Group Management Bot



A Powerful, Smart And Advance Group Manager
... Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon...


⭐️ Thanks to everyone who starred Shadow, That is the greatest pleasure we have !

Available on Telegram as Shadow

🏃‍♂️ Easy Deploy


Generate String Session << Select telethon

❤️ Support

Self-hosting (For Devs)

# Install Git First (apt-instll git)
$ git clone
$ cd Shadow
# Upgrade sources
$ bash
# Install All Requirements 
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Rename ./Shadow/data/bot_conf.yaml.example to bot_conf.yaml and fill
# Start Bot 
$ python3 -m Shadow

Mandatory Vars 📒

[+] Make Sure You Add All These Mandatory Vars. 
    [-] API_ID:   You can get this value from
    [-] API_HASH :   You can get this value from
    [-] STRINGSESSION : Your String Session, You can get this From Repl or BY running String_Gen File Locally
    [-] MONGO_URI : Your Mongo DB DataBase Url. .
    [-] TOKEN: Get from botfarther
    [-] DATABASE_URL: from
    [-] OWNER_ID: ur id
    [-] MONGO_PORT: 27017
    [-] MONGO_DB': 'Shadow'
    [-] REDIS_URI: from (remove port)
    [-] REDIS_PORT: At the end of uri
    [-] REDIS_PASS: pass
[+] The Shadow won't run without setting the mandatory vars.

😍 Credits

Special Credits

The bot is based on the original work done by TeamDaisyX and many other projects This repo was just revamped to suit an Anime-centric & comedy loving community. All original credits go to SophieBot and their dedication, Without his efforts, this fork would not have been possible!

All other credits mentioned on top of scripts

Anything missing kindly let us know at Shadow Updates or simply submit a pull request on the readme.


✪ Owners

✪ Developers

✪ Supporters

All who helped at a glance

This project exists thanks to these awesome developers and their codes and contributions. And credits goes to all who supported, all who helped and API & environmental equirement package devs and all projects helped in making this project. Special thanks to you for using bot

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