Authenticate your League of legends account on riot client in a few lines of code.


lol-authenticator v1.0.0

Content index

Project Setup


  • Python v3.9.6
    • If you don't have Python installed on your machine, we recommend using PyEnv to install it.

Download repository

Access the location of your projects via terminal and download from the repository.

$ git clone [email protected]:cassiompf/lol-authenticator.git

Installation of dependencies

The pipenv tool will install all the libraries that were defined in the project's Pipfile.

$ pip install pipenv
$ pipenv install


First you need to open the file from the src/ location. You will find two lines like:

user_nickname = 'your-nickname'
user_password = 'your-password'

Replace 'your-nickname' with your nickname and 'your-password' with your account password to login correctly.

NOTE: Remember to run the code where the Riot Client is open.

Start project

$ pipenv run python ./src/



Cássio Fontoura
JavaScript, Java, Html5, Css3, Ruby, Vue.js, Python ~ Lover of freedom!
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