Canonical Capsules: Unsupervised Capsules in Canonical Pose (NeurIPS 2021)


Canonical Capsules: Unsupervised Capsules in Canonical Pose (NeurIPS 2021)



This is the official repository for the PyTorch implementation of "Canonical Capsules: Unsupervised Capsules in Canonical Pose" by Weiwei Sun*, Andrea Tagliasacchi*, Boyang Deng, Sara Sabour, Soroosh Yazdani, Geoffrey Hinton, Kwang Moo Yi.

Download links


⚠️ If you use this source core or data in your research (in any shape or format), we require you to cite our paper as:

   title={Canonical Capsules: Unsupervised Capsules in Canonical Pose},
   author={Weiwei Sun and Andrea Tagliasacchi and Boyang Deng and 
           Sara Sabour and Soroosh Yazdani and Geoffrey Hinton and
           Kwang Moo Yi},
   booktitle={Neural Information Processing Systems},


Please install dependencies with the provided environment.yml:

conda env create -f environment.yml


  • We use the ShapeNet dataset as in AtlasNetV2: download the data from AtlasNetV2's official repo and convert the downloaded data into h5 files with the provided script (i.e., data_utils/

  • For faster experimentation, please use our 2D planes dataset, which we generated from ShapeNet (please cite both our paper, as well as ShapeNet if you use this dataset).

Training/testing (2D)

To train the model on 2D planes (training of network takes only 50 epochs, and one epoch takes approximately 2.5 minutes on an NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti):

./ --log_dir=plane_dim2 --indim=2 --scheduler=5

To visualize the decompostion and reconstruction:

./ --save_dir=gifs_plane2d --indim=2 --scheduler=5 --mode=vis --pt_file=logs/plane_dim2/checkpoint.pth

Training/testing (3D)

To train the model on the 3D dataset:

./ --log_dir=plane_dim3 --indim=3 --cat_id=-1

We test the model with:

./ --log_dir=plane_dim3 --indim=3 --cat_id=-1 --mode=test

Note that the option cat_id indicates the category id to be used to load the corresponding h5 files (this look-up table):

id category
-1 all
0 bench
1 cabinet
2 car
3 cellphone
4 chair
5 couch
6 firearm
7 lamp
8 monitor
9 plane
10 speaker
11 table
12 watercraft

Pre-trained models (3D)

We release the 3D pretrained models for both single categy (airplanes), as well as multi-category (all 13 classes).


To use our classification script:

python --data_dir=/path/to/saved/features --feature_type=caca --method_type=svm --use_kpts
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