To run
- Ensure your Python is up to date, and install packages from requirements.txt
- Duplicate secrets-template.yaml, and name it secrets.yaml
- Insert your Discord Bot Token into secrets.yaml
- Run
Running Chess Night results tabulation
INFLITATOR Raycaster INFLITATOR is a raycaster made in Python3 with Pygame. It is a game built on top of a simple engine of the same name. An example
BUG OUTBREAK BUG OUTBREAK is a game of adventure and shooting. I am building the game for Github Game Off 2021. This game has 5 levels. You have to co
Before executing the script, make sure to turn on 'Less Secure App access' option from your gmail ID that will be used to send out the mails to all participants of the game. To do so, get going with
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A "guess the number" game on a GUI interface using Tkinter library🙂
Space-Invaders A classic alien shooting game. Description An open source game created by me and friends. How to play Install the latest python version
AXI_Combat AXI Combat is a networked multiplayer game built on the AXI Visualizer 3D engine. AXI Combat is released under th
wordlespoiler Allows you to email people wordle spoilers. Very beta, not as many features How to Use 1.) Make a new gmail account. Go to settings (Man
CP-Dueling Dueling Platform for Competitive Programming. Learn through Games. Setting Up Minimum Python version needed = 3.9.9 Install Virtualenv and
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GameBEye GameBEye is a Python Library to process Game Boy Camera images. Source code 📁 : Issues 🆘 : https://gith
dinoGame A near-exact clone of google chrome's no internet game, or the "google dinosaur game", with some additions and extras. Installation Download
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