memory_bank_cls.pth \
    --data_path data/imagenet/val
iBOT Global Pattern Layout


This repository is built using the DINO repository and the BEiT repository.


This repository is released under the Apache 2.0 license as found in the LICENSE file.

Citing iBOT

If you find this repository useful, please consider giving a star and citation:

  title={iBOT: Image BERT Pre-Training with Online Tokenizer},
  author={Zhou, Jinghao and Wei, Chen and Wang, Huiyu and Shen, Wei and Xie, Cihang and Yuille, Alan and Kong, Tao},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.07832},
Bytedance Inc.
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