Repositório para a Live Coding do dia 22/12/2021 sobre AWS Step Functions


DIO Live Step Functions - 22/12/2021

Serviços AWS utilizados

  • AWS Step Functions
  • AWS Lambda
  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon Rekognition
  • Amazon DynamoDB
  • Amazon Cloudwatch
  • Amazon Cloudtrail


  • Conta ativa na AWS

Roteiro de desenvolvimento

  • Criar uma tabela no Amazon DynamoDB
  • Criar duas funções AWS Lambda
  • Criar um bucket no Amazon S3
  • Criar uma máquina de estado no AWS Step Functions
  • Configurar uma trail no AWS Cloudtrail
  • Criar uma regra de evento no AWS Cloudwatch
  • Testar

Passos do desenvolvimento

Criar bucket no Amazon S3

  • S3 Console -> Create bucket -> Bucket name [seu_bucket] -> Create bucket

Criar tabela no Amazon DynamoDB

  • DynamoDB Console -> Create table - > Table name [nome_da_sua_tabela] -> Partition key [filename] -> Create table

Criar funções lambda

Função de extração de metadados do arquivo no Amazon S3

  • Lambda Console -> Create function -> Author from scratch -> Function name [extract-metadata-function] -> Runtime [Python3.8] -> Role [Create new role with basic Lambda permissions] -> Create function
  • Inserir o código no editor de código -> Deploy

Função para chamada da API do Amazon Rekognition

  • Lambda Console -> Create function -> Author from scratch -> Function name [rekognition-api-function] -> Runtime [Python3.8] -> Role [Create new role with basic Lambda permissions] -> Create function
  • Inserir o código no editor de código -> Deploy

Configurar políticas de acesso

  • Selecionar a função criada -> Configuration -> Permissions -> Execution role

  • Adicionar as seguintes Policies

    • CloudWatchFullAccess
    • AmazonRekognitionFullAccess
    • AmazonS3FullAccess
    • AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
    • AWSCloudTrail_FullAccess

Criar máquina de estado no AWS Step Functions

  • Step Functions Console -> State machines -> Create state machine -> Write your workflow in code -> Standard -> Inserir o código no editor -> Next
  • Name [nome_da_sua_state_machine] -> Execution role [Create_new_role] -> Create state machine

Configurar o CloudTrail

  • CloudTrail Console -> Trails -> Trail name [nome_da_trail] -> Storage location [Create new S3 bucket] -> Next
  • Events -> Event type -> Data events -> Switch to basic event selectors -> Individual bucket selection [read, write] -> Choose bucket -> Next
  • Create trail

Configurar regra de evento no CloudWatch

  • CloudWatch Console -> Rules -> Create Rule -> Event Pattern -> Service Name [Simple Storage Service] -> Event Type [Object Level Operations] -> Specific Operations [PutObject] -> Specific bucket by name [bucket_criado]
  • Targets -> Add target -> Step Functions state machine -> State machine [sua_state_machine] -> Create a new role for this specific resource
  • Configure details -> Name [nome_da_rule]
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